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Everything posted by akt_m

  1. i think we should agree with everything he says. he will get tired of it. or just ignore him. (starting it know, i wont post anymore in any of his topics)
  2. instead of offending him lets do the opposite. YEAH macross sucks and robotech is the most original anime in the world. IT RULES!!!!
  3. what if you just die?? what if this topic get closed??
  4. PS version, does the dreamcast version run in chankast???
  5. i don´t hate macross 7. i downloaded everything just to see the vf-22 in action.
  6. i don´t if should´ve posted it here or in the games section. sorry if i did it wrong. all i want to ask is if there is someone here that has a savegame of super robot wars alpha with all the secret macross mechs.
  7. for videos- BSPLAYER for music- WINAMP 2 or 5
  8. after some work(i never mixed sounds before) i could join 2 verses into the same file.
  9. after listening to macross ost vol. III miss dj and macross the complete i realised that i heard a diferent version of runner in the last ending. could anyone that has the dvd set record it into a mp3 file please? (i dont think they ever released it in any ost). thank u.
  10. don´t know why but i can´t connect in the active mode (i am using sygate firewall and i checked the program to allowed connection). that´s bad because most of the users are passive mode, and passiveXpassive can´t connect to each other. is there any other client that doesnt have this kind of problem??? (i´m using oDC)
  11. i hope he is a robotech fan.
  12. is im4 full of users??? i can´t connect and always get connection refused.
  13. what is more flaming? a post about RT or Macross 7???
  14. akt_m

    minmay fanart

    at the beginning i did only her face, then i decided to do her body. i usually don´t like to smooth because sometimes it loses details but i should give a try later. now it shouldn´t remind you mary poppins anymore.
  15. akt_m

    minmay fanart

    1600x1200 1024x768
  16. great artwork. hahaha it is very funny.
  17. akt_m

    minmay fanart

    a closer look at her face. soon i will be posting some wallpapers that use this artwork.
  18. akt_m

    minmay fanart

    hey guys. any comments is appreciated.
  19. thats why i said "it still doesn´t look good even after the color change." i did a very poor coloring job, even if you change the colors i doubt he would use it on his shirt.
  20. uhauhauahu sh*t!! forgot about the hue thing!! but it still doesn´t look good even after the color change.
  21. i really wish they would make it (and some better macross games) for PC.
  22. at the end of episode 27: hikaru: Oh my god misa!! you have 3 arms!!!! misa: noooooooo!
  23. thermo optical camouflage
  24. if you look at www.pricewatch.com there is one generic 1gb sd for $68 (price is $63 + shipping $5)
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