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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. I'd say it's promising. Definitely looks better than the CM version, not quite as good as the Toynami one. In particular, I'd prefer beefier looking feet. If the final product has good build quality and durability though, I'd say it's a worthy buy considering the competition.
  2. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    Assuming I could find them, buying two sets of Hi Metal super parts and a HMR Milia doesn't sound like it would be any better or cheaper than just trying to buy a Max and Milia HMR. Mandarake has a set of Hi Metal supers listed for 5000 yen, so that's 10,000 for two -- more expensive than a Max HMR at retail.
  3. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    I find myself having a bit of a dilemma with the M&M upcoming releases. I already have a Max Hi-Metal 1J, without the fast packs (I don't think they ever released packs for those), and I'd like to have a matching M&M set. I'd be perfectly happy with a Hi-Metal Max and a HMR Milia, esp. as it means I'd spend less money and wouldn't have to jump through all the Bandai pre-order hoops for two valks. Problem is that I wouldn't have matching fast packs. I'd have to display them naked if I wanted a matching set. So now feeling compelled to try an order an Max HMR just for the fast packs. Damn you Bandai!
  4. Not exactly live action film news, but looks like HG is managing to find at least a few ways of keeping the franchise alive: http://spinoff.comicbookresources.com/2016/05/12/robotech-to-stream-on-crackle/ http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/titan-comics-launch-robotech-series-early-2017
  5. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    Psst... I'll let you in on a secret about the whole TV vs. DYRL color thing. There's no difference. It's all a ploy to make you buy the exact same toy twice.
  6. If you're in it for pure nostalgia value, the Legacy collection is the way to go.
  7. Well for anyone who wanted to pick up a naked Roy 1S for cheap, there's good indication now that the aftermarket may soon be flooded with loose Arcadia Roy 1S valks without strike parts.
  8. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    Jenius, I noticed you put up a new video review for the original Hi-Metal toys. Are you planning to re-do other videos for your older reviews?
  9. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    Did anyone place an order for a Regult a couple of days ago when HLJ indicated it had some more in stock (around 2/29)? Did you get a payment request e-mail? I managed to sneak an order in that day, but I still haven't received a payment request. Normally, this would indicate that something is not in stock and/or they are awaiting to receive more. But Regult preorders closed a long time ago and so I assumed any additional orders they were taking were for stock that was available and ready to ship.
  10. I don't know about that. I mean, it's not like people were leaping to the conclusion that he was blind when he had his original mask with no eyes. He moved well enough that people probably assumed he could see through the mask.
  11. What's sort of funny is that she also played Jinx in G.I. Joe: Retaliation, with a costume that looks more like Elektra than her actual Elektra costume. The show's take on Elektra's costume actually looks a lot more like Silk's (relatively new Korean-American Spider-Man spin-off):
  12. Regarding the ears -- while I'm not a fan of the ears on the design I linked to, DD has typically been depicted in the comics as having a cowl that hugs the ears in a pretty precise manner, sometimes even showing the ridges through the cowl material. Obviously not a very realistic depiction even if you assume he's wearing very thin spandex-like material, I always figured it was more of an artistic thing to emphasize his reliance upon his other senses generally, and hearing in particular. E.g., if you ever need to show a close-up of his ears as he listens to something, it looks better if it's the actual shape of the ear rather than just a vague outline. As for the evolving costume design, from what I remember in S1, when Matt acquired the costume from Melvin Potter, he was told that the different colors were made from different material that had varying levels of protection. I could be incorrectly remembering this part, but I thought that was due to him having to make the costume rather quickly, and that if he had had more time and material, the costume could have been fortified to be more protective. Perhaps this plays into the updates to the costume... now that Kingpin is gone, Matt can take a bit of a breather and have Melvin make some upgrades.
  13. That's funny that even in Japanese they call him "Mr. K".
  14. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    Well that's not going to fit in a Detolf!
  15. For me it's the opposite -- I don't own the Bandai one and I think it has a better fighter mode than Arcadia. But for me, the YF-19 is one of those mecha I prefer for it's battroid mode anyway, which in this case I think goes to Arcadia. I do think that the Bandai represents an overall better value though, but that's something I would have only known after the Bandai was released and things like the Arcadia's ankle and wing issues became known, and not at preorder time.
  16. Grig, is that you?
  17. The Arcadia YF-19 has some major drawbacks to fighter mode, improvements over the Yamato version notwithstanding. It lacks much of the tampo printed details of the Bandai VF-19. And there's a rather ugly exposed section where the kneecap joins the two portions of the leg.
  18. Uh yeah, except kimchi is Korean. Filipino food is actually pretty trendy right now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/food/at-long-last-filipino-food-arrives-what-took-it-so-long/2015/04/21/a4674bb0-e153-11e4-905f-cc896d379a32_story.html
  19. Flightpose.com is the original vendor/distributor. They supply to retailers, so you might be able to find them somewhere else, but probably more expensive. They periodically restock their inventory, so you have to cross your fingers and hope for the best. In the meantime, I highly recommend YetiStands produced by one of our resident forum members. A bit more pricey, but higher quality and many more options to display.
  20. It's a very-preliminary-but-not-unreasonable rumor. I think most of the articles I've seen on it basically amount to "Marvel TV wants to make a Punisher series". Of course, wanting to make something and actually going through the steps to do it are two different things. Considering the popularity of Punisher and the built-in audience, I wouldn't at all be surprised if this actually happens. And if John Bernthal's Punisher performance in season 2 of Daredevil is as good as the hype train says it is, chances are high that this will happen. On the other hand, Marvel/Netflix has already committed to a second season of JJ, as well as premier seasons of Iron Fist and Luke Cage, all while releasing the team-up show by its contractually required date. That's a pretty crowded slate, and doesn't bode well for them getting Punisher into the mix anytime soon.
  21. Great pics. I remember some of those ads (esp. the Robot Store ones) from the Robotech comic books published by Comico. Hard to believe you could get a 1/55 VF-1, Gakken Cyclone, or Gakken Alpha for less than $30 back then.
  22. You could make something like this as an Ikea hack. Get a while Billy bookshelf, attach a mirror or reflective surface to the particleboard backing, install lights and glass doors. I use Detolfs. They are the most cost effective solution, though I would agree that they aren't necessarily the best. Unfortunately, anything better is going to be a lot more expensive. Any standard retail furniture place that has a nice big glass curio with the features most of us want is going to be expensive -- like at least $500, and probably more.
  23. Traditionally in the comics, the cowl is not supposed to cover the nose. My guess is that in keeping with the tactical/practical look of the outfit, they decided to cover the nose because it provides more protection. Which makes sense... if the whole reason that Matt Murdock is adopting that particular costume (rather than the black outfit he had been using) is so that he's better protected, adding armor plating over his nose is logical. But I agree that the cowl doesn't look appealing. While the overall Affleck costume was "meh", the cowl wasn't a bad adaptation as it was fairly faithful to the source material.
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