Yeah, I am hoping that the Kotobukiya Shield Liger would lead to more articulated kits. Hopefully an Iron Kong (the gorilla form just begs for articulation!) and a Death Saurer.
I am very attracted to the mechanical precision of the moving joints. Never liked the Ligers (all the cats) that much. Nice to look at but they made too many and the movement sucks compared to stuff like Gojulas Giga and Iron Kong.
As for the anime, I got kinda cheesed off by how the hero melee attacks owns everything else. Stupid kid in the Liger just yells, shoves the throttle forward and BLAM, the Death Star 3 blows up!
I would have like more emphasis on the guns and missiles and charged particle beams. I love the way the zoid weapons are so easily interchangeable across the models for customisation.