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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Oh, I thought it was in case That European cousin started goose-stepping into Poland.
  2. All red quad round tailights would have been nice.
  3. Lets hope those seam lines down the efender's barrels don't make it to producion.
  4. Don't forget the Locust from the Crusher Joe kits.
  5. That looks like Blanka with make-up!
  6. Bah! Just drop landing gear and flaps, he'll shoot right by into your gunsight.....
  7. RIFLEMAN! No idea where they bastardised the Jaegarmech from.
  8. I still want my freakin Marauder! YAMATO! GIMME MY GLAUG!!!!
  9. So has anyone cranked up the stereo with 'Voices' and held this bird up against the noon sun yet? I did.
  10. 420 mph? They bolting the rider to the bike? I don't see any wind deflector on that thing.
  11. Which in turn makes it deadlier when you hit someone, so the other guy needs thicker beams which means you need even thicker ones etc etc.... They need to start taxing cars on weight.
  12. Hmmm... I never appreciated the Hampden, Beaufighter and Beaufort. Ungainly looking IMHO. And you chaps made this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro_Bison
  13. Cheap, manual and RWD. What's not to like about it? Now if they could only turbo the V6 motor...
  14. Wasp LAM to be precise... And I would like to advocate a weathered 1/48 Phoenix Hawk LAM and Crusader too. Along with a MARAUDER! GIMME MY MARAUDER GAWDAMMIT!!!
  15. They are going to dump 289lb-ft thru the front wheels huh? Tyre makers are going to love this car!
  16. I played that. Mongol Light Calvary = HexXor! Kills everything with skirmish arrows and later charge. I also edited the data file and made the one man Kensei take on tonnes of troops himself.
  17. I would but fighter mode toys too. Out of my 7 1/48s, only the 1st Hikaru has been transformed. All else never made it to Gerwalk.
  18. I wonder if some kid in school who first got exposed to ROTK by playing Dynasty Warriors is writing some paper for history project and is including things like "Zhang He was famous for wearing pink tutus and wielding claws in battle and Lu Bu's weapon was called Sky Scorcher...."
  19. I read it. And yeah, I do find it boring after Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Zhao Yun dies. Heck, I wish Lu Bu didn't die before 20% of the story was up as well. I think most people who have read the book will go WTF?!?!?! when they play Dynasty Warriors and see Zhang He!
  20. The Classic Battletech fan in me just went ballistic! WARHAMMER!!!!
  21. It is really the best Falcon model I have seen. Good enough to be a studio model! That last shot in the dark with the lights, lets just say there have been Hollywood spaceship movies with lousier SFX! I really wish Fine Molds would make the IMPERATOR or the EXECUTOR! Dammit! C'mon!
  22. When I watched it at the cinema I was expecting the kidnapped female to be the leader's girlfriend all along. Thought that there was more than enough hints. So I was expecting Neville to realise it and stop the final attack by pointing the gun at the girl's head to threaten the leader.
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