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Everything posted by SuperSenpai

  1. Informal poll -- What would you say is a fair price for a used ver. 2 Yamato VF-1D, non-30th anniversary, with broken shoulders, but otherwise intact with all papers, stickers, and box?
  2. I was trying to do a search in the forums for topics pertaining to a particular model of valk - VF-1S, YF-19, etc. For some reason, the search function keeps returning no results, even though I know that the search string appears in that forum. For example, if I search the Toy forum for "VF-0D", it returns nothing even though there is a currently active VF-0D thread. Is there a trick to getting this work? I tried searching with quotes, with and without the dash, and nothing works.
  3. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    This. Given the scale, we should assume there will be some compromises like parts swapping. So if absolutely perfect transformation or lots of gimmicks is your thing, you really shouldn't be looking at small scale toys to begin with. You have to compare apples to apples. I think the execution of the Hi-Metals is excellent, especially when you consider some of the other toys out there in similar scales.
  4. I've been posting on this forum for a few years now, so I feel dumb for asking ... but what's an SOC? And if you didn't have the SOC, what would the second guy have sold the valks for? Did he just really want the SOC real bad? And more importantly -- where did you find these guys????
  5. I seem to have an endless supply of hex wrenches in all shapes and sizes. I think it's from years of buying Ikea furniture.
  6. You forgot about all the posts where people threaten to cancel their preorders.
  7. I think this had been discussed before. Swapping out the wings is the tricky part -- I think it would require disassembling the toy, as the Yamarcadia wings are not removable the way the Bandai Hi-Metals are. Not to mention the fact that the 3D printed wings wouldn't have any of the tampo markings on it. IMO, it's too much of an effort and too much possibility for it to look worse than the existing compromise in exchange for a relatively minor increase in anime-accuracy.
  8. Really looking forward to the Daredevil TV series. I'm a HUGE Daredevil fan -- I have a near-complete run of 1980s Daredevil (#165-310), and a complete run of vol. 2, 3, and 4 -- including last week's issue. I thought Ben Affleck's Daredevil movie wasn't nearly as bad as its reputation may indicate, but I'm really interested in seeing DD done justice (no pun intended) on screen. I think he's one of Marvel's most underrated characters.
  9. Yes, but the real question is whether the valk is white and gold or blue and black.
  10. I feel like this is what the Fantastic Four reboot is going to look like.
  11. Yeah, I followed a few auctions a while back of several TV-style valks. They were all ones I already owned, so really just following to see what they would end at. I think the auctions all finished at $150 or higher, without shipping. And they were unboxed valks too. I agree with Duff -- Arcadia is really dragging their feet on the reissues, and may possibly never get to some variants, so people who own those are hanging on to them, and those that are selling can command high prices.
  12. Hey Saburo, what pieces are you using for the dual YF configuration? I'm thinking of putting one together like the one you have.
  13. Someone needed super/strike parts REALLY bad.
  14. SuperSenpai

    Hi-Metal R

    They've released very little information so far. Even if they update the designs, I doubt I'll replace the ones I have for newer ones. I just want to pick up a Milia 1J to go with my Max, a couple enemy mecha, and maybe a Destroid.
  15. Saw this go up last night on Mandarake, and now it's gone. http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1489455.html
  16. Did he mention any specific design changes besides the switch to all plastic?
  17. Regarding the price -- my guess is that it's based on some Toynami or HG staff member scanning eBay to see what MPC Alphas are selling for these days. They are likely reasoning that if people are paying over $100 for a secondhand Alpha, they'd easily fork over $140 for a brand-new one. The MPC Alpha is, in my opinion, a prime example of aftermarket inflation that is truly undeserved.
  18. Even though there are newer toys that look better, they don't look terrible either. Considering a lot of people leave their valks in fighter mode and never transform them, the V1 Yamatos aren't a bad way to go if that's what you're going to do. Every now and then I toy with the idea of picking up a V1 VF-1D to display in fighter mode with my TV 1S, since I've all but despaired of Arcadia ever reissuing the V2 1D.
  19. I would only be interested in this if it addressed all the issues of the previous version and/or had a large reduction in price. As it was, I had been casually keeping tabs on MPC Alphas in the aftermarket, but only ones that were being sold at what I considered to be reasonable prices in light of the many flaws. Getting a flawed toy always sucks, but I'm more willing to play the QC lottery for $50 plus knowing that I might get a dud in advance, vs. $100+ and being completely in the dark about it. On the other hand, if they are just re-using the same molds, then that's just pure greed. I have no idea if they re-couped their costs on the molds with what they sold the first time around. But assuming they did, then that means this latest batch should have higher margins even without the price increase. At this point they are just trying to milk people. Sadly, it's nice-looking toy....
  20. EXO posted this in a WTB thread in response to someone's request for Toynami MPC Alphas. Apparently Toynami is looking to re-release the MPC Alphas... at almost double the previous release's MSRP. http://www.figures.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=575092&title=toynami&cat=20412
  21. For all their faults, one thing that I thought HG did well were the voice actors and the background music. There were a number of scenes that originally had no background music that were, in my opinion, improved by HG's additions. As for the actual vocal music -- I realize it has a huge following, but c'mon... it's cheesy 80s J-Pop vs. cheesy 80s American pop. No winners here.
  22. I was watching these auctions that just ended, just to see how high things would get -- interesting to note that the CF VF-1A went for the most. http://www.ebay.com/itm/361200809342?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.com/itm/361200802424?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.com/itm/361200795340?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  23. I apologize if this has been covered already, but has anyone tried fitting a YetiStand with multiple arms within a Detolf shelf? What's the most anyone has done?
  24. C'mon man, those things are begging to be taken out and displayed. This is the Macross Collection Display thread, not the Macross Collection of Boxes thread! Get on it!
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