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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Looks like what you would get if a Nissan GT-R humped an RX-8.
  2. Very pretty. That kind of look only a Chinese girl has (not even foreign born Chinese have that kind of look IMHO, e.g. the Kelly Hu's and Lucy Lius' can't pull that look off). But I ain't feeling the Chun Li vibe. See below...
  3. Erm, probably because Hollywood wouldn't cast an Asian as the lead and if any Capcom exec signs off the rights to letting Van Damme play the All Japanese Hero Ryu, the Capcom Board of Directors would make him commit Seppuku?
  4. Against mecha, I suppose you could tone down the 'concentration/intensity' of the beam even in diffuse mode. And if a 1.6 km long gunship can carry enough 'capacitors' to fire a main gun say once a min, a 4.0km long battleship (esp. with the cube effect), could carry several times the 'capacitors' to fire once every 10 secs? The coverage for a 4km ship isn't bigger then a 1.6km ship since you are firing in space at long range. And because you are shooting mecha, you don't need to scale up the gun for the bigger ship.
  5. Never thought of Metal Storm as something very revolutionary. I mean, its just a scaled up Pom-Pom isn't it? My point on Sci-Fi AA fire is that with lightspeed AA bolts and computer control(and unless the fighter was zipping along changing vectors every other nanosecond - something we don't see on screen), its just a matter of putting the mouse pointer (again AI controlled) on the target and BOOM! The major spanner in the works would be if the fire control computer can't "see" the target due to ECM or other stealth measures. But again, these are never addressed on screen as we always see the cap ship being aware of the incoming fighters on their holoscreens or something. Anyway, back on Macross topics. Why would a cap ship really need mecha to defend against mecha if it can put its main cannon on 'spread/diffuse' mode?
  6. Bah! Those are plot devices to mask the fact that its just UNCOOL for big guns to take out big ships from long range on screen. The volume of AA fire from the 18km long Executor was pathetic! WW2 footage of Destroyers show more flak being thrown out. The Executor shouldn't even need fighters to cover it. It should have tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of beam weaponry taking out entire A Wing groups at long range.
  7. Not just anime. All big screen and TV capital ships have this problem. Look at the Executor from Star Wars. If a 20th Century CIWS can hit a supersonic missile, an Overtech AA shooting lightspeed bolts would wipe any small manned flying object at extreme range.
  8. Right after watching Macross Frontier and seeing this thread, I remember one of the things I immediately loved about LOGH was - They are all professional soldiers!! NO ONE IS IN SCHOOL UNIFORM!!!!! YIPPEEEE!!!!
  9. But they wouldn't have money for the airspace congestion charge after that, especially since they are in Band ZZZ of the CO emission range.
  10. The thing is , do you think Miria in a Q-Rau could beat Klan in her Q-Rea? I should think so. If so, Max in a VF 1 could still school the VF-25 boys.
  11. How about taking the SDF-1, throwing away the 2 carrier arms and sticking a Macross Quarter on each side instead? The Macross Quarter was in the same 400m length size as the 2 carriers anyway. Super Gettai Macross!
  12. OK, here is my logic. bear with it ok? Max in VF-1 > Miria in Q-Rau Miria being Zentran Ace of Aces, should >>> Klan in Q-Rau Klan in Q-Rau was not too shabby even against Cyber Brera and his VF-27 (she could land a direct hit on him with the shoulder cannon). So Klan in Q-Rau ~= The VF-25 boys Therefore, Max in VF-1 > Miria in Q-Rau >>> Klan in Q-Rau ~= VF-25 boys Does that mean that Max in his VF-1 would still school Alto in his VF-25? As Kawamori stated : He is a genius!
  13. Montana would still weigh less compared to Yamato. With more main rifles and better fire-control, it would likely have kicked Yamato's keel over in a 1 vs 1 though. People don't make battleships anymore because the most effective weapon is now the missile and the aircraft. So guided missile cruisers and aircraft carriers are the new cap ships. Ships are only platforms to carry the weapons and once the big naval rifle was made obsolete, the battleship went with it. All military fighting vehicles are really only weapon platforms.
  14. Even ignoring transformation, in the series you see lots of big open air areas and multi-storey buildings. They definitely did not pack em into 20m tall layers. Look at the space around: The concert hall The hospital Hikaru was in The damn areas Max and Miria fought in mecha mode The park where Max and Miria fought outside the mecha The military base with the battroid mode valks walking round And all the other wide area shots....
  15. But the re-fitted SDF-1 was practically a carrier no? Even if it wasn't, slapping those 2 arms on it made it one.
  16. You guys forgot the pineapple cake! And those 2 Zentrans from that hillybilly marine battallion were such Britai/Exedore wannabes! There is that mad Kamjin lookalike too. I can't remember their names. edit : Ah crap! Its Ep 25 only for now? Klan flying the VF? Flash to Miria flying a VF instead of her Qrau in the final fight?
  17. I didn't really watch the full M7 (couldn't stomach it) so will only comment on Macross Frontier vs SDF. The main cannon on the SDF-1 seemed (on screen) to be a much more devastating weapon. The one in Frontier seemed to take out only 1 ship at a time while the SDF-1's seemed to be much more devastating and capable of taking out whole flotillas. In any case, SDF-1 looks more cool!
  18. Head or feet first?
  19. How long can the Zentrans live for anyway? I may be mixing up the robotech and Macross background but IIRC they can live for hundreds of years right?
  20. Cherry 2000 was great. Trying to get hold of a copy of it and re-watch. Streets of Fire, I think I liked the music more than the show. And also all the Jackie Chan movies from the 80s. Loved them. (Project A, Armor of God, Wheels on Meals etc) Also another bunch of HK movies but you guys probably wouldn't know what I am talking about (e.g. Chicken and Duck Talk, Security Unlimited, Aces go Places 1)
  21. How about the Mig 15/17/19, the La-15 and Yak-30? And the Su-9 with the Mig-21. edit: well, not designed in the 60s but they were around still.
  22. I got the Nupetiet Vergnitz, its grossly out of shape. Pretty far off from the line-art from most angles.
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