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Everything posted by akt_m

  1. If the writers wanted they could make in the plot a VF-0 with a superior performance than the VF-25. By the way what are the numbers for the GhostX9??
  2. I think the manga is good. The TV series had a messed ending.
  3. Who sings track 11/CD3 of Macross the Complete???
  4. I think MKV is just the container, what changes the quality is the codec and the bitrate used (mostly, but there are other parameters), youtube mp4 uses H264, the same that is also used in most MKV HD fansubs. Never realized that there were 3 VF-17. Were they there since the begining or just added after Macross 7???
  5. TOP recommendations For you: Cowboy Bebop (Spike is my favorite male anime character until now) FLCL For your familly: Some Ghibli movies: Laputa, Monoke, Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, one i don't remember the title about a young witch. that's all... What was a waste of time (but didn't watch all of them until the end): Gundam Seed Gundam 00 (IMO really sucks) Toppa Tengenn Gurren Lagann Aquarion (believe: i just watched because it had Shoji Kawamori on it, ugh) Arjuna (same as above, didn't learn from past errors, ugh) What i liked but won't recommend: (may not please everybody) Ah Megami Sama Claymore Code Geass (i know, it is far from being perfect, the robots sucks, but i liked ) What i watched but... not that cool: Ghost in the shell SAC 1 and 2nd gig (Overrated, IMO: it is very boring if there is no action on the episode, good if you want to sleep while they are talking about a lot of stuff.) Evangelion (the whole robot concept is nice, i didn't watch the 2 last episodes, it is very boring for a ending, the end movie is nicer, also totally overrated). Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water (it was really nice at the begining, but after some point at the middle i began to skip episodes)
  6. You sound as if they were forcing you to buy them all.
  7. I guess Kawamori simply forced better designs into canon. Or do you seriously think it is good the VF-1 cockpit with 20 levers??
  8. That's a good parody of those hardcore fans.
  9. Man, there are many better things to spend money than hating Robotech...
  10. But its not the same design, it ressembles the Tomahank, therefore it is a derivated design, so it wouldn't be under merchandising rights.
  11. If BW owns the original designs for the Tomahawk, then only BW would be able to claim rights over a derivated design from it??? right??
  12. IMO can't really question those things if you are believing that jet transforming robots are possible. First you have to ask: "holly sh*t, how is a jet transforming to a robot possible???" Two answers: 1) "Ok i will believe." If you do so, then asking things like how do they generate power aren't needed, you already believe something more unreal. 2) "That is totally impossible". Then you are watching Macross because it is fun, and any aspect that isn't realistic won't bother you anymore.
  13. Thank you for giving your opinion. Well... technicaly, the gerwalk mode is possible. but i tried to avoid having this mode, that's why i didn't posted a pic of it. I tried to avoid copying anything kawamori did before, so it became a really complicated transforming process. It loooks ugly because i tried to make it ressemble the Legioss, hence the option "looks outdated from the 80's". (It was becoming rounded before the reference change).
  14. I started playing around with a concept, then it became a transforming robot, this is the final result: I assure that the transformation process is 100% whitout floating parts, can't post a transformation video because i'm having problems animating it... this is worse than transforming the VF-25! Please be honest if you think it sucks just say it! Thx for giving your opinion!
  15. Using Windows 7 now, i liked it! Had some problems with the sound, i can't manage all the settings the way i did in XP. At foobar setting the output at KS or ASIO, the CMSS3d or Crystalizer won't affect the sound. Couldn't run some apps that were made for windows 98, and it is eating at least more 350 mb of ram when compared to XP. But all the newer features are nice. I skiped vista so i don't know if they were already at vista.
  16. Or he can just face the truth: Kawamori just "excluded" everything he probably didn't like at the sequels.
  17. Looks nice.
  18. The song is totally diferent, i never watched robotech, they just got the same name from the chorus of the Mospeada OP. I mean they can't even make their own song name.
  19. In the end if HG use the VF-1 valkyrie, will just prove more their lack of any talent. I watched mospeada and couldn't believe that even the SONG NAME they couldn't create their own. At the original opening he sings "lonely soldier boy", when i went to youtube to search for it i found that there is a RT song with the same name.
  20. Sorry shadow still didn't do what you asked me... I have to find maya 5.0 to install yet...
  21. Probably the modeler did it based on a toy.
  22. I mean i want reference photos of the most accurate gunbuster model/toy for a 3d model. I'm not going to buy one... I have no idea which one is better from the picture. That's why i'm asking here for the experts. C'mon Noriko Takaya, you have all the toys, and own a gunbuster website, which one you think is the best??
  23. It really doesn't help, they all look like gunbuster. But how do i know which one is more accurate? I already did one low poly model, it is avaliable at turbosquid, but isn't good.
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