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Everything posted by akt_m

  1. akt_m

    Macross figures

    This is worse than the worst figma bootleg. Statueshit, don't want
  2. akt_m

    Macross figures

    Seeing this. I can only pray MaxFactory will do some figma from Delta.
  3. Isn't weird that some missiles blew a VF-171 while at the same time couldn't hurt Mikumo. The VF-171 has PPB and the reactor should have a greater output capacity than some drones.
  4. So, is this Idolm@ster/Love live with VF's? Xenoglossia and 0048 were so bad that I fear for this one.
  5. Why are they still using the cheyene from macross zero?
  6. Why are people so upset about Scarlett Johanson? Motoko is a full cyborg, she could look like anybody.
  7. Just your opinion. If moe helps them profit more, then what is the problem?
  8. Implying moe is bad to the anime industry.
  9. Do you want a nendoroid, figma or statue of those characters. They won't know unless you tell them.
  10. They already made the nendoroid, if it sells well would just be a matter of time to have the figma. But I'm not sure if MaxFactory can do a Disney character with the same quality they do anime school girls.
  11. Here is a GSC survey on what characters would you like to see as figures. http://event.goodsmile.info/whlq/en/special/ Please, tell them you want some Macross Figma. And be specific about it being a FIGMA if you want a figma. What if they release some nendoroids instead?
  12. Why are those guys dancing like idiots? It should be embarrassing, no?
  13. Don't know why robotech fans always give all the credits to Macek or Yune.
  14. Yeah, they released before one bundled with DVD and now is very expensive. I would like to get one swimsuit Sonico if the price was lower.
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