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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. Three words: Space Gundam V.
  2. Just a thought I had -- for those who are having trouble removing the pins in the shoulder pieces, I wonder if one of these might be able to do the trick? http://www.amazon.co...nk+removal+tool It's cheap, and you can use it to do watch repairs as well.
  3. Can someone provide some clarification regarding the Yamato V2 1/60 VF-1 toys and the failing shoulders? Specifically, the reliability of the shoulders on the 30th anniversary Hikaru VF-1S with option parts. http://www.nippon-ya...ie-version.html I checked Anymoon.com, but it only says that the anniversary versions that come with a flashlight are safe, and those appear to be the ones that come with super/strike parts. I saw a Youtube reviewer who reviewed the TV Focker VF-1S and the Hikaru VF-1J 30th anniversary w/option parts models, and he says that those are just old stock toys with a sticker put on the box and option parts thrown into the package, so they are prone to shoulder breakage even though the anniversary sticker would lead you to believe they were made after the shoulder issue was discovered and corrected by Yamato. Also, is there any difference between the Hikaru VF-1S and VF-1A other than the head sculpt? They look the same to me.
  4. I think that's a 5-way pickup selector and probably mimics a standard 5-way Strat pickup selector. I have a Strat with hum/single/single configuration, and if the selector is wired anything like mine, you probably get neck/middle/bridge for positions 1, 3, and 5, and the twangy "out-of-phase" Strat sound in positions 2 and 4. The ad seems to only indicate a single master volume and 5-way pickup selector. I thought maybe one of those blue plastic things was a tone control, but then I realized that would be a really poor design choice, as you wouldn't be able to rotate the knob the entire range due to those fin-like projections getting in the way. I'm always fiddling with my tone control, so that's why I noticed it didn't have one. I guess you could always add an EQ pedal if you wanted more tone control, but then you probably wouldn't be able to mess with it on the fly while you're playing.
  5. I recently finished watching the dubbed version of SDF Macross that's available for streaming on Hulu. Does anyone know how faithful the dub was in rendering the original Japanese version of the story into English? Was it pretty much a straight translation, or did they edit any aspects of the story?
  6. No tone controls?
  7. I just finished scrolling through this entire thread admiring everyone's collections. Very impressive! However, what happened to all of Kicker's photos? I'm dying to see his collection. Reading everyone's compliments of his stash makes me think it is quite a sight to behold. Kicker, any chance those broken links could be fixed?
  8. There is a reference to Overdrive on this page. You don't quite say that it's defunct though, just that you no longer use them because they are no longer focusing on their web site. http://anymoon.com/blog/?page_id=2286 Just for kicks, I checked out their site prior to writing my original post above. It's a bit unclear whether some of their product is in stock or not. Several items have big "ORDER STOP" graphics overlaid, presumably to indicate they no longer carry that item. Other items appear to be in stock when you click the "BUY NOW" link, and will add the item to your cart accordingly, but when you click on the actual product description there's an "out of stock" graphic at the bottom of the page. This is the case with their Yamato 1/60 Hikaru VF-1A.
  9. Thanks! I just checked the Nippn Yasan website, and they seem to have several models of Yamato 1/60 VF-1s in stock for around $100 or so.
  10. Hello, I'm new to the forums and this is my first post. I found this place by following the breadcrumbs from Anymoon.com (great site by the way!). I have a question that probably doesn't get more n00b than this: Where does one go to buy a new, recent release Yamato VF-1? From scouring these forums and Anymoon, I've heard of a few online places like HobbyLink Japan and Overdrive. However, those places show almost all of their VF-1 stock as discontinued, out of stock, backordered, etc. I've done some searching at Amazon, but some of the prices there seem rather high ($200-$300 range). I know these are high-end collectibles, but that price range seems rather high when a place like HLJ lists their prices closer to $100-150. I've also looked on eBay, but it's bit overwhelming. Many of the sellers seem to be located in Hong Kong, and quite frankly I'm a little bit leery of dealing with any seller on eBay not in the US. Additionally, it's often hard to tell which version of the VF-1 they are selling based on some of the photos they post, and thus more difficult to discern whether it's one I want or one that should be avoided. So I'm wondering if there is some super-secret online store that all of you are getting your product from that actually has toys in stock at reasonable prices? Or is eBay going to be my best bet? Is Yamato even still manufacturing new 1/60 VF-1s that will eventually make their way to restock the empty shelves?
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