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Everything posted by akt_m

  1. the sketch and ishtar. i decided to drop it because i would spend too much time doing all the background. sorry .
  2. nice work Magnafiressoviet.
  3. besides those in www.mahq.net are there any others?
  4. may i summon the anchor of friendship??? make this topic sink! (i don´t owe robotech anything, in my country they aired a dubbed version of macross with all the original songs, but later they stopped and started with robotech in other channel)
  5. i though Abombz!! was a guy!! that´s surprising. i will make a bet: the topic won´t last more than 5 replies from here.
  6. i wonder if my PC can handle it.
  7. ... thinking better the actor doesn´t matter, he will be using a mask and he won´t even need to speak. and i don´t think ep 4,5 and 6 need a remake.
  8. i think he is trying to fool us, he knows that probably someone will type his login and password and then he will steal our MW account.
  9. yes it is very expensive. ps2 and xbox original games here in my country are only imported, in the end each game would cost almost the same amount of money that the cleaning lady or the guy that collects the garbage would win in a month. that´s why almost everybody here only buy non original copies. i also don´t own a video game because it is not cheap here, if anyone wants to donate one for me i would gladly accept.
  10. hey isamu5979. sorry if i made you pissed of. it wasnt my intention. and bake_art you are right i shouldnt mess with others artwork, it will never happen again.
  11. now she doesnt have anymore a surprised look.
  12. great artwork isamu5979!!. i know you wanted to do it at your own style but at the same time it looks too robotechized for me(no offence), so i still like more the japanese style. (hope you don´t mind that i modified your artwork)
  13. Click at your own risk! Turn away NOW! OMG!!! spike looks like a teenager. please tell me that they didn´t do any cowboy bebop comics!!
  14. why the VF-17D would be better??? i guess i should try again with a VF-17D because i wasn´t able to beat all those ghost x-9.
  15. akt_m

    VF Girls

    i used photoshop. thx. and i think miriya´s hair is a little diferent. she is just a girl with green hair. closer look at her face.
  16. akt_m

    VF Girls

    i used a computer to colour it.
  17. akt_m

    VF Girls

    if anyone wants to see her nude just pm me! i was just joking.....
  18. akt_m

    VF Girls

    i guess it is finished!
  19. what about a green haired valk girl, though its not finished yet.
  20. i don´t know why everybody keeps giving attention to MGREXX. if you don´t like what he post you should just ignore him.
  21. ok the quality is good, but combining robots sucks (only gunbuster is great). kawamori should do a macross tv series with that kind of cgs.
  22. World at War was made by the same guys that did panzer general 1 & 2. They upgraded its engine to the one used in War in the Pacific and they reduced the complexity of the new engine and did World at War. if you want to play war in the pacific be aware that you will need to know a lot about WWII. (i don´t play strategy games and i don´t read books about WWII so i can´t recommend anything about it).
  23. OMG!!! i should have just walked away... now i need to forget about it.
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