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Everything posted by mechaban

  1. Awesome! This is just what Iwas looking for. Thanks so much.
  2. I posted this elsewhere, but I figured I'd hit here as well. Does anyone have the first 4 steps of the transformation of the Tread that correspond with the image below? Someone must have the book this originally appeared in.
  3. Does anyone have an image that includes steps 1,2,3 & 4 of the transformation of the TREAD?
  4. Starblazers is THE reason I got into anime. Musta been like 1979 or 1980. I was 5 yrs old watching that show, doing the salute they did and singing along with the opening theme. Sure, it was chessy american pseudo-disco, but I can still whistle it.
  5. Someone need to Photoshop one of these and put some stars in there.
  6. I always think of Macross whenever I see "The Final Countdown". A classic.
  7. Maybe it destroys gunships?
  8. The second pic is the reason I held on to the notion that the weapons were coming out of a hole in the forearm. But you make a strong case Graham. Still, I dont like the animation error excuse. Are there any other anim. errors in Macross Plus? I guess we'll never know for certain. Unless Nanashi's got some lineart he's sittin' on
  9. I still maintain that the weapons collapse into the fore-arm. It's clear as day in the animation (frame by frame). You can even see the pistons that move them in the picture provided by Nanashi.
  10. Actually, if you watch the animation again, it is retracted at the begining of the scene and opens as the 19 turns to face the viewer. So it is definatlely not a snap-on, but a replacement arm. But there is still some armor-plating that is making the forearm a bit wider. So, you may be right. It may interfere with the transformation.
  11. Notice the shoulder. Were they testing the FastPack as well? Is that nessicary to support this weapons system? Is this a FastPack option? Is it retractible into the forearm? So that means you can't just clip it on, but you have to replace the whole forearm maybe? What does the 19 give up to fit that? I could be grasping at straws...
  12. I find this interesting. Ever notice what Isamu does with his righthand stick to activate the Pinpoint-Punch during the street-fight in Eps 4? He swivels to around like you would to get Ryu to perform Hadoken!
  13. I don't know if anyone picked up on this but, there is a (for the lack of a better term) Super version of the Ghost. It has two boosters on it's back. I've seen line art showing this once long ago. At the begining of the fight with the Ghost it is equiped with these boosters. They are jettisoned, split in half and pepper the area with "particles". I don't know if they can deliver missles while attached to the back of the ghost. Anyone have the line art on the Ghost?
  14. Didn't the Tan Vf-1A's in the first series blend in well during the city fighting in the first two episodes? Urban Camo VF!
  15. Note that the VF-1D also has the #7 GBP. I think there were a limited number of these armors made( at least in the time the series took place) and they are swapable. So you could just as likely see Hikaru in his VF-1S with GBP 03. My two cents.
  16. I realize this may be jumping the gun, but... I think I figured out the transformation process now with the exception of the beam cannon and missles. But if you look at the profile of the Octos it has too much rear. I just keeps going and going. Where does all that material go in the walker mode?? I suspect it's a booster that is discharged when it transforms. But that could limit things quite a bit. Either that or its more Anime magic. To early to tell at this point. Just speculating.
  17. Actually I change my mind. She'll loose control of the Aphos and realize she herself is the kadun of destruction and she'll sacrifice herself. Shin will quit the military and wander. If the military lets him get that far(knowing what he knows). They might have him killed. Either way your not seeing any of these people after Zero.
  18. Not sure 'bout Shin, but Sara is toast!! She's gonna possess the Aphos(or vise versa) and wipe the island off the map. Shin will pop a cap in her(or the prometheus will). He'll die from a wound. Slowly. Mummbling something 'bout pineapple salad. End of story.
  19. Dont know if you ever noticed this but that sucker is huge compared to a VF. And the VF's are pretty big in they're own right. The Ghost is like a 1/3 larger.
  20. This was the first Macross image I ever saw back in 84-85 in Starlog I think. Had no idea what I was looking at, but it had me hooked.
  21. Yeah, I see it too now. I'll correct it second time around.
  22. Ack! How could I have missed that about the proportion! I think at the time I was more concerned with capturing the likeness of the helmet. Back to the drawing board. Thanks for the advice TWDC. To learn for my mistakes is one of the reasons I wanted to post. If anyone else wants to play with the image as well, feel free.
  23. The VF-4 is taking longer than I hoped. Here's what I learned in the meantime.
  24. Here's a problem. IF, in the tv show, the macross had ARMD's attached instead of the carrier's, how would the VF's land (in earths atmosphere) while the Macross was in "ship" mode? They're sideways! I know they are moveable, but the only way they would have room to rotate them flat would be to extend it's arm out like wings. The macross would look silly. And, how would the destroids get to the surface (i.e. mars base) without a dropship?
  25. Yeah, I feel like a boob. A poor selection for my fist art on Macrossworld. Bad mechaban, no biscuit! I'm cleaning it up in photoshop now. It should better after I tighten it up and color it. I hope to be done soon.
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