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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. That changes the 30 min turn into 1.5hr turns....
  2. Really not a fan of those 60s and 70s supercars like the Miura and the Dinos and whatnot. My 2 favourite supercars. Its the only pic I have of both of em together.
  3. All these talk of the old tabletop rules are getting me misty eyed! I remember how it takes up to about 30 mins just to resolve one dang turn of combat for a Lance vs Lance battle! Anyone like to use the same tactic as me in maps with forests or other obstructions? 1. Load up a heavy mech (<85 tons due to the 2 ton jump jets on the biggies) with jets and all the torso mounted medium/medium pulse lasers you can pack. 2. Get in close, better if its in forests or you have other terrain to obstruct LOS. 3. Wait to win initiative. 4. Jump behind the nearest enemy and fire all pulse lasers, add in 2 punches and 1 kick. 5. Watch opponents face as he realises how worthless all that front torso armour and expensive gauss rifles/PPCs are.
  4. Darker and grittier like Votoms or Gundam's War in the Pocket. Would like to see grittier mecha fights. E.g. no masses of cannon fodder to blow up by the hero's valk. Each enemy mecha should be a dangerous and tough encounter.
  5. ANYTHING Macross is ok as long as there is no more Valks with speaker pods going round yelling BOMBAAAAAAA!!
  6. The VF-0 = bigger because they did not have the tech to make minuturise all that crap. VF-1 = ok they could make the stuff smaller After VF-1 = bigger because the UN Spacy ran into VRITWHAI and went 'OH CRAP! We need BIGGER MECHS".
  7. Wasn't the X-47 canned? edit: Oh never mind. My mistake.
  8. I know near 10% was unacceptable even back in 43'. I was just comparing today's 'tolerance level' vs the Ploesti/Schweinfurt missions. And even though 10% was not sustainable back then, we had 'Hap' Arnold saying stuff like 'The loss of 60 bombers were _incidental_'. But anyhow, ignoring those bloodier WW2 missions, the near 1% loss rates acceptable back then is certaintly not something today's media will be quiet about.
  9. Thats how I see things too. Given how they covered up the F-117 for years. It wouldn't be surprising if some new-fangled UAV is already operational or near operational. Agree 100% with the 2nd paragraph. Always find it interesting to compare today's 'acceptable attrition rate' to the Schweinfurt and Ploesti missions back in the 40s....
  10. Yeah, lets not bring in realism to BT. TOO many damn loopholes. e.g. A 20-100 ton mech can hurt its armour just _falling down_ on its butt (thats like a 3-5 meter drop at most). You can calculate the approx. kinetic energy from a 20 ton mass falling 3 meters (or just the ramming damage to figure out rough values) and then you realise, hey this mech armour aint so HOT after all. I bet a late 20th century Tank regiment could take down a lance of mechs easy. Heck, I'd bet a flight of IL-2s from the 1943 VVS could take out a mech. You have BT worlds with billions of citizens. And according to the fluff, the rough tech is in the 22-23rd century level. You'd think a billion citizen world would have no problems stopping a regiment of 108 mechs even if they had 1945 level tech.....
  11. Or some Silent Eagle version of the Su-27/35! A carbon copy of the YF-23 would be nice though. Lets just hope it bloody shows up.
  12. I see your mile o' $hit and raise you a ton of pi$$.
  13. At that distance, whats the blast from the wind feel like? Enough to topple glasses on the balconies?
  14. Hmmm, amazing! No one has done it yet (this is MW after all...) so here goes.... Mechwarrior BOOMMMBAAAA!!!!
  15. Awww, looks like I have to get stuck with playing Davion AGAIN!?!?!
  16. Somewhere between the Handicap Gun, the Bust Machine Guns and the girl getting it in the arse with the katana, I choked on the sheer awesomeness of this film. I MUST OWN IT!
  17. Brings to mind the God Phoenix attack from Gatchaman.
  18. Erm, which is why they don't want to add a bunch of Hummers to the streets I guess?
  19. With memories of playing SWOTL and regularly wiping out swarms of B-17s at close range with my overloaded wing-tub cannon Bf-109G or Me262, it was a heck of a big change when I started playing Il-2 Sturmovik and it appeared as if the 8th AF had clones of Alvin York and Carlos Hathcock manning all the .50s
  20. I first learnt of the Go 229 thanks to Lucasart's SWOTL back in 91. What a blast! Still miss that game. I can't get a definitive answer on this but I think because there were no completed production versions, it is not clear if the Go 229 was to be armed with Mk-103s or Mk-108s. Was the captured prototype captured with the mounting points or cannons already mounted? Or no provisions were made for armament yet?
  21. Oh I said I liked the _looks_. I absolutely get peeved by the 'canon' stats for that ship though. It should have wiped the floor with the rebel armada all by itself without the supporting Death Star or ISDs in RoTJ.
  22. I really like the ISDs too. But for reasons of plot, Lucas had to nerf em. I mean, a ship that size and it carries 72 fighters?!?!?!? And look at the pathetic AA fire. A late WW2 battleship probably has better chances of hitting em X-Wings (if you use movie speeds). The Executor. Most beautific ever (although I fail to see the practicality of the blue lighted cityscape).
  23. Its not bad but I wouldn't go as far as to say 'best' battleship design ever. Its one of the better ones from the Yamato Animes but if you include real life battleships or all sci-fi ships, then it drops drastically.
  24. Haha, I couldn't stop the lyrics from the Star Blazers song going thru my head when they played the music as the Yamato busted thru the ice. Always thought that it would be really cool if besides the Yamato, the Earth forces got the Iowa, Bismarck, Hood etc rebuilt into their 23rd century versions as well. I'd be buying all the toys if they did.
  25. I found out the hard way that the Haynes manual on the Halfords discount bin was 4.95 quid but the tools and gubbins you need to carry out half the work in there would pay for insurance on an 19 yr old Student's XR3i/R5 GT/205 Gti/Astra GTE back in the 90s.
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