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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Seriously. Do you even need a live test or compuer modeling or even calculations to figure that it wouldn't have worked? I wonder how Kelly would have reacted if this happened on his watch.
  2. Even aliens need to take a crap sometimes methinks.
  3. Was looking out the pothole during a recent flight and noticed that when the water (it was raining) is deep enough under the wing, the engine is running and the plane stationary, a nice watersprout/tornado spiral of white water will form from ground level up till the tip of the engine nacelle. Wonder if anyone ever saw this too?
  4. That first picture of the Hurricane immediately brought back memories of "Deluxe Car Wars Boxed Set". Many of the illustrations from that game were along that vein.
  5. I want 'Hotshots' in 3D. That part with the bow fired chicken should look great flying out of the screen!
  6. Well, hard to be racist for Yamato when the whole damn cast was Japanese!!! Looks like no one else survived the bombardment I think. It was the melodramatic acting that spoilt it for me (although I still enjoyed the movie, c'mon, its Yamato!). That last part when the whole freakin earth/humanity was about to get blown up and they still had time to make tearful monologues on the bridge was quite unbelievable! (pretty much like those Godzilla movies..) p.s. Oh and for Bay's Transformers. I still havent gotten past the insect robot looks to comment on the crappy story.
  7. I remember this movie as one I really really liked. I cant remember the damn plot though. I only remember the opening scene where this idiot jumps from the Eiffel Tower and a car chase scene with lots of black 911s and some supercar hidden under an old truck. Everything else I forgot but I remember liking the movie.
  8. Man, how many variants of the Gallardo has there been? It is starting to rival the Su-27/30/35 in variants!
  9. Just saw Lego's technical specs on the SSD. The nerd in me pops a couple of valves everytime I see that '144 TIE fighters and 250 Turbolasers' bullshit spec for the SSD.
  10. Shi Lang doesn't quite fit in with the naming conventions of all other PLAN ships and that name is not exactly without controvesy even in PRC itself. I highly doubt that will be or is the real name.
  11. I am not digging the very plain bridge area and the big fat flat featureless panels on the sides. Overall shape is good but as David said, Lego can't quite do an SSD justice without going 8 feet in length or something like that.
  12. Hell yeah! I can think of suitable paint schemes for the carrier and the air group too.
  13. You are not alone buddy! WTF? DYRL valks were grey!?!?
  14. Still wondering what they are going to call it. I can't ever recall any capital ship ever hitting the sea trails and nobody has no idea what ^&*! name it was.
  15. Looks mean from this angle!
  16. Eric Cartman from the South Park Movie.
  17. He actually isn't a bad driver as these rich toffs go. He clocked the fastest lap in the Hyundai on Top Gear (and his timings were consistent) The guy actually can drive.
  18. CG is ok if it is high-end CG I guess. For space ships like Star Destroyers I think _good_ miniature models are still better (look at what they managed in the 70/80s with Star Wars). For smaller scale objects (compared to Star Destroyers that is) like B-17s, I don't think models would be better than CG and when you want to show battle damage and flaming engines and flak hits, flying replicas dumping airshow smoke ain't gonna cut it. Don't even start on real world physics and movies.
  19. Silly American! Your government has been lying to you all these years. It was Cow and Chicken piloting it! Sheesh, whales piloting B-29s. Next thing you'll be telling me that crab people exist.
  20. Oh yeah of course. He'll have to fight off the Evil Japanese Ninja Chick hiding in the Enola Gay before that though.
  21. Then he'll still not yank the chute, glide onto the next Zero, yank the pilot out into the slipstream and take over the Zero before shooting down everyone.
  22. My first mental image is of a P-40 pilot baling out and firing at the A6M2 on his six with twin revolvers before he even yanks the chute....
  23. That is about as much a Hyundai as Monster Tajima's ride up Pike's peak was an Suzuki SX4. Mr. Bean and his F1.. sigh.. I feel the pain whenever stuff like F1 or F40 gets totalled.
  24. Exactly my point. By the time P-51Ds (as in that clip) appeared over Germany, no Luftwaffe front line Gruppes were equipped with E/F or even early G variants anymore. And from the spinner and port supercharger intake on that 109, it was definitely post E. Anyway, after that clip, I do want to fire up my IL-2 1946.... too bad I am not at home. Are they going to leave out the P-47 and Fw-190 in this entire movie?
  25. And am I seeing internal wing armament (2:00 to 2:01)on those presumably G model 109s? Poor resolution, can't see if there is a gondola there or just some wing bulge.
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