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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. If they found one coming on track to hit a major population centre but there was only like 10 hours to get everyone out. That'll be some major rioting.
  2. Colors be damned! There is nothing quite as cool as punching the enemy with an aircraft carrier!
  3. Heehee, against the AI, thats how I play Ken.*
  4. OK, if its F-15A vs Su-35 then a <1:1 ratio seems probable but thats still stacked.
  5. In the annex to the report under "Assumptions made", it probably says : Assuming : Max Jenius in the F-22 Hikaru Ichijo in the Mig-29 Edgar Lasalle in the F-15
  6. Bah! The softies! Whats a Me262 without the constant threat of double flameouts eh?
  7. Yeah, enough already! Post some manga scans proving your rape claim!
  8. 1. The Death Saurer in the Japanese 'Battle Story' uses a different continuity compared to the Animes. 2. In the Anime, LOUSY TACTICS. All the Death Saurer had to do while Ban/Van was getting loaded into the Gravity Cannon was to unleash one CPC shot into the Ultrasaurus and game over.... BTW, no defences? It survived a shot from the Gravity Cannon. And it only got downed by the Liger because of 'Hero Factor Plot Device'. Kind of like Boldoza's base getting blown up by 1 single VF-1S in DYRL.
  9. No one mentioned Space Ball One yet?
  10. Ground pounder : Death Saurer Variable/Flying : YF-21
  11. Milia. I can sabotage her valk before going out so that it breaks down. Then she'll have to squeeze into my cockpit for the long ride home.
  12. Of course you can stack em up and have 20+++ floors along just the shortest of the 3 dimensions of just one of the 'legs'. But that is NOT how the city was drawn and depicted in either the TV series of DYRL. Thats my point. To have a livable city of 50k and not cubeville (look, i am not arguing that you cannot stuff 500,000 people in there if they live like submariners in a WW2 Imperial Japanese Submarine), you need a LOT more space than even the _entire_ SDF can provide.
  13. I said it many times here. Given a 1.2km long ship, and the visuals we have in DYRL and the TV series of nice big parks and streets and stadiums and military bases etc etc, there is a serious distortion of inter-spatial perception going on. I always wondered why. With the attention to detail on the proper proportions (compared to say mighty morphing transformers) for the Valks, it is surprising that the creators let this one go.
  14. If you added in the escorts and support ships for each of the flatdecks in there, it looks even more lopsided. If I was the PLAN I would be waving a blown up version of that picture everytime someone across the pond started talking about the threat of military build-up.
  15. Hey! I just saw this on the net! We finally get to see Ken vs Ryu! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatsunoko_vs._Capcom
  16. The trailer didn't seem that bad (as in, its not as BAAAAD as that Dead or Alive trailer). I don't feel the M. Bison vibe. They have the Kiko-Ken (I assume its that rather than the Hadoken) but no Psycho Crusher??!? She looks really cute though....
  17. Cheap apparantly. $15k + the base GT-R and you can get the Henessey Godzilla 600.
  18. I am quite stunned by the pricing. In Japan, a GT-R goes for about $40k so this costs 4x more!!! Doesn't seem like you get much for your $172k.
  19. Hmm, only 7:40s? Expected it to be much faster. Got a link? Nissan has been making me wait too long for an S16!
  20. This is getting fun. BTW, did anyone ever bring the Mclaren F1 to the Nurburgring?
  21. Mindcircus (Gabriel & Dresden Remix)
  22. I think you can't make fun of Jews as well. Yeah, if RA4 had a Black & Jew alliance I'll buy 2 copies!
  23. I can only think of they way it was done by Ryu in the first animated movie. A single hit (i.e. he doesn't spin multiple times) jumping spin kick.
  24. Ermm, thats Japanese anime for you. 25 minute episodes. Of which;: 6 minutes rehashing what happened in previous episode 5 minutes for opening song 5 mins of slow-mo shots of some teen student shouting 2 mins story development 5 minutes of closing song 2 minutes trailer telling you what will happen next week Total 25 mins Oh, you did not know of the American cartoon? MUAHAHAHA! CRINGE BEFORE THE CRAPPINESS!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pXmWP0cFuc
  25. The japanese series was ok. The American cartoon one with Guile and slurm Cammie was so bad I laughed.
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