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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. I am ok with the Stormtrooper white because a large part of the Empire's doctrine was "fear". So the high visibility white at least serves a purpose. Besides, they seemed to be more of a police force than for actual fighting. With orbital bombardment, I don't really see the need for ground pounders to do anything other than policing. Don't think the Empire gives a flying toss about things like collateral damage or what not. It would be like the USAF given a free ticket to ignore collateral damage and with 1000000x the bombs to hammer anything they like. Face it, the canon movies make no sense if we want to dissect military tactics.
  2. Trying to use lousy sensors to explain the incredible Stormtrooper incompetency against the Ewoks kinda raises another glaring incompetency doesn't it? Take off the friggin helmets! If they are that inflexible or unflexible, some sort of elite force they are. Besides, given the great multitude of sentient lifeforms (including many low tech beasts, e.g. wild critters which are dangerous) in the SW Galaxy, it would be a glaring design flaw if Stormtrooper sensors could not detect Ewok type creatures. It would be like designing an impregnable battle station but leaving a little exposed exhaust weakpoint which allows the enemy to blow up the whole station when you could have just fitted an armored shutter or S-curve inlet. Oh wait.....
  3. So, what determines if an afterburner glows blue or red/orange? Is it tied to the bypass ratio or amount of unburnt oxygen exiting the turbine or oxygen/air fuel ratio to injected fuel or fuel type or exhaust velocity or all of the above? Does one colour show more efficiency than the other?
  4. Its is beautiful. Does the kit allow the flap down build by default or you had to do some mods?
  5. Big light gathering lens is one thing but it can be complemented by unobtanium photo sensitive sensor material and ninja bastard software compensation algorithms I guess.
  6. On that subject of raw/time distance mentioned by David above. One of my sci-fi random thoughts was that : 1.) If science gets advanced enough for FTL travel 2.) If imaging technology gets advanced enough 3.) We could theoretically send a starship 3000 light years away from earth in the 31st century and actually look back on historical events at the 1st century. Want to see what Jesus really looked liked? With enough science you theoretically could! Heck we could see the Jurassic age with enough tech. Probably need s telescope with Zero point googlegoogle arc-seconds and magical software but you theoretically could.
  7. Yup, if its gonna be 'WW2 Warbird' inspired, it better have a V12 (unless you can stuff at least a 9 cyl radial air cooled lump in there), have exhaust stacks that vents sideways out of the engine bay, be force fed and have movable radiator flaps! A 2 speed supercharger would be icing on the cake. As would water-methanol injection.
  8. Pretty far back. It starts around where the vertical tail starts (the part where it angles up, not the extension).
  9. I don't even know if 'clockwork' detonators for nukes exist in real life! Bet they don't. Besides, its all stupid. You plan to have an EMP proof detonator but part of the plan is to haul it off to safe distance using a boat with ...... electronics.
  10. I guess if burners are the main reason for noise, then the Blackjack would take the crown?
  11. Just for arguments sake. If a 150m tall monster was on the way. What would the US military do? I would say A-10s and C130s dropping MOABs would be likely candidates after F-18s fail. Would hellfires and harpoons/tomahawks lock on to a Kaiju? Assume their IR signature would be off the scale. Wonder how'd it would work. edit: Oh and MUTOs. Massive _UNknown_ Terresterrial Organism? Uhhhh, Unknown? You had one for study for 15 years and another fossil locked up in the Yucca. Dinosaurs get a full name even if it was just a femur and half a skull discovered.
  12. Yeah, I liked the movie overall but the military bit irked me: 1.) You wouldn't sail your CBG _that_ close to a threat all the way across the pacific. What is this? Dolphin watching!??!? 2.) You dont idle your fleet of ships immobile in San Fran bay like that with threats approaching. 3.) Where the hell were the A10s!?!??!?!?! 4.) M4s and gunship door guns against Kaiju!?!?!? 5.) Why the hell do you have to haul the minuteman by train when you can heli-lift it? And why bring the entire rocket when the warhead/payload was enough? Overall, just wished they had thrown more heavy weaponry at the MUTOs and Gojira. Best part of the movie was when his tail spikes started crackling blue/white. I was waiting for the atomic breath from the moment the fighting started. In a sense, poor MUTOs. They were just natural organisms wanting to mate. *Why'd they use CV-88 Saratoga BTW? Not like the ship went down in the movie. Could have used a real name.
  13. OI DAMMIT! I just saw this thread. All the video links are down! WHERE CAN I SEE THE CLIPS GAWDAMMIT! **stops Eric Cartman voice**
  14. Probably cause Toho is distributing it and some legal mumbo or waiting for their Japan school holidays or something. China might be even later... not announced yet. Don't want 1 dollar 'human head editions' floating round Shenzhen markets on May 18th you know....
  15. Its not perfect but I'd take this new design anyday as long as the King is back. Really looking forward to this film. BTW, don't go to the Wikipedia entry on this film or look at the soundtrack listing if you hate spoilers. I happened to see the soundtrack list and the track names kinda let the entire story out. BLEAH!!!!
  16. It is an ex-BA 747-200 used as a prop for Casino Royale. It was meant to be some prototype aircraft in the show which the baddie wanted to blow up cause he short-sold the manufacturer's stock. The nacelles are devoid of engines in them I believe.
  17. Even as a stand alone monster movie, I found the idea of something that size managing to hide underground in existing tunnels (it didn't did em himself) under NY stretching spatial physics a bit too far.
  18. I like the typhoon CFTs. At least in that 1st picture in the link. I think it looks good. Ditto for the F16's CFTs. I feel it makes the planes look tougher in a mecha armour/gadget kind of way.
  19. I think 98 Zilla looks ok too, for a movie monster. But not as Godzilla. Godzilla is meant to be big and chunky, like an Armored VF. Sleek and fast is not his style. He should be stomping on stuff and shrugging off hits, not running away from small arms fire! It is kind of like if the Japanese remade Superman, and had him use his speed to dodge bullets (which can hurt him) instead of having it bounce off his chest. It will be a sacrilege!!!
  20. You know how it goes; "In Russia, Flask spill you". WTF, for target practice? I never heard of this yet. Are those F-5s on the port deck edge?
  21. Hmm, good that they didn't spoil the classic look with masking tape thick low profiles. But with what looks like tyres more suited to small MPVs but the engine of a real sports car, that thing should be real tail happy! Nice!
  22. Interesting. Can see why Battletech players would love it. I would buy it too, but giving HG money is....just....repulsive...
  23. Oh you didn't get it? He wasn't being cruel. He just wanted to clear some Tokyo land so that he could plant some daisies.
  24. http://news.asiaone.com/news/science-and-tech/us-navy-game-changer-converting-seawater-fuel Is this an April fools joke? Seriously? What is the theory behind it and the energy input needed? Anyone?
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