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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. I think the block used is the older non-valvetronic Iron block. Might be wrong though.
  2. Had mine for over a week. Havn't transformed it yet. Now you making me paranoid! It just might end up being the most expensive plastic jet mode only toy yet!
  3. Yeah, the big nut+pelvic thrust stance just doesn't work for Dougram/Soltic and possibly Bigfoot. I like my zinc/plastic 1/72's much more even if they can't pose much. Regret getting the Dougram. Will pass on the Soltic too. Bigfoot might tempt me, only because I don't have a Battlemaster in any scale right now.
  4. Yup, I think the Prototype Rafale A was up in the air back in 1984!!!! Thats what 35 hour work weeks gives you I suppose.
  5. No, its a VF-0A and a VF-0S. Just badly drawn!
  6. Do you guys feel/think that the plastic used for this and the VF-1 is identical? I somehow feel that the VF-1's plastic is better/harder stuff. Maybe its just those damn wafer-rudders that give me that impression. So damn soft its feels like vinyl.
  7. He is probably paying in gratitute.
  8. If you want to switch stations, toggle the rear demister etc etc, isn't it better to have one specific button where you hit in a split second rather then have to 'idrive' thru the menus? (ok I only tried the first version idrive on the 7 series, not sure if they changed it. Can't see how though). Its like the old PCs where you just hit the power off button and it goes off compared to the new PCs where you hit 'start', then hit 'shut down', then hit 'confirm shut down'. Which is faster? As for M3 vs 335i, I'd rather take the E92 335D. Bags of torque.
  9. Would have made more sense for the outer wing to 'retract' sideways into the inner wings rather then swing forward while having those honking big split 'airbrakes'*** open up! I find too many anime planes with FSW and unecessary fins and spines. I am more a fan of the SR-71/YF-23 'blended' school of design. ***I guess this is one plane that can yaw faster then anything else in the air! Just 'brake' one wing!
  10. According to that article, the X-02 has variable geometry wings???? Where is the pivot point? I can't make it out.
  11. Well, for one thing, no Centrally mounted control yoke (but they already fixed that in DYRL to the HOTAS style). I think the canopy will be changed. More VF-0 style or single piece. Maybe 3D nozzles instead of 2D. If it was me designing it, it'll look like a YF-21. But without the stupid un-aerodynamic canopy buldge.
  12. And I still like the YF-23 more. X-02 has too many fins and spines for my liking. And having the canard located there doesn't seem right for aerodynamics.
  13. I am soooo getting that Kaempfer!
  14. That part with the Chinese black deal in The Departed : They could have gotten much better actors. Ugh! Those guy's weren't even speakin proper cantonese. Given the background, they should be speakin Mandarin anyway. Too bad they didn't get the original cast of Infernal affairs to cameo this scene. It would have been cool to see Tony and Andy make a cameo there.
  15. Whats this sucka made off? ABS plastic? Resin?
  16. I saw this in the shops and was debating whether to get em or now. Then I saw the raised skull on the heatshield. Ugh!!!
  17. I like the VF-0 fighter mode more. The VF-1 Batt and Gerwalk modes more. And the VF-1s GBP and FAST packs are way better then the VF-0s'. BTW, just got my first 1/60 VF-0. I love the pivoting rear landing gear but am I doing something wrong or is it supposed to be a biatch to get it deployed? It seems to be scraping hard against the gear doors when I prise it out. And are the rudders supposed to be so floppy?
  18. Thats about as gerwalk as a Glaug. I am not sure if the Glaug is the first 'chicken walker' mech. Can anyone point out some earlier chicken walker designs?
  19. Taken from wiki Grind House is a 2007 film that consists of two segments, of which both are feature-length attractions. One segment, Planet Terror, will be a zombie film written and directed by Robert Rodríguez. The other segment, Death Proof, will be a slasher film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. There will also be trailers advertising fake films between the segments. Grind House is expected to be released on April 6, 2007. Thats why I couldn't make head or tail out of that trailer! Its 2 movies and I think many of the scenes in the trailer are from the 'fake trailers' thats going to be sprinkled in the film.
  20. The stack of Marlboro Lights at the back of the pic! haha! Fits the colour scheme of Kakizaki!
  21. Ahahahahahaha! Gotta watch this.
  22. Hmm, how hard would it be to have turned the Concorde into a bomber (internal load)? OK it won't carry that much payload but you'll have a long range supercruisin bomber right back in the 70/80s right? The SR-71 is practically a ramjet at 3.2 right? Its not quite the traditional afterburner on virtually all other planes. Its 'supercruise' in the 'spirit of the term'.
  23. Are they any quieter in flight or do they make a racket like the F-16?
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