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About mechaban

  • Birthday 11/02/1975

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    History, UE and Anime

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Interesting to read this and to see what Kawamori-san felt was the most important elements to retain. I always felt though, from a childhood wish fulfillment perspective, that the story should incorporate some combat scenes on Earth. To me, it would be more entertaining to see things happening in the world we live in (or a near future that resembles it). Although with his ARK style Macross with different biomes I suppose it could be almost comparable.
  2. Can anyone confirm what publication this page is from? Is it This is Animation # 10? Also, Who is this bad mofo? And what branch is that uniform for? I wish I could translate the text.
  3. I'd like to try my hand at making this costume, but I may be in over my head. I have no experience with engineering or sculpting, but I think the idea is sound. I'm just unsure of how difficult it would be, not to mention how expensive, to make such large pieces. And what is the best material to work with? Resin? Fiberglass? Any advice?
  4. Isamu doesn't fit. Throw Myung in there = fixed.
  5. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet. Did a quick search and didn't see anything, Awesome Lego VF-1J with Armor. It'd even transformable. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/638 Mod's, feel free to move, lock or delete.
  6. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2010-11-25/nypd-band-plays-yamato-anime-theme-at-macy-parade I heard about this but haven't found video yet. edit here is is So the NYPD Marching band played the theme from Space Battleship Yamato. You can barely hear it over the taking.
  7. This is the one we all see throughout the series. Is the explanation that they were originally on the Daedalus and hence the "D" and the tools of a skilled craftsman, the Hammer and Torch. Did the Destroids originally on the Macross have their own insignia? And I would assume this is for Macross City civil defense. Are there any others throughout the series? Did any of the models/toys have other insignia's?
  8. Oh. And Norris Packard vs the 8th MS Team.
  9. I acutally John Cusack's fights in War Inc. and Grosse Pointe Blank. They seem rough yet believable. In particular, the school hallway fight in GPB and the chateau fight in War Inc. I like how he uses the empty gun to block punches.
  10. With a week before Halloween I had no idea what to be and then decided on Alan Scott Green Lantern. My sister made the mask out of leather. Pants and shirt are from a thrift store. Symbol is an iron on transfer from an image found online. Cape form a pattern, sewn by my wife. Lantern from walmart, painted. Enjoy.
  11. You could be chosen to illustrate Frank Cho and Doug Murray's new comic. Check out the link. I'll be submitting. If anyone else is interested, good luck. Newsarama article Image message board with submissions Pays $3,000 per issue for 4 issues. Plus you get 50% of the profit from royalties on Trades/graphic novels.
  12. Don't know if this is the right thread for this or if I should start a new one, but can we get this translated?
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