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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Everything posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Was at the Ocean City TRU last week. Didnt see any Astro Plan toys. Just the usual double boatload of Gundams (boooooooooooooorrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggg.....)
  2. Well, I am just surprised how quiet it was in the A380's cabin compared to the A320s , B777s and 747s I have been in. Just felt wierd since I am used to engine noise while in the planes. Wondering if it is because of better insulation since the bird is so phat or its because of the engine design. Got a question on moveable LERXs messing up the stealth. How different is that to the moving airlerons and rudders on say a F-22? Besides it being out in front.
  3. I was on an A380 recently. Was VERY surprised at how quiet it was inside the cabin. Could hardly hear the engines. Is it just as quiet _outside_ the plane?
  4. Which are the 'little-non stealthy aspects'? Besides the straight intakes (can be mitigated by shape of ramps inside?), the IRST ball, those funny cylinders at wing trailing edge and the tubes and antennaes (on prototype only?).
  5. I'm with Nied on the F-35 argument. But yes its not a beautiful plane. I especially hate the shape of the V-stabs. I hated the YF-22 when I first saw it too (esp since the YF-23 was revealed first). In F-22 form it looks a little better now.
  6. Interesting. The long winded article (sorry Mandarin only) sometime after the 60th anniversary PRC parade which I read where the Deputy Commander of the PLAAF talks about the J-XX is starting to make sense now. In the aforesaid article, the salient points I remember are something like.... Goes on about the YF-23. How the J-XX will use S-shaped intakes like the YF-23. Use pelican tails like the YF-23 but due to flight control issues, will have canards too. Internal fuel only issues, but acceptable to PLAAF since the focus is on defence rather then 'Global Policeman'. Thrust vectoring engines. Lessons learned from J-10B intakes to be used. Some other yadda yadda about the YF-23. Seeing how this T-50 takes many YF-23 cues (that fron quarter profile view really looks like a 23 to me! Especially the landing gears' stance!) and how there is going to be at least SOME Russkie content in the J-XX, the article makes more sense now. I predict the J-XX is going to be a T-50 with S-intakes and Canards slapped on! edit : OH yes! STONE AND BURN all them YF-23 haters!!!!! Tasteless atavars!
  7. I though Predator 2 was quite a good and watchable movie too.
  8. So how much does a J-85 cost anyway? Its been in the news over here in Singapore for some time. Our neighbours the Maylaysian Air Force had a pair of J-85s for their F-5Es stolen by some base personnel and the figure being repeated everytime by the press about the cost of EACH engine was S$21m or about USD 14-15mil. That makes about 30mil just for a pair of engines?!?!? WTF?!? You can buy 2 F-5s for that kind of price right? http://news.asiaone.com/News/AsiaOne+News/...220-187008.html
  9. I like my Conan stories over-the-top. Not metrosexual hippy. Bring back the muscle slabs! At the rate Hollywood is selling-out, next we are gonna have some long fringed pretty boy Conan the Vampire to cater to the teenage girls. I'm gonna be joining A1 on the rooftop with my crate of Molotovs.
  10. My point is that it would serve the background consistency so much and not mess up the plot if they just bothered to have the cannon fodder destroids shown taking multiple hits from the smaller mecha weapons, damage to various locations before finally blowing up.
  11. I am driving a 18 yr old W124. 200k+ miles. IMHO, no special difference in treating an 8 yr old car or an 18 yr old car. Just have to watch the dials and be vigilant for wierd noises and behaviour. And check for physical wear and damage which can potentially cause rust (esp. in those hard to see areas - e.g. battery acid leaks over the years corroding the firewall near the battery).
  12. 1. Whatever happened which stopped me from getting Autoduel 2. (and Autoduel 3,4,5 etc etc for that matter). 2. Replacing Lu Bu's iconic halberd with that dumb arsed swastika weapon in Dynasty Warriors 6. 3. The head numbing butt-rock electric guitar music for the whole Dynasty Warriors Series.
  13. Destroids make sense if you go by the background material about them having more armour to take the abuse as compared to lighter skinned valks. But that all goes to plot hell when in SDFM you see the destroids blow up when lightly caressed by the common Zentran mecha weapons.
  14. Before the rest of the supporters chime in ......... YF-23!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Emmm, because like Pocahontas, Last Samurai, Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor etc etc, the world can only be saved when a White Man arrives to lead the natives. Never mind that he is crippled and needs an Avatar. BTW, anyone watching the movie ask themselves, "Damn, if it was me I would have used the Bulldozers instead of unmechanised troops. I'd like to see them hammerhead pachyderms try ramming my Giant Caterpillar!'"
  16. Thats my opinion too, gives em the 'Super and Strike Parts' look.
  17. Wow! I never knew this existed! Hearing it in Chan's distinctive voice is quite unusual. But it is quite suitable.
  18. As if getting shot down wasn't bad enough, getting shot down by THAT would really add insult to injury!
  19. And who couldn't get their first choice airframe?
  20. You are not alone... It drives me nuts. But even with all that, everything I hold the dang thing in fighter mode I think its the most bleepin' beautific valk toy ever made by FAR.
  22. Don't forget the F12B to go intercept the incoming hordes of Backfires and Blackjacks. Someone is probably going to come along and rant about the Tomcat-21 soon.
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