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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. When the plumbing springs a leak, hoo boy!
  2. 1 Trillion is heck of a lot! Unless that place is the size of Jupiter. Imagine Earth with 100+ times the current population!
  3. Should be 1 Galaxy only. Even in the EU. They never went extra-galactic. For the canon movies, I guess we can take hint from Vader offering Luke to rule the 'Galaxy' together and not 'Universe' or 'Galaxies'.
  4. Seeing Lucas's history to sell out (Ewoks! Jar-Jar!). I'll bet that any new series would be aimed at the Britney Spears crowd. So expect teenagers with lightsabers and funky hairstyle and low-brow plots.
  5. The ill-fitting, no make that 'totally doesn't fit' canopy on the DW Hornet pisses me off the most. I tried every which way but its always skewed to one side when closed. Totally spoils it! I don't know enough about intakes and antennae and burner cans but I sure as hell can see a big gap in the canopy.
  6. I think it might have made a good B-29 interceptor. The firepower was certaintly nice and concentrated on the nose. But even if it made it to production, the japanese wartime powerplants (esp. the later ones with outputs over 2000hp) weren't all that reliable. Another thing is that even though many of the later Axis planes were certaintly superlative by WW2 standards (e.g. Ta152, Shinden etc etc), it should be noted that if the war was extended and they made it to _full_ production, they would be facing Allied planes which would also be superb by WW2 standards. Stuff like the Centaurus powered Tempest and the Bearcat. They won't be meeting Spitfire MkIX and Hellcats.
  7. Guys! Can you imagine if Toynami REALLY did that...... Guess how many parts would fall off, disintegrate, two left feet, missing and snap off even before we open the box!
  8. I guess they would carry no ammo. If they _did_ carry the ammo I am pretty sure the pilots and groundcrew would jury rig it to fire by shoestring pull if necessary.
  9. I thought the big ones were generally radar-guided, while the little ones (like Stinger) were heat-seekers. Don't have time to look up the details right now, so someone else will probably set me straight if necessary. Anything medium range and above are almost always radar guided. I can't even think of a current medium range SAM that is IR at all.
  10. Wait, you mean they installed the whole damn gun back in but it _cant_be_fired_? Or was the ammo deleted?
  11. Its not that. The Japanese just prefer to launch their aircraft from carriers which either are submersible or capable of flight. So they'll hold their yen until such tech becomes available.
  12. Its not the best or even anywhere near the most accurately modelled but I had the MOST FUN in my flight sim life with Jetfighter 2!!!! They had the F-23 , F14, F16 and F18 .Neat carrier landings (fun dropping the F-16 without arrestor hooks on deck! IIRC, you had to stall the bird just as you reach/hit the carrier's aft). I remember they modelled the F-23 with so much thrust you could pull nutty aerobatics. Graphics were great for its time too. And the 80's synth style intro music.
  13. I asked some RSAF pilots and I seemed to get the impression that the A-4S can outclimb the F-5E and out-accelerate in the lower speed range. The engines spool up faster too.
  14. Think we can convince Shawn and Graham to use that pic for the MW titti.. erhm I mean title page?
  15. Ill take your advice Please do! REALLY! I really hate Toynami after buying the MPC Alpha Rook. Been kicking myself mentally everytime I see it sitting in the unwanted corner.
  16. I have never seen these stuff in the toy shops in my country. But 1:18 scale sounds improbably HUGE! Su-27 and F-14 in 1:18 scale is crazy! Which kid/collector has space for monsters like that? I'd need to throw out the TV to make space for the F-14, the stereo for the Su-27 and the fridge for the F-15....
  17. just like at mcdonalds Yeah, just like that pic of the nicely stacked Big Mac vs the soggy mess in your hand. But a Happy Meal never cost me 80 bucks!!!
  18. Hrrrmph. To all those who have not bought but are contemplating buying an MPC Alpha. DON'T BUY IT!!! I got a rook and it sucks so bad. The pics on the net look 3 times better then the thing does in real life. Bloody QC is worse then Yamato. They don't even bother to cut the pieces from the sprue tree properly. Mine has huge scar marks on the cut points. Toynami really does suck!
  19. hahaha, go buy one and find out... yup! if you do get one, make sure to wear gloves and a blind fold. gloves so you can't actually feel the craptastic-ness, a blindfold so it doesn't bother your eyes when you look at it. Question. Do all the MPC's (alphas and VF-1s) have the same crappy sprue cut marks or did the factory sprue-woman take out her frustration on my poor Houquet? BTW, I want to write a polite letter to Toynami. Anyone have their mailing address?
  20. Woah what? I just purchased the Rook (its still Houquet in my book!) Alpha and I quite regret it! The thing looks floppy when viewed sideways in fighter mode, and the sprue cuts are incredibly obvious and ugly! An 8 year old kid with a pair of proper sprue cutters could cut better then that! But the thing that bugs me most is not the obvious and reasonably easy to fix flaws, but the _claim_ on the box liner that its the most accurate representation of a veritech blah blah blah no expense spared blah blah blah. Its like a slap in the face. You don't even bloody bother to mu*@f&**ng cut the parts of the sprue with reasonable effort and you call this a MASTERPIECE?!?!? I got number 947 btw. If the MPC VF-1 was a grade below the Alpha, I'd hate to think how crappy it would be. I've seen them on display on shelves, doesnt look like its a grade below.
  21. If they made a toy with 80% of those details, I'll pay big bucks even considering it can't transform.
  22. I don't think the 23 even needs the Phoenix to kick ass all over the skies. BTW, how long does it take to do a quickie repaint of an aircraft? If there was sudden war and that High-Viz bird needed the colours covered can they just do a 5-minute spray of the coloured areas (ignore aesthetics) or is there a more complicated process?
  23. Someone please tell me there are pics of that thing firing all guns. I wanna see it!!!
  24. Yup, thats what I love about the Yamato and what makes me think the original Valk design is the absolute best transforming thingamagic out there. Even when its in 'robot' mode it doesn't have many aircraft parts getting in the way (look at the TF binaltechs, beautiful in car mode but what a mess of windscreens and tyre in robot mode).
  25. I think Yamato is the most common company name in Japan, right after Dai Nippon.
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