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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. If it goes through, yes. But I'd be surprised if it did.
  2. Thats it! Me not buying! Max 60usd I would pay for that!
  3. I had a chance to open one box to rifle through its contents (the Green, Yellow Dancer version. All the same I think, except the plastic colour and decals). Can't comment on how hard it is to build but the quality seems good. I was very tempted to buy it. To be fair, how many painted plastic models can take repeated transformations?
  4. Going a bit off tangent here but I watched 'Macross' in Singapore back in the 80s. It was on National TV and I don't think the broadcast Co uses bootleg stuff (i.e. I am sure it was licensed). But what I watched was "Robotech" Dubbed in Mandarin. Hikaru was called 'Rick' (or at least the mandarin equilvalent of 'Rick'). The Intro was Macross though (i.e. no robotech font). I suspect HG owning the International rights, just resold the unedited Macross to Singapore's broadcaster. In addition, across the border in Malaysia, they were showing Robotech (this one was definitely robotech because the intro had the big honking ROBOTECH words) dubbed in Malay. So I think HG actually made money reselling Macross to the rest of the world (at least to Singapore and Malaysia). Thats why they never entered into any expensive legal battles in a foreign country. They didnt need to because they sold the damn product! They may have sold both the unedited Macross or the edited Robotech but the fact is they were the ones selling it and not the Japanese Co.
  5. Isn't that mainly due to HG and their International rights more then anything else?
  6. Yeah, he and Misa could meet the Robotech Masters and the missing REF. Or the Invid Regis? "Oi! You punks! Go design your own mecha!" *Fires main gun*.
  7. I understand that in some places those queuing up for the past few days got heckled by passer bys? Anyone witnessed it? Oh and at these levels of re-sale pricing, I am sure there are many store employees who 'arranged things ' and got themselves/friends/family a few of these consoles and made a nice pre-Xmas bonus.
  8. I just had a look at ebay. $1500-2000 for the damn thing? And people are buying?
  9. Anyone mentioned the phrase 'broken hips' round this thread here yet?
  10. Thats not quite a bad idea. If you get the 1/60 VF-0, you get about the same deal as a 1/48 Vf-1 in terms of toy engineering. Only thing you will miss out on is the fantastic FAST packs and GBP armour for which the 1/48 scale surpasses every dang thing by parsecs. I have an MPC Rook which I want to get rid off. Interested? Never been transformed. Took it out of the box once and decided nah! I don't like it.
  11. Ok my 2 cents. Everything about the 1/48 is better then the 1/60- VF-1, except the damn bulbous canopy! PAH!
  12. I would have bidded for that! Didn't see it. I love the box. Yeah, now that the Yamato's are out, I find the box more attractive then the chunky munkey it holds.
  13. Maybe the only 25th anniversary celebration we will see is a 'MACROSS 25th' Gold Sticker on the friggin big box of the Yamato 1/60 YF-19. Since there is no time now to do a new series or OVA, I would be happy if they just re-issue an updated Perfect Memory and the Gold Book.
  14. I second that 'cluttered' comment. I wished he made the mecha 'cleaner'. Too many fins and bumps sometimes.
  15. Just got mine. The amount of parts and small bits is mind-boggling! This will take more then a weekend to slap together. The instruction manaul is beautiful.
  16. The best clue to them not being able to fix things is still Britai's broken bridge glass panel. If they can't replace a damn glass panel....
  17. Shops in Singapore taking orders at 125 usd now.
  18. There are some pics out on the net. You can slap the Blade Liger armour from the regular Zoids line onto this Koto Liger.
  19. Wouldn't it be funny if they packed it into a GIANT box, like Yamato's FAST pack valks...
  20. Only the Shield Liger for now. A Desert version is coming and after that, the Command Wolf. I am dreaming of an Iron Kong!
  21. Awww be fair here. Compared to the Vf-1 and the Alpha efforts, the FAST packs by Toynami were not so bad. Certaintly better then anything outside Yamato's stuff.
  22. I understand but water does take up weight too. And afterburners get you up to 50% more compared with the <10% you mentioned for water-injection. Could you save weight by having _small_ afterburners if you are looking for just 5-10% thrust increase? To extract something like 3-10% more power using water-injection from say a 15000 lb class engine. How many litres of water per second are we looking at? Did they ever make an afterburning water-injection combo? Or is that an engineering dumb move?
  23. I don't even recall pics of Me-262s being so smokey. Got a link to a pic of a B-52 or other plane smoking under water injection? Since water-injection results in small power gains but I assume those massive amounts of unburnt fuel represent fuel consumption hikes, isn't it better to just have reheat on the engines?
  24. So how does the black smoke factor in? What causes it? Always been curious about those B-52 pics where they smoke from all 8 jets on takeoff.
  25. I am not sure but IIRC, there is only 'Cruiser' and 'Storm-Attacker' modes right? Was there ever any reference to 'battle' mode in the series or the books?
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