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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. I feel like I've had that movie seared into my mind, what with the constant airings on cable TV, so it was almost a reflex to conjure that image in my mind when I saw your photo of the valk.
  2. I'm in the exact same boat as you. Mine shipped on the 26th by SAL, the last update is "Dispatch from outward office of exchange", so it's been over three weeks. I've ordered plenty from Mandarake, but usually with them I order EMS and have never had a problem. This is my first time ordering from NY and first time ordering SAL. I posed this same question on the YF-29 thread... a few other guys on the forum received theirs in about two weeks. They were on the East Coast, same as me. I'm told that SAL delivery time can vary quite a bit -- anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months.
  3. The tips of the rods aren't all that tacky. Putting clear nail polish on them would probably make them more tacky, and thus help grip the valks better.
  4. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but isn't it possible Arcadia just took the files for the old Yamato sticker sheets and simply swapped out the Yamato logo for the Arcadia one? Don't get me wrong, those models will probably all get released anyway (maybe not Kakizaki), but it may be reading a bit too much into things to assume that the markings on the sticker sheet are indications of future releases.
  5. Ok thanks guys, hopefully that means it'll get here sometime this week!
  6. How long is a reasonable shipping time from Japan to East Coast USA via SAL? My YF-29 was shipped from Nippon-Yasan on the 26th and marked as "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" on 12/27. That was over two weeks ago and the tracking page doesn't show any other updates.
  7. His legs look a little skinny for my liking.
  8. Comics overall are actually doing relatively well... not as good as the boom period in the late 80s to early 90s, but better than they have in years. Sales are generally up across the board due to a combination of new distributions channels (digital comics and increased bookstore presence), publisher line-wide initiatives designed to increase readership (DCs New52 and Marvel's periodic re-numbering back to #1), TV/film adaptations bringing in new readers, and a little title from Image Comics called The Walking Dead. That said, I doubt this book will be a big money-maker for anyone.
  9. Regarding Nippon-Yasan, I had assumed they were shipping out according to when you pre-ordered, since I had been seeing a lot of people on this thread indicating that theirs had already shipped. That may not strictly be the case... I got an e-mail on the 25th saying that mine had shipped, and I placed my pre-order pretty late -- a couple weeks after Bandai stopped taking pre-orders from the Tamashii website, in fact.
  10. Isn't it like a 5 issue limited series? It would have to be really awful for them to cancel it without even finishing it. In all likelihood, the scripts are probably all done, so they just need another month or two for the art to be done. At that point, they might as well release the whole series since they've already paid the creators for their work.
  11. Mine is too. When did you place your order? I placed mine fairly late, so perhaps they are shipping the orders in a FIFO basis.
  12. Yeah, if you keep it in fighter mode it actually looks pretty good. Battroid mode is another story.
  13. Are the markings paint, stickers, or waterslides?
  14. Is that the 1/72 Bandai model kit?
  15. For those of you who pre-ordered from Nippon Yasan, they just updated their page to indicate that it will be available in 12/23. Since the Bandai release date is supposedly 12/21, I'm guessing that that 12/23 is the earliest it will ship from them once they receive it.
  16. Even though it wouldn't necessarily be faithful to G1, if you're going to make Magnus a robot who is bigger than Prime and also has a truck alt mode, it makes much more sense for him to have a Peterbilt truck alt-mode, and his have his bot mode vaguely resemble the movie Optimus Prime, except more boxy and G1-ish.
  17. The line needs more Decepticons. Also, while I get that it helps them recoup costs faster and make more profit by offering repaints of the same mold, they need to start offering more unique molds. I've never been one that feels the need to own multiple paint schemes of the same mold (VFs excepted of course -- this is a Macross site after all), so I'm generally happy to just buy the one paint scheme that I like best. Looking forward to see what they do with Wheeljack and Bumblebee, but I'd like see some more Decepticons that use different molds from what they've already released. MP Devastator and Insecticons would be a great start.
  18. Sure, we could easily design a jet that transforms into a robot. A really ugly-looking robot.
  19. But but but... there was a Christmas episode of SDFM!
  20. Nope, still not interested.
  21. So I guess this one will come in TV white as well. Darn, now I sorta want one... I already have a Yamato Hikaru 1S, but the TV white looks nice.
  22. It's kinda funny reading people's complaints about their local hobby shop overcharging for Macross product. Frankly, I'm amazed that you have a local hobby shop that would carry Macross product at all. But then I see that some of you are posting from Hong Kong or Singapore. Where I live in the states, there are several comic book/gaming/trading card shops in the area, and none of them carry Macross product. There's a local anime/manga shop, and their toy selection mostly consists of Gundam figures and model kits, Dragon Ball action figures, that type of things. They carry a few G1 reissue Transformers, and some Toynami Robotech MPC toys from the The New Generation (Mospeada) series. No Macross.
  23. It's not that hard to figure out. One company produces adult collector action figures based on popular movie and comic book licenses which are recognized the world over, another company makes adult collector transformable robots that are only recognized in Japan and by a small, cult-like following outside of Japan. The only Macross toy that even approaches mass appeal outside of Japan is the VF-1. Hot Toys and Macross toys are both expensive, but one is much more likely to sell to a broader spectrum of people than the other.
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