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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. I have 2 major beefs with the DW F-18. The canopy fit is bad, can't close properly. And if you want to display it with the airbrakes down, the thing doesnt sit flush. Other then that, its ok. Some bits have lousy paintjob but well, its not a very expensive item here. Hey David, my DW F-18 is the VFA-25 from USS Independence too. You got the same problems I have?
  2. 1:1 Scale Miria Rubber Doll?
  3. 134 hours more to go... sigh.... and yes, I am on cable.
  4. I think Japan was scraping the bottom of the barrel to put those 2 big honkers on the water. Example, they did not have the time or resources to put in a proper secondary armament. Those reused triple 6 inch turrets are a very visible example of the compromises they had to make. 1 inch armour?!?!? Thats really out of place on a ship with a 16 inch belt. Those final pics of the ship show the forward 6 inch ablaze.
  5. Hotdang! That guy did some serious work on his YF-21 or is it the VF-22? The tailess birds look really clean. Should do some serious supercruisin.
  6. Seriously, even if its a boot leg. The quality looks as good as the real thing. The box and inserts are high quality too. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and tastes like a duck....
  7. Probably the owner of the Alphas tagged em at 500 bux each. Then the dumb kid he hired as a stall attendant thought to himself "Half a grand for this made in Hongapore plastic crap? The boss must have tagged em wrong!" So he knocks off a zero. Wonder if he has been hung up by his gizzards yet? I still can't believe it! The pics really really look like a mint C-10 (heck C-11) condition original Gakken 1/35 Legioss!!!! WTF! FIFTY BUCKS?!!?!? WTF!!!?!?!
  8. There is no open/glass type canopy or pilot visor on the Q-Rau (unlike the VF-1 in fighter mode). So I imagine the Q-Rau pilot looks thru a Overteched LCD screen inside the cockpit. If the screen is very close to the pilots eyes, near sighted pilots won't need glasses. Like how short-sighted people don't need their glasses when looking thru telescopes. On another note. How do giant eyeballs on 50 ft humans work? Is minimum focal distance 5-10 cm away from the eye still or scaled up to 5-10 m away from the giant eyeball? Was it specifically stated that Max was short-sighted? Or were those just plain blue shades?
  9. French national team needed to practice penalty kicks for Euro 2004......
  10. Eh? What did I miss while I was away from the boards? Our Mr graham doesn't get to do dinner with the Yamato boss anymore?
  11. I don't really trust these newspaper articles. It may just be that they want to do a bit of exporting first. Apparantly there was a false report running out there that Singapore had inked a deal to buy 20. The local papers here later stated that it wasn't true and a decision between the F-15T and EF2000 will only take place early 2005. I got a funny feeling the EF2000 will be bought by Singapore. The one and only local paper has been running propagandalistic articles now and then on how advanced the EF2000 (either that or BAE is bribing the editor) is and how it is better then the F-15 etc etc. The way things work here, the articles are just to brainwash the public into thinking what a magnificent decision the govt. has made when the deal is finally announced next year.
  12. This is very confusing. If they are vintage Legioss, they will be worth several hundred dollars apiece. Why is he selling em for $50. If some company is re-issuing them........ Yippee!!! It'll be a kick in the nuts to HG and Toynami. Nyuk Nyuk! From the pics, it looks just as good quality as an original Gakken (if it isn't an original). If I was there I would have bought up his whole stock!!!
  13. Graham was asking about technical info on the Superslyph? I had the Yellow Sub box, it claims Mach 2.83 and engines with about 29k lbs thrust each.
  14. Blackjacks and Backfires need afterburn to maintain supersonic speeds even when clean right?
  15. The Chinese-Pakistani FC-1 looks a lot like the Tigershark. Wonder if its designed along the same concept.
  16. It really looks good. And the shade of blue as reflected in the pics looks really right.
  17. Would that have made for a crappy combat radius and made it good for point defence only?
  18. Its one of those things. Anyway, in the UK at least, they actually mean Indian/Pakistani when they say Asian. Chinese and Japanese etc are termed as Asians.
  19. My country (Singapore) was real close to buying the Tigershark in the 80s. I still have an old local defence mag with the Northrup advertisement in it for the F-20. And the main emphasis on the advert was the F-20s 'Fastest scamble time in the world' as they put it. But Taiwan got blocked in their attempt to buy it, and the US didn't buy it so if we bought it we would have been the sole users in the world which means parts support and upgrades are gonna suck. So poor Northrup..... One thing, considering it was an 80s plane, it was still using the old single barrelled cannons when every other teen series plane was on the Vulcan. Wonder why. Space? Weight?
  20. Try sending pics and a polite complaint to the papers or whatever. Bad press can sometimes get companies to move their butts
  21. But..But.. the 23 is so pretty! It'll look good and be worth the money even when its sitting in the hanger!
  22. I always thought that the 4 x 2 turret design is inferior to the 3 x 3 designs. 4 turrets give you 1 less gun. And its easier to knock out 1 turret if u have 4. Lose one turret and either way you have 6 barrels left working. Might as well save the weight and go 3 x 3.
  23. Its surprising how many people out there think that battleships are actually armoured all over. e.g. they think that stuff like Harpoons and Exocets and Silkworms would bounce off the Iowas no matter where it hits. In reality, only the most important areas (magazines, machinery etc) are covered. To cover the whole ship would make the armour so thin that smaller ships stand a chance of punching thru the armour. Look at the Bismarck. She didn't sink even when pumped full of 15inch hits since the armour at the vitals held up very well in most instances. But the rest of the ship was so wrecked that she was out of combat and service way before she sank.
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