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Valkyrie Hunter D

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Hunter D

  1. Crap, time to inspect my Cyclones. I hate this part of toy collecting.
  2. Very bubbly kit, it's gonna need a lot of TLC to straighten the parts out. Good price though.
  3. Fewture's Garland looks killer, thanks for the review, Bobby! I'm glad I didn't stop my preorder.
  4. That sounds reasonable. I still dunno what exactly each fob homes in on in regards to a guild member's target.
  5. Right, so why would he think that hiding the mogwai in the village (even if it is in the middle of nowhere) would do any good?
  6. Yeah, still dunno how the fobs work. Mando knows the fobs can be precise in finding the quarry, so how can you hide anywhere?
  7. Just one more reason for a remake.
  8. It's normal, just give them time to catch up.
  9. As a kid who had just watched vehicle Voltron combine for the first time, I never saw black or yellow Ford Broncos the same way again.
  10. That explains the sudden $300 charge on my credit card activity, ugh. It's been so long that forgot I kept this preorder active.
  11. Yup, mine just shipped as well!
  12. Just a heads up to other cheap gamers like me: Amazon has Nioh, God of War, and Horizon Zero Dawn for $10 each right now. I got all those plus the RE2 remake for $25. All for PS4.
  13. I'm always down for more Lupin, and this looks to be a fun romp.
  14. I used the Buy It Now price from a Yahoo JP auction vendor. I'm using FromJapan as a proxy service.
  15. Yup, that was DYRL thing. Dunno how that was missed. I bit the bullet and ordered a Hikky 1S with a $50 markup plus shipping. I just wanted save my time and stop looking. Getting the new Legioss was so much easier.
  16. I just got a notice from amazon jp about it being shipped earlier than expected. I'm totally giddy.
  17. Dagnabit, I missed out on HLJ's opening. It was on my wishlist too but never got a notice.
  18. Heads up, I just read something about a few thousand Disney + accounts being hacked with user ids and their passwords being sold in the seedier parts of the online world, so change your passwords just in case.
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