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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Does anyone here own or played with the new Takara 1/18 dawg? I like the weathered paint scheme over the Yamato 1/12 version. Does anyone have both? I am torn between getting the Yamato or the Takara version.
  2. Are we going to see yet another variant of the Su-30? Su-30MKV?
  3. Never saw the show, but I think the proper term for the 'big shoulder gun' is Linear Turbo Cannon. Or AC/5 if its on a Shadow Hawk SHD-2H.
  4. David, aside from fancier lightweight materials, new engines and winglets, what makes the 747 Advanced so 'advanced'? Aerodynamically, what is majorly new about the plane? Do you think Boeing's claims about 17-19% savings per passenger over the A380 are anywhere accurate?
  5. A380 delayed by at least half a year. Cites 'Industrial' problems. Must be the European workers getting too pre-occupied with the World Cup! http://sg.news.yahoo.com/060614/3/41i3f.html
  6. The photoshopped coloured MP-03 looks like a G1 plane mode toy. It looked much better as an unpainted sculpt.
  7. I find the T2000 as fugly as the others. The grill looks wrong. Something about it reminds me of the Rover75. T600 is better but it does look less rounded and probably offers more drag. Do the manufacturers list the Cd of their products?
  8. Heh! When its not aircraft you don't care about 'blended designs' and aerodynamics eh? I suppose even the Coronado is a bit too 'rounded' for you? I don't like the Columbia too. Looks 'plasticky' somehow. Like those cheap fibreglass bodykits tacked onto cheap cars. But if I am a trucker, its a tough choice to choose between looks and fuel economy.
  9. I think words like 'Joint' (hey we can use it for the Navy/Marines, its not just some fancy air-force toy) and 'Strike Fighter' (multi-purpose, cheap! effective!) tends to sound nicer to the politicians. The should have named the YF-23 the Tri-Service Anti Submarine Close Support Air Dominance Strike Fighter Bomber Strategic Reconaissance Interceptor.
  10. If its a pure 1 vs 1 only. The SDF can always use the barrier shield and approach to point blank range. Then sit a few klicks away and wait while the enemy continues its bombardment. Will work for 1 vs 2/3/4etc etc as long as the enemy bunches up together.
  11. Hey, anybody got their Saab book yet? Wonder if it'll really come. Been like 9 months?
  12. You guys seen this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VO9zwhersfk
  13. Something like this. When you yank the stick back, the 'turn rate' measured in degrees/sec at the point where you yank the stick is the instantaneous rate. If you continue to hold the stick back, you continue turning, but usually at a reduced (in terms of deg/sec) rate. Thats the sustained rate.
  14. The downside is that we get a lot less toys! They have their 1/400 Musai while we are still waiting for our SDF.
  15. For the HKD2500 version, do we get anything approaching wmcheng quality?
  16. And Laplamitz liked 'Culture'.
  17. I find that the canards on the X-02 spoils the nicely blended shape of the YF-23. Would have preferred an X-02 without the canards. If canards are going to be put on, it'll look nicer without the ruddervators. 3 sets of wing areas (from top view) is a bit too cluttered for my liking. Am not a fan of forward swept wings too.
  18. Its all nice and good to be the bad-arse and cool arse-kicker with no questions asked in movies where you have good guys and bad guys clearly delineated. Doesn't work that way in real life.
  19. Come to think of it, isn't it better to use the modified PPB attack instead of the standard Daedalus move? Just concentrate the PPB like in the last episode and ram straight thru the enemy instead of wasting Destroid ammo? Of course, its still a tactically crap move compared to shooting the enemy from 20,000 miles away. For the Daedalus attack to work, both targets need to be practically stationary in zero range and thats pretty crazy for space combat. Matching vectors in zero-g is much harder then Star Trek makes it out to be.
  20. The scene between Iceman and Pyro was just too 'streetfighterish' for an X-Men movie. BTW, did the comics ever explain why Xavier's powers have to go thru the top/sides/back of a target's head? I mean, even with that helmet on, Magneto's front face and chin and neck was exposed. Couldn't whatever mutantbabble telepath wave Xavier was using just go into his brain thru the front?
  21. How about bringing in Ryu, Ken and Guile for X4? You know, Marvel vs Capcom?
  22. Was there ever a CF with Fast Packs/Strike ever seen on screen?
  23. 0.55 Boys Anti Tank Rifle! Where is my drink?!?
  24. I liked the Kaempfer vs Gundam in the last mecha fight from War in the Pocket. Its great because you can see each move as the mecha doesn't zip all across the screen and you can follow the action very well without a pause/replay button.
  25. On that subject, since we know that the cure is only temporary. Wouldn't Iceman be in for a shock halfway thru, ehmm, you know what with Rogue? Can't remember that Magneto bullet scene. But most bullets are metal jackets over lead cores.
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