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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. I'm not familiar with Quickswitch or Sixknight, but the idea of Fansproject doing a six-changer does sound enticing. I love the third photo of it wielding two guns while doing a sexy walk.
  2. I haven't been to a Japan Expo, and I think this is the first one. As far as autographs are concerned, I don't know if it's going to be a first come first serve basis, or if the staff will hand out tickets or something to that effect. Either way, expect long lines, and how many people end up with signatures ultimately depends on the mood or health of the guest. But man, I would love a signed copy of Aramaki's Design Works. Looking more into it, it seems Japan Expo started just last year.
  3. Official website: Japan Expo Guests of note include Street Fighter artist Daigo Ikeno, Izumi Matsumoto- author of Kimagure Orange Road, and the man himself, Shinji Aramaki. I would go just to get a signature from Matsumoto, but alas, real life gets in the way again.
  4. Kurisama, you guys have to give this thing a nice solar yellow paint job, and not a banana yellow one. Just like how Henkei Sunstreaker looked much better than the Classics version. Regardless, Spinout looks kick ass.
  5. It sucks that parts of this valk are so faulty. I would happily plunk down the cash for two of these valks plus armor parts if they were a lot more solid.
  6. This is the first "modern" valk I'll be getting in a long time. This delta winged beaut looks so much better than ANY Frontier valk. My almost forgotten pre-order should be getting here from CDJ in a few days, so I now pray to the Hory Froating Head that it'll be in one piece.
  7. I just checked their FB page. That mech does look awesome. Finally some painted progress!
  8. If I was a captain, I would ban my crew from wearing tuques...with pom poms.
  9. There was some news from SDCC, and this is the first solid footage I've seen of this rumored game: Weird, the official website is now suspended. I can imagine the rage if this game sucks...
  10. Limitations set aside, I was still expecting better looking combiners from Hasbro's team. Maybe the spindly legs, enormous thigh gaps, and overall goofy looking proportions are the the result of the Scramble City gimmick.
  11. For the most part, yes. These new combiners aren't gonna make me toss out my Uranos and Intimidator, but they're underwhelming to see after Hasbro has finally gotten up to bat.
  12. Hasbro's full blown combiners after all these years....look kind lame. Or at least their debut is real crappy looking.
  13. Daaaamn this game is old. Despite several recommendations I never did try this game, but I bought it and Dishonored for less than $6 during Xbox Live's sale. After a few hours into it, I can honestly say I missed out. And I was playing it like any other FPS until I learned of the V.A.T.S. combat system. Now I like the game even more! Not bad for 6 bucks.
  14. Are there any other MWers who caught New Order in SF last night? Sumner still has the skills with the guitar, but I think he's lost some high vocal ranges. Or maybe he was tired of singing Bizzare Love Triangle. La Roux opened for them, and they were definitely into it. The lead had a Max Headroom look going for her.
  15. I bought the english version for the PC via Playism. It's a fine shooter.
  16. Delta is a fine game, and I bet you'd like R-Type Final as well. To this day I'm still trying to collect all the R fighters for that game.
  17. That's ridiculous. Jeebus, I didn't know about it being OOP. I really should have got one when I had the chance. That would be one expensive custom bash, but I do see the similarities.
  18. That is some stoopid money. Shifting gears; now I like playing with my toys, but this dude takes it to another level: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=8LHWPvwD8Xk Probably the best Maketoys commercial I have ever seen.
  19. They are really milking MP-08 for what it's worth aren't they? If you really want something for Grimmy to sit on, just pose MP-01 on his hands and knees.
  20. How on earth does MW not have a thread for this show? Well at least I couldn't find it. If I'm wrong, mods please kindly correct my mistake. This show was one of the titles AnimEigo brought over during the late 80's that helped solidify the notion that mecha is cool. Truth be told, I've forgotten a lot regarding this show ever since our VCR turned to junk many years ago and I really should track a DVD down. BUT what do I remember is that bad ass hand drawn masterpiece that was its introduction, which made a younger version of myself believe the Madox-01 can actually be made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=N7T-6ThKoJ0 The Madox is one of Shinji Aramaki's classic designs, and merchandising for the show is next to nil. Back then finding models of the Madox was an ordeal, and even more so now. As far as I know, only garage kits have been made sporadically available and recasts are just as hard to find. Anyways, classic mecha design doesn't die. It just gets remembered later on by some dude in his 30's who detonated a nostalgia bomb while digging out his nerd stash in the garage when he should've have been out mowing the lawn on hot ass Saturday afternoon. I digress, check out this fanbuilt Madox with some impressive rendering: 1/35 scale Madox
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