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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. So, what would happen if the kid who was the source of the 'cure' got stabbed with a bunch of cure needles huh?
  2. Given the wide array of mutant powers and available technology, I guess there are a zillion plot holes in such movies. BTW, wouldn't a pure lead sniper bullet (does Magneto's power work on non-ferrous metals?) or other material fired fom a mile out KO Magneto? Wolvie standing in front drawing the line was just asking for Magneto to rip his claws out and send them zipping around to kill everyone else. How come the Golden Gate bridge was still standing relatively straight after Magneto lost his powers? We can see that it's supports were ripped out and it was just the span supporting its own weight.
  3. Having the soldiers carry no metal isn't a big deal. Magneto could carry all the metal he wants with him. Besides, isn't there metal all over Alcatraz? But as David mentioned, if everyone used their powers fully, the whole movie would be over in 30 seconds.
  4. Since the Rhino is giving away on the stealth department by having external stores anyway, if you let a production F-23 hang stuff from its wings when necessary, the damn bird should be able to haul major truckloads of bombs thanks to its greater lifting area and thrust. It'll still be faster then the Rhino and when you are not hanging stuff off the wings, it becomes a$$-kick fighter #1 again. I am sure having the attachment points for external pylons would complicate a million and one things as well as affect the stealth factor even in pylons-removed mode but my point is that it'll probably still beat the Rhino in every parameter even with all the trade-offs. Besides, you need a Grumman bird on the carriers. Whats with Boeing everything these days. I am not forgiving them for re-naming all that stuff!
  5. Because no politician will risk his neck like that. If one of those planes shot down a US fighter because some politician authorised the sale of new seat covers for the Alicats, you can bet they'll never hear the end of it.
  6. At least their hands aren't too small...
  7. The HCM Sazabi looks good. Pics are up at HLJ's site. Hopefully they'll do a Kaempfer next.
  8. Clever marketing ploy actually. Make MP01 without trailer. Have fans ranting and craving for one. Then sell the damn thing after everyone already has an MP01 and have to buy another. If Toynami ever released a Beta fighter...
  9. How about letting the US set up a Subic Bay 2 or equivalent base in one of the islands? Pretty sure the US would _love_ such a forward base. Russia and China would blow their entire fuse box though.
  10. I think it will come with the Trailer. Amenbo's site has it up with pictures of the trailer and the price is in the 16-18k yen range. The original MP01 was only in the 10k range. So the extra 6-8k should be for the trailer. Edit: Oh, it also says Autobot Leader Convoy _and_ Container. Guess that should be it.
  11. Here is a link to more MPC SS pics and to place orders. http://www.amenbo.com/cgi-bin/list/toys/tf/new2-e.cgi Click on Starscream's pic on the site for more. I am waiting to see what kind of classic TF mess is going to appear on the belly in fighter mode before deciding to buy or not.
  12. I am waiting for South Park to rip on this subject. Anytime soon...
  13. Well, they are very poseable, but within their own limits (e.g. the big nut limitation). Don't expct as much flexibility as those old GI Joe figs with the rubber band thingy though. E.g. on the dougram, some of the joints allow 2D movement only, not 3D.
  14. The GT4 programmers probably also modelled the game physics based on the assumption of a 16 year old driver called Takumi who weighs 125 pounds instead of that 260 pound fatso Clarkson.
  15. Its not eraser rubber soft but PVC is still PVC. Don't expect a crisp paint job like in the pics too. Real thing is more matt and not as crisp. The linear cannon in my example wasn't the slightest bit warped though. But its still made of that PVC crap.
  16. I just picked up my Dougram today from the shop. Yes, it can do all those poses seen in the photos. But the thing is made out of that rubbery soft PVC stuff though. I was hoping for harder ABS plastic. One downside to the ability to do all that dramatic posing is that the figure can't stand straight. You see all those 'big nut' poses with the legs spread apart? You can only stand them that way. They won't close their legs! The pic of the Ingram above with the big nut pose says it all.
  17. Much as I'd like to see those high thrust 4th gen russian engines in a Tomcat (which should make the Iranian birds out accelerate the D), all reliable sources point to the Iranians still using the TF30. I don't have any data on the dimensions but which Russian turbine could theoretically bolt onto the F14 without having to redesign half the airframe?
  18. The first time I tried to pull the 'B' lever, I froze at the part where you had to rotate both arms forward to get them into Gerwalk. I was so terrified that it would snap. Left it in the bastard F/G mode until about 30 hrs later when I finally pushed the arms hard out of frustration. So it took about 2 days.
  19. And we can only fire the Main Gun Reflex Cannon in Storm Attacker mode.
  20. Ah, but does it make the transformers transforming noise? Graham 400077[/snapback] Only when he doesn't keep it oiled. I'd venture there are many of us who can change to "Storm Attacker" mode. 400096[/snapback] Have you seen my Daedalus Attack? You know, penetrate the target, open up with all ordnance....
  21. Well, I finished the game many times over without once having to check my six.
  22. Ha! French aircraft for Her Majesty's Navy? I'd take bets against that ever happening. The ghosts from Agincourt to Waterloo will surely have some strong opinions on that! Dock some more % chances of that happening if France meets and defeats the English team in the coming World Cup.
  23. Just make the damn Glaug and Tomahawk first!
  24. Doesnt the missile lose track of the stealth craft once the doors close though? So how did the Serbs track the Nighthawk long enough for the missile to reach the target? I don't suppose the pilot kept the bay doors open that long?
  25. Can anyone point out a site which carries lineart for the Hornet and the Rhino in the same scale side by side? Thanks!
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