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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. If they can make it like the D'stance kit in fighter mode I'll be all over it.
  2. If Kensei, Godzilla and Lord Kungfu buy in their usual volumes, I am sure the 21 will follow.
  3. Its extremely limited and all sold out now. But I hear they have Bootleg versions of them in HK shops. The bootleg comes without the 'split bow' firing action though!
  4. Was that the Limited Edition Nupetiet Vergnitzs version you bought?
  5. Maybe they'll have Blanka with slicked hair, wearing a suit and talking to his lawyer on his mobile phone.
  6. Is there a picture of an E without the CFTs? I'd love to see a picture of an unmounted CFT too! So what you are saying is that the late E would not be able to outperform a C when both are clean. i.e. The E with conformals but both vehicles with no external stores.
  7. Dave, I have seen arguments for both sides but how would the late E fare against the C in performance when 'clean'. Does the higher thrust more then compensate for the added drag of the CFTs and the permanent pylons and extra weight? Can the E match the straight line dash of the C? Thanks! Basically, if you wanted to go up and kill that Flanker, is it better to hop into a E or a C (ignore radar differences for this one).
  8. I thought the min spec and preferred ratio for HD was 1268 x 768? Could someone enlighten me on the diff between plasma, lcd and led TVs?
  9. I can imagine the amount of pedophiles in there....
  10. I don't play WoW. Were those actualy in-game animations? Surely some of the moves and especially the facial expressions and apparent lip synching were the result of edits? I suppose Hello Kitty Island Adventure is totally made up huh?
  11. looks more 'flyable' then those yukikaze drag magnets too.
  12. Hoping for the YF-21 to go with the 19.
  13. I felt that the Q-Raus did not sell too well because they were quite poorly done compared to the other Yamato stuff taking into account the selling price.
  14. Well, airlines don't make the bulk of their money from cattle class. Most major airlines now have pretty comfortable business and first class. Shut the people up with mass entertainment so that they ignore the lousy living conditions. Think this tactic has been in use for a long time...
  15. Look here now, the VF-1 is THE transforming airplane and we all love it but dangit we've all got shedloads of them by now. We don't need _another_ VF-1 line. Just gimme a 1/60 GLAUG! 1/60 Destroids! Gawdammit!
  16. Look here now, the VF-1 is THE transforming airplane and we all love it but dangit we've all got shedloads of them by now. We don't need _another_ VF-1 line. Just gimme a 1/60 GLAUG! 1/60 Destroids! Gawdammit!
  17. What exactly is it about the wiring that is causing them delays of over a year? Just hire Macgyver...
  18. SIA has been using the tagline "First to fly the A380" in its marketing materials for a long time now. I think its somewhere in the contract with Airbus that SIA _must_ be the first to fly it. So the airfreight companies might not be getting the A380 before SIA in any scenario.
  19. If you can fibreoptic up the cockpit displays to look like it appeared in DYRL. That'll be awesome in a dark room.
  20. How about that 747 from the Japanese movie 'The Returner'? Edit :oh, toys only. Scrub that.
  21. Here is my rough rundown. There is a 'Battle Story' in the back of the Japanese Zoids boxes. Each Zoid had a fragment of the 'Battle story' dealing with that zoid models involvement in the war. Generally, it was about a long war between the Helic Republic and the Zenebas Empire. Other factions included the Guylos Empire and the Neo Zenebas. No real hero mechs(zoids) here, more of an epic scale intercontinental war. The animes operate on a different plot from the 'battle story'. Its still about the Empire vs the Republic but we have 'Hero' mechs. For example, in the Battle-Story, it was the introduction of the Republic Madthunder which stemmed the assault of the Imperial Death Saurer. In the anime, predictably, the Death Saurer gets taken down by loud kid in a hero zoid who gets all his victories by screaming and throttling forward while the hero mech does its slow-mo melee attack-which-defeats-everything. Generally, the Chaotic Century and Guardian Force animes are good in my opinion. New Century Zero (treat it like a comedy), Fuzors (especially Fuzors) SUCK! Did i TELL YOU fuzors SUCKED? Never watched Genesis, but since the title character is some 12 year old kid in a liger again, well......
  22. Hey, looking at that comparison pic. It would mean that in Jet mode and Truck mode, the MP-01/02 are not in the same scale as the MP-03. An F-15 would be heaps longer/bigger then a Kenworth cabover!
  23. Here is a link for some 3-view posters of fighters if u are interested. http://combatsim.cpgl.net/paint/3d/now.htm
  24. I find the 1/48 VF-1 rear tyres to be too small still. The F-15 tyres are still relatively 'bigger' compared to those on the Yamato 1/48.
  25. This would make a good advertisement for Yamato. Glue Kills! Buy ready made toys! Kill your wallet instead of your brain!
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