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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. From all the sneak shots and trailers, it looks like everytime Godzilla or a Kaiju appears, it is: Dark Foggy Smoke Filled All of the above
  2. One Su-47 don't count. Lotsa ugly one-off pigs out there. But TWO! Hmmm, XB-70 anyone? If looks decided combat, a pair of XB-70s and YF-23s should suffice to take out everyone else air and ground. Yeah, I bet if the F-35 looked like the YF-23 or some of that Ace Combat stuff, people on the net would be supporting it and clamouring for more funds to stick extra particle cannons on it.
  3. Yup, the NSX too. Although it is separate from the rear quarter panel (and is technically still part of the boot) but the design philosophy is there. But then again, the F40's boot and rear quarter panel is kinda fused but you get the idea of what I mean. The original NSX with the pop up lights is another of my all time fave designs.
  4. 1.) Is the F-35 really that flawed or do people give it a hard time cos it is not a good looker and replaces many old favourites? Plus it doesn't have nice paper stats on top speed and cant carry 10 AA missiles. 2.) The development issues it is facing, are they unreasonable for a 21st century fighter program? Stuff like the Rafale, EF2000, J-10 (all arguably less ambitious) took decades too but no one gave em a hard time for that. And their problems just got less internet air-time I suppose.
  5. I am no expert but the way this guy disses the F-15 as 'full of unecessary junk' just makes me think he is still living in the Vietnam WVR gun and tail-aspect IR missile era. And he thinks 'stealth' is totally useless? What would he recommend then? Gripens and J-10s?
  6. What?!? None of you noticed that the VF-1 resembles an F14?!?!?!
  7. I liked the F40 for its design. They way it combined pop up lights with flush lights on the nose. The way the spoiler rises flush from the rear quarter panels(ok in this case the rear quarter panel was the bootlide sides) instead of struts on the boot. (On that subject, I cant think of any other production car with this feature, is there any other where the spoiler is flush with the sides instead of using struts on the boot?) I started reading about cars about the time the F1 was hitting the road. It had already eclipsed the F40 by a league in terms of performance but I still liked the design of the F40 better. It was the ultimate representation of the late 80s school of origami car design.
  8. crap, looks like they found ways to avoid my dream of a full defence contractor catalog nerd-fest by masking Godzilla in the water and in dust and smoke. Bah! Still, take my money!!!
  9. So is it more of a '5th gen thinner wings' thing or that the new fangled electrical actuators are bulkier? I would have thought that vintage interceptors like F-104 and Mig-25 wings are as thin as you would get and those had no bumps. Was the YF-23 even using electric actuators? Or it had hydraulics? I don't even remember the YF-22 having the 'bumps'. Was it on hydraulics too?
  10. Yeah, I saw who wrote the article, the first mention of F-35 and knew sort of where the article is going. Then he goes on to hype theoretical future capabilities for the PAK-FA to futher stack the deck against the JSF.
  11. Ferrari F40! That car would be ruined without the square bookshelf spoiler. As for the STi, I am quite disappointed they kept the EJ25. I was looking to maybe replace my 08 LGT with it but seems a bit dumb to basically get a car 7 years newer but with the same engine! The EJ is a trusty engine which is relatively cheap to wring more power from but it is really getting old. The fuel consumption is quite horrendous compared to the modern turbo direct injection engines and of course the low end lack of urgency is another penalty.
  12. HWHAT!! You can't explain an aviation topic!?!?!? THE END IS NIGH!
  13. Sadly, I am very sure we won't even see 1% of the afore-named catalogues/weapons in action. Much more chance of peacenik stopping the nuke launch happening. And 'human drama' in the form of individual troops running around with small arms instead of a Tico emptying her entire VLS system in one salvo from stand-off range.
  14. So does that mean : 1. The F22/T50/J20 have thinner wings? OR 2. The YF-23 in sacrificing those huge actuators, have lower deflection rates on the control surfaces? I mean, The teen series dont have those bumps either, so do they (the the teen series) have thicker wings or is there something inherent in the stealth shaped wing which neccesitates having those bulges? Is it possible to get rid of the bulges on the F-22 if one were to settle for slower deflection rates on the control surfaces? Thanks for any answers in advance. I am quite curious on this subject for some time.
  15. Question, why does the F-22 and J-20/T-50 prototypes need those little bulges on the underside of the wing for the control surface actuators but the YF-23 has such clean wings?
  16. Me, I am just hoping that not too many minutes of this film will be devoted to the usual Hollywood tropes of old officer reminiscing with hero about his dead hero father, hero worries of his wife/girlfriend/kid, unrealistic (yes there is a radioactive dinosaur I know) car chases and peacenik greenie trying to stop the army from nuking Godzilla. Damnit I want that nuke to hit! I want to see A-10s throw 30mm and Hellfires at it! I want to see AC-130s strafe the bugger! I want to see MLRS, ATGMs, bunker busters, howitzers and tanks and naval railguns at work! Non of that 98 Zilla crap with those pilots and soldiers missing something 100 times the size of a barn. In short I want to see the entire Honeywell/Boeing/General Dynamics/Raytheon etc catalogues thrown at Godzilla.
  17. If that poster shows him to scale, he would be nearly 350m tall. The Transamerica Pyramid is 260m.
  18. I kind of think of it like how the early jets all seemed to resemble the Ta-183. With the tech of the time, that was just the most 'suitable shape'.
  19. Did they? I only remember stuff like Star Destroyers getting yanked into the ground by Jedi, SSD getting blown up by hanger explosion etc etc In any case, they are supposed to be pimped up! They were designed (according to Lucasfilm) to take on entire fleets alone! I think of em like USN Carrier Groups. 1 is enough to mop the floor with almost any conceivable opposing fleet.
  20. And for once, when the Star Destroyers fire with their main battery on any other ship, it obliterates em. Hate the way the movies nerfed them.
  21. This just makes me hate Lucas/Ewoks/Jar-Jar that much more!
  22. So is it Shenyang (21) or Chengdu (20) that drew the short straw? NO! You can't copy the F-22, create something new for once! or NO! We don't pay you to think! Copy this Hasegawa kit of the Raptor! I _would_ have been extremely happy if they cloned the YF-23 though. Maybe the Italeri kit was out of stock? Gawdangit, that was so hardcore I broke my Dragonwings diecast out of the storage drawer to zoom em round the room!
  23. Well the cooler and bigger stealth fighter lost the procurement fight the last time too so lets see. This is turning out interesting in any case. I'm rooting for the J20 too!
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