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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Maybe they couldn't get hold of a complete 1/35 Gekken Thread because its so rare. Therefore they had problems rip..er..designing a Masterpiece Beta?
  2. I also wonder why even if the power is down and 'ALL' systems are offline, the damn artificial gravity still works. The artificial gravity generator must be the most reliable unburstable piece of equipment in the ST universe.
  3. I agree on the beauty of LOGH's portrayal of logistics, strategy and the effects of home politics on military campaigns but really, using axes in boarding actions?!!?
  4. The reverse box art with the painting of the Yamato taking off from the dried seabed is BEAUTIFIC! You get a fullsize poster of that same artwork inside too.
  5. Other then the 3D thrust vectoring, I have no idea how the avionics differ. Supposedly, the K is just an M with reinforcements for carrier ops.
  6. The Mig-35 is basically the Mig29M1/M2/OVT/MRCA. I think they renamed it to Mig-35 for better marketing. Sounds more valuable/advanced if its a Mig3x instead of a Mig2x I suppose. Its got full 3D thrust vectoring and fly-by-wire and new avionics compared to the earlier Mig-29. edit: The extra lumps bring to mind the Bf-109 G series.
  7. Looks good. Whats the big lump underneath the starboard side? Some sensor? Hope India buys it.
  8. Anyone here ever witnessed a Tu-95 in flight? How loud is it? I find it pretty surprising that pilots flying in other aircraft near it still find it uncomfortably loud. Must be one heck of a racket if its true.
  9. The over-and-under engines were cool, but I was never a fan of the 'cone-nose' intake. Other then that, I like the Lightning. Very 60/70s 'Hot-Rod' looks.
  10. How many kidneys you got?
  11. I kinda like the hunter too. It's not the sleekest even for its time but it looks 'purposeful' to me. If the TSR-2 had made it into production, it would have been one of my all time favourite British aircraft.
  12. Haha! Didn't I say the Gorem gunner has an arse job?
  13. Please tell them that I don not mind some parts swapping in order to get a beautiful 1/60 YF-21. And use a smaller box please?
  14. Excellent stuff mate. I pity the rear gunner though, having to stand thru the whole sortie and be exposed to fire. Your photos are always very well taken. How about some shots with the DZM's? The scale is close enough.
  15. I find tailess aircraft ugly. Something is just not right. Having one fin too many is also odd IMHO (like the Super Flanker), canards and elevators on the same plane just doesn't do it for me. Sticking canards on something with 'ruddervators'(ok i know its not the technically correct term) is also wrong in my book.
  16. Pop up headlights are the pimpest feature. Wished they still made em.
  17. Is there any significant reason why twin tails don't go with the delta/canard config? The Mig1.44 is a rare one. I never liked the big-arsed single fins.
  18. The Beautific YF-23 sneers at your lumpy EuroTyphoon!
  19. How accurate is that Lavi lineart? Some features seem significantly different from the J-10 if we go by that lineart.
  20. Damn canard/delta/single tailfin designs all look the same to me!
  21. How about the JF-17/FC-1/whatchacallit? I still don't know which design they cobbled together that one from.
  22. I am hoping they will knock off the YF-23 next.
  23. Any chance of seeing lineart of the Lavi and the J-10 side by side?
  24. I didn't know there was such a DVD. Did it reveal anything interesting about the YF-23 which was previously classified then?
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