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  1. Are there any ways to get Hikaru on the PC steam version outside of japan?
  2. I just bought this on steam, this game stinks. But beggars can't be choosers...
  3. Before I go into the whole trouble of installing this. Is everything already unlocked? Is it possible to only watch the MVs? I only played Macross Uta a little when it was released, but I never saw the later updates, if they implemented the option to only watch the MV.
  4. akt_m

    Uta Macross!

    It seems you can play an offline version now. Did anyone here try to install this? ---edit---- never mind, I just saw a thread already going on the fan works secton.
  5. Or they could just make a Macross sequel that doesn't suck like Delta did.
  6. Imagine a game like "Gundam Battle Operation 2" but with valks instead.
  7. Would be great if they made a turn based strategy gatcha game for mobile devices.
  8. I'm not sure if it would generate the necessary profit. IMO, They should just jump 100% into the Idol and Isekai bandwagon. They need to create a new macross where an otaku (that browses the macrossworld forum) died by getting hit by a truck, then he went to the macross universe. Then it needs some cute Idols for the harem. I could see some success here.
  9. Still, I'm not going to buy anything with a HG sticker on it.
  10. Sorry if I offended you, it was just me ranting.
  11. I wouldn't be so sure for the hardcore fans. It is a lost cause. They could have figured out decades ago that HG will never deliver anything like SDF-1 by using their own creative team, since they didn't create any of the shows.
  12. akt_m

    Macross figures

    Yandere Minmay, cool!
  13. Do you guys think Kawamori will do a new Macross completely different from anything before? Or do you guys think Kawamori will go after where the money is right now and make a much more profitable Macross? Wouldn't be bad if he made an spin-off Isekai Macross series. It could be on the universe but the story would not be part of the canon. Or even a more Idol focused Macross, I'm sure he could copy the formula of pure idol animes with nothing but cute girls doing stuff. He could hire Yuhei Murota to design the characters so it will bring even more people on the boat.
  14. Or they could have made Minori Suzuki sing Voices and Junna Information High. Would anyone complain?
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