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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Wow, and I thought you lucky buggers in HK got everything at another 50% off what we would consider bargain basement. I actually paid only $70usd for my 1/18 DMZ due to a dinged box. I suppose DMZ#01 will go up in price again after the RSC parts are released. Hope they re-release it. And again, a BIG thumbs up to Takara for releasing the RSC as an accessory set!
  2. Whats the going shelf price for the DMZ's in Hong Kong? Me planning a trip there soon. Hopefully in time to get the SV-51 as well. So is there a pic out there of the 'Vanilla' + RSC parts set? I can't seem to find any info on the net aside from HLJ.
  3. I can't see any pictures in the HLJ link. Whats a 'vanilla' figure? A plain Microman? Its really cool that Takara is doing this rather than making me buy another scopedog. Its a long wait till August though.
  4. OK it doesn't have canards but I think the XL looks so much better than the Eurocanards and J-10. Mainly due to the wing design.
  5. The Board at Take 2 got overhauled and those anti-video-game-violence moral police nannies are hailing it as a victory. Is this going to have implications on our cop-shooting drug dealing car jacking games?
  6. Translation : We are still negotiating with the terrorists we hope to hire to steal the molds from CM corporation and burn their factory down. Of course this means that our Beta won't join with our Alpha but we won't tell anyone until the pre-orders are over.
  7. So whats GM speak for 'out of alignment'? Sub-optimal inter-spatial existence of suspension components?
  8. Was there such a thing? Never heard of it even though I am a WW2 aviation buff.
  9. Heh, the licence holder for GCM, Harmony Gold must be ready to rake in lots of royalties on this slew of toys.
  10. They started wrecking the Veyrons... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/6423241.stm
  11. Bah! A can of beans would provide more 'Bang' for buck compared to Toynami! The only bang I got from my Rook Alpha was when I smacked my head for spending $80 on that turd pile! If this CM is about 1/55 scale and quality is about Yamato 1/48 Vf-1 standard (not perfect but acceptable enough) I'll pay $60 for the Alpha and $90 for the Beta happily and I'll buy more than 1 set.
  12. Too expensive for me since its a kit. If it was assembled and painted I would consider it.
  13. Would you guys call the later 'Pike and Shot' formations sort of a return to the Phalanx?
  14. The reflective gold tint on the Raptor's canopy - does it give the pilot that tinted view of the world outside as well? Curious. It really sticks out when the Raptor is flying alongside the older birds.
  15. Unlikely that the US would give them all the information they need to start tinkering with the systems (if they do get to buy the Raptor, that is).
  16. Any truth to the story about the Mongolians countering the elephants they met by unleashing Tigers?
  17. I loved that Topgear episode where they bashed the Toyota pickup around, sank it, dropped it then blew it up and then jump started it and drove it into the studio.
  18. Those guys must have had such fun doing that show. Wish I had a job like that! Wonder how much the damn project cost the show.
  19. I was hoping that one of you guys would remember this. Its an old Apple II (not sure if it made it to DOS, I played it on an Apple II+ or 2c). You start off with a small band of men and you can move around a few towns. Each town has a local chief/leader and you have 4 spies/messengers who you can send on errands to find out about the leader and give them messages asking for more men or guns. I remember that if the town leader is mad with you, the messenger comes back with his head on a plate (and you only have 4 messengers for the whole game). There are some random encounters with the troops of the main bad guy in between the towns where you can capture guns if you defeat them. The whole purpose of the game is to gather enough guns and men before heading to the fort of the main bad guy and having it out with his army. The final battle is an overhead view where the troops are represented by squares and circles for each side respectively. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  20. IMHO, Using the 1960/70s case of the Vietnam War to argue that 'missile only' fighters are not viable in 2007 might be like arguing in 1940 that aircraft are not capable of sinking battleships because they couldn't do it back in 1916. I still think guns are nice to have on a fighter but I would think that the latest western missiles would do the job virtually all the time in a no holds barred engagement.
  21. VADER: The Emperor does not share your optimistic appraisal of the situation.
  22. 5 joints, 2 hinges and 2 left wings and a sarcasm smiley is still needed? Or are some people's faith in Yamato _that_ low?
  23. Something similar was used in Ancient China. The besieged city opened its gates and a horde of oxen with flammables tied to their tails (and set ablaze of course) charged out, trampling the enemy.
  24. See the link Graham posted. Its resin. I heard that they brought the actual production prototype to the show but when they opened the box, 5 joints and 2 hinges broke plus they found that it had 2 left wings so they had to show the resin one....
  25. Well yes I know about the Roman's countering the inflexible elephants but the Phalanx doesn't have the flexibility of the Roman Legions. I was just wondering that if Xerxes really had some elephants at Thermopylae, the damn thing might have been over on day one. Oh, and about historical inaccuracies, what about the 3 metre tall Xerxes with Surround Sound Audio? I suppose the intention to super-size him was to really show him as some sort of demi-god?
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