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Everything posted by akt_m

  1. It looks like a VF-25 with fixed wings. And i doubt they will use it, i guess there are more chances to a VF-19 appear than a YF-24.
  2. Can't be from kawamori, doesn't look good in battroid.
  3. Is the VF-1 really that small when compared to others???
  4. I wonder if anyone still believes that Michael is not dead.
  5. Some parts were funny. Like when the barman says to Max that Mylene is too young, and Max answers: "she is my daughter". I think it would have been better if it were more realistic (like more people dying when the episode title says so) and just 25 episodes so it could develop faster.
  6. I guess i never saw anyone doing better manga/anime paintings than Mikimoto. Those from the guy who does evangelion manga are good (don't know many anyway), but IMHO Mikimoto is better.
  7. Just watched the raws, couldn't stop laughing at the commercial with the dude using a gundam light saber. wtf???
  8. It wasn't animated, doesn't count.
  9. They should rip-off Cowboy Bebop and do a new Macross with bounty hunters.
  10. And I am surprised that you posted them!!! My eyes!!!!
  11. Just changed the first part of the music. It is just i liked better the "Don't be late" released with the Macross F Trailler, when they released the decultured director cut first ep. i was kinda disapointed that they changed the music. Not a remix exactly, just don't know the right word to use... To be plain and simple: Extracted the vocals, copy pasted the instrumental part from the second part, joined them back.
  12. Holly sh*t!!! Drolls to the quality. Only if Macross Frontier had this kind of budget...
  13. This might not be the best place to post this, but anyone noticed that the Don't Be Late music from the first released Trailler isn't the same as the one officially released???? I tried to edit the music, but since i'm not an expert at doing this i want to ask you guys if it sounds ok.
  14. Or he had a nightmare as a kid, who wouldn't?? stage fright flashing... Glad i never watched robocrap!!! (ok... i watched someepisodes )
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dQyJr1o44E Even if it was animated by a japanese studio it doesn't feel like... I get the impression that the japanese don't do their best when it is for western companies.
  16. Yeah, "anime"... I watched the batman anime and i didn't fell like as if i was really watching anime. Same with Britney Spears animated clip.
  17. Just rewatched again this ep. Probably this is the second (or third if you include DYRL) best Macross ever made. Better than Plus and 7 for sure.
  18. Why??? They are all good in japanese... Man, that CD is pretty bad!!! If only they had hired good vocals.
  19. Well... never watched it...
  20. No Silvie and Nexx?
  21. huh?????
  22. Once i saw a page that had tons of ships, you could select the ship scalet and also could drag the ships with the mouse. And it had macross.
  23. Another Valkgirl... The original was something like this (this one has already some modifications): New version, with improved "implants".
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