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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. I can't read Japanese either. But their English site is easy to navigate enough. I was incredibly frustrated until I found out about their English site! English site here : http://www.amenbo.com/toj.html Just a rough comparison : Amenbo // HLJ Below RRP // RRP unless for early bird discounts or sales Choice of Shipping // No choice Online Stock Status // You'll never know when they'll tell you opps, no stock! Immediate Shipping Cost // Wait and see what we bill ya! 5% of cost in points rebate** // No loyalty points. **OK this is where amenbo needs to leave clear instructions. They don't! Any of you guys with the points and don't know how to use it, here is how. In the text box for shipping or other special remarks during ordering, just put in the text 'USE MY POINTS'. They'll automatically apply all your points balance as an equivalent yen discount. I got 2 orders absolutely free (incl shipping) this way. No, I don't own stock in Amenbo if you are wondering. I just don't understand HLJ's popularity over amenbo (except for the much wider range HLJ carries).
  2. Because no one will be able to understand the dialogue.
  3. Thats a pretty fantastic looking SD. That one is yours now? What is the cost like? Couple of thousand?
  4. Just a quick word on ordering from Japan (e.g. HLJ). I find that Amenbo is almost always cheaper then HLJ and they let you know immediately if there is stock (there is a running stock count on the web page). Plus they let you know the shipping on the spot based on the shipping method you choose. Between HLJ and Amenbo, I always go for Amenbo where possible.
  5. Its the Power of the Dark $ide!
  6. Those rims are hideous!!!
  7. The finishing on that bird does look 'coarser' then the latest US aircraft.
  8. *quotes edited for length* I have the ERTL kit. Its 15 inches. I know its not very accurate but as a stand-alone, I still love it. Can I see pics of the customised scratchbuilt SD you mentioned? Thanks!
  9. Inflation. Not just in the economic sense of the word but the general need to 'outdo' previous products and benchmarks. The world will move on and $400 plastic toys and $1200 consoles will come.
  10. Ever wondered how Burt and Kelly would have gotten along? After all, Kelly was famous for sticking to his 'look-good = fly good" theory. I'd like to see what would have happened if they were forced to co-design an aircraft.
  11. Ha! It is indeed Burt! http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology...166.html?page=3 Not as ugly as I thought it would be. FSW too! Seems like its designed more for safety in case of engine failures rather then aerodynamic efficiency.
  12. Ah thanks! Boomerang? That WW2 2nd line Aussie fighter?
  13. PHEW! I thought my eyes was wierd. I was wondering why the upper fuselage was warped too. OK OK OK, so what is this P-Effect?
  14. At least he didn't post the secret link to the Hentai Miria Section.
  15. Got a pic? What paints are recommended for resin? Oil? Acrylic? Enamel? I am terrified of messing it up since its not a mass produced kit.
  16. In case you were wondering, what I mostly hate about the EU is the 'Inflation' to the technology/vehicles/Jedi power. The Indestructible and Incredibly Cheesy Sun Crusher, creatures which negate force abilities, Jedi shifting orbiting star destroyers from planetside, force storms obliterating entire fleets, galaxy guns etc etc. Basically, using fan servicing technology and abilities instead of good ole plot/storyline to carry the day. And they keep blowing up the SSDs!
  17. Does anyone find that the vehicle looks a bit slanted? i.e. the foremost cockpit seems warped to the starboard side when compared to the vehicles vertical axis.
  18. Heh, actually I wouldn't even say that they concentrate on the ISDs and SSDs! There was only 1 mass production ISD kit from ERTL and zilch for the SSD. For such a mega franchise, the capital ships are sadly lacking in mechandise. Was the Interdictor Cruiser ever in the films or is it EU only? BTW, I absolutely HATE most of the EU stuff. Most of it is crap IMHO.
  19. The latest Revell kit for the Venator SD is pretty neat. Much better then the old ERTL ISD. At least the Starsip Battle SSD got the 13 engine thing correct. I just wish the detailing was sharper and not so lumpy/organic. Ah well, thats what my Scale Solutions order is for.
  20. I find the proportions on that a bit off though.
  21. The one the Indian Air Force is using.
  22. Just saw my first pics of MP Megatron. http://imagehost.vendio.com/bin/viewimage....takara_mp05.JPG I am gonna call him Poliotron!
  23. How about the 'Only works for 35 hours per week' software override?
  24. I just caved in after months of vacillation and ordered the Scale Solutions resin kit. Anyone else bought one? I have never painted resin, would appreciate any tips. BTW, what else is out there for SSD toys and models? Off hand I know of : 1. Scale Solutions Resin 300mm 2. Another Resin Kit (from Brazil IIRC) about 280mm long. 3. The Star Wars Collectors Fleet toy from Kenner. With lights and sound. Costs a bomb on ebay. 4. The recent star wars fleet battle collectible game has an SSD model/playing piece in it. Bout 120++mm long. 5. Rest is the small/fugly/deformed/crude micro machines/titanium series or Lego ones. Anything I missed? Could anyone kindly point me to a link with pics of the Kenner Toy (3 above)? I can only find small box pics of it on ebay. Thanks!
  25. His post at that time will consist of : Tee Hee Hee! Its 2359hrs here so its still the 6th. Which means I can't post the review yet! Tee Hee Hee! Or something like that...
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