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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Digging up this old thread. Finally some official SSD love. Although I wish it was Fine Molds or Kotobukiya doing it instead of Lego. http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/10221_UCS_Super_Star_Destroyer This old news here?
  2. Having seen both the Live-Action WW2 Yamato and Space Battleship Yamato movies, I'd agree that the CG in the Space Yamato movie looked better. The close in shots of the WW2 Yamato was great (they paid great attention to the details like hatches and gun shields and stuff) but once the camera zoomed out, it didn't look right. In terms of looks, I'd say the original WW2 Yamato looked better (the real ship, not the CG one). Space Battleship Yamato has the '60s/70s idea of spaceship design' which doesn't sit too well with me (80s child).
  3. I got hold of a Japanese copy (with Japanese subs...bleah) and after watching the opening battle, I was convinced that this was a GOOD movie and I needed to watch it with English subs because I couldn't make out what the hell was going on except that Big Brother Kancho Kodai was bravely sacrificing the Yukikaze to save Captain Bird's Eye. Is there a place to order a properly subbed copy online or someone point me somewhere?
  4. Does this have any merit? Something about the photo reminds me of a scale model and there seems to be pretty rough rivetting and stuff. http://www.china-defense-mashup.com/stealth-jh-7-fighter-china-is-developing-another-fifth-generation-fighter.html
  5. Frankly, I am sick of forward swept wings.
  6. Meguiar's Spray-On Kwik Wax for exterior. Armor-All UV protectant for interior. And yes, NOBODY EATS ANYTHING IN MY CAR!!!!
  7. This is a GOOD thread. Where is the Initial D love though? No Eurobeat lovers here I guess?
  8. More SW figures.... bleah! Where is my Fine Molds Executor Super Star Destroyer!?!?!?
  9. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?x=0&y=0&Word=&range=nameonly&SeriTxt1=&GenreCode=All&MacroType=All&Maker1=AOZ&Scale=All&Skill=&Dae=All&Dis=2&DisplayMode=images&Code=&utm_medium=itemblock&utm_campaign=AIR_page&utm_content=ibaoz.png F21A/S, F23S.... What are these? From some manga or anime? Pricy for 1/144 kits though.
  10. The 'Christmas Special' is not included?
  11. Yeah 8.9 is serious stuff. I think its not so easy to gauge the effects of an earthquake solely on whether its 8.9 or 7.2 etc. I am not an expert in this but IIRC, stuff like the terrain surrounding the epicentre, whether it is at sea or on land and also how 'deep' the quake was matters more than the magnitude of the quake. e.g. If the epicenter was 8km below the surface, it hits the floor with much more than if it was 20km down.
  12. We got the Galant VR-4s here (also transverse V6 twin-turbo) and no nightmare reliability stories.
  13. The 2010 Lexus SC430 _had_ a cassette deck?!?!?!? WOW!!! Maybe the marketing dept at Lexus had figures that showed most of the buyers came from the mix-tape generation or something...
  14. Yeah, first cars tend to leave some lasting impression on drivers. Mine was a beat up KE70 1.3 carb 4-spd manual. Still have a soft spot for old Toyotas thanks to it.
  15. I don't live in the US. So we got the FTO here. Did not sell too well and I don't see any on the roads now. We also got the Galant-VR4 (the last 2.5 v6 one). Cousin had one and it was nice. I wonder though, how many of the current non-turbo Lancer owners actually would have bought a different car if there had been no Evo X?
  16. On the subject of Mitsubishi, back when I first got my licence, the car I lusted after was a Colt Starion Turbo (nothing to do with Jackie Chan and the Cannonball run movie though, I just liked the Turbo RWD). And some time later, there was this beautiful car called the 3000 GTO. As for Subaru, I hate the fact that they had to nerf all their export engines. I really wish my Legacy GT had a bit more compression ratio because the boost takes really long to come on and without boost, the low compression block is a real sluggard.
  17. Anyone photoshopped the Hinomaru on the Typhoon yet? If I was to bet 10 bucks, I'd still say the Americans take the deal.
  18. He should have used the Shoryuken! Silly guy! Anyway, I belong to the camp that says: 1. Bruce was an incredible athelete and showman 2. Use a time machine, throw him into today's MMA ring without any hints and even a mid-tier MMA professional will likely surprise and beat him. 3. I think he was still talented and hardworking though, so give him time to train in today's environment and he should be top-ranked in his weight class for current MMA. I messed with different martial arts over the last 30 years and nothing I have seen convinces me that you can overcome size/weight with technique. Guys faster and better skilled than me couldn't do much to me if they were >5kg lighter(ok I am sure many lighter guys out there could kill me but I wasn't exactly fighting professionals). And those bigger guys* clobbered me good. *I did not use my Dragon Punch/Dim Mak/Fist of North Star/Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique/18 Dragon Slaying Kicks because according to the ancient rules such techniques are not meant for showing off or friendly fights and my Shaolin/Wudang/White Lotus Sect Masters said I was not to hurt people.
  19. Waiting for the inevitable F1 vs MP4-12C shoot-out on Top Gear.
  20. 1. Because you fitted 22 inch Bling Bling wheels to your car? 2. Because mine has so much power I am spinning all 4 wheels?
  21. Yes but the posted speed limit is set in a subjective manner.
  22. Nightdare's posts shows that he is a rider, not a driver! Anyway, nothing wrong with claiming to be above average. As for the whole concept of 'Speeding'. Well, what is speeding? Pretty relative concept. A guy going 50mph on the freeway might think the 100mph guy is a dick but my granny going 25mph might think the 50mph guy is a dick too. Anyway, my stand is 'It is not 'speeding' that is dangerous, it is bad driving'.
  23. Then take your pick of the AIs from Electric Dreams, Christine (ok not AI) or Stealth or Space Odessey 2001. I dunno man, they can't even make reliable basic electronic features on some cars. Wouldn't trust em to drive.
  24. I guess there is a moderate path. There are still a lot of features which seem to be there because the manufacturers need to have some marketing gimmick and outdo each other and be the first. Cut out that fluff and you save a lot of fuel and other consumables from weight saving. As for safety, well, put it this way. When does it stop? A newish 3600lb Camry is a lot safer than a 1800lb Corolla from 1979 but driving in an 8000lb armored A8 is safer than the Camry and driving in an 120,000 lb Abrams is safer yet! I don't have the answers but really, about 100-200lbs should be easily cut from most new cars without affecting safety if the manufacturers don't push all these nanny features.
  25. Stuff that into a 3600lb sedan or 2800lb coupe and I'd gives the manufacturer a thumbs up. Stuff it into a 4500lb Smart Activity Life Intelligence Sport Crossover with 9 speed automatic + 256 nanny features and it'll be purchased by idiots who will hold up traffic, block your view and cause insurance premiums to go up because when they crash, 4500lbs x 400hp = lots of momentum.
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