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Valkyrie Hunter D

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    Valkyrie Hunter D
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    It don't matter

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    Sactown, CA

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SMS Squadron Leader

SMS Squadron Leader (11/15)



  1. Cy-Kill never looked so good!
  2. His namesake grilling contraption made the best gdamn burgers my hallmates and I ever had during my dorm days. R.I.P. to a legend.
  3. Yeah, but F-47 Putin just sounds weird.
  4. Sentinel is giving their Ride Armors another go? There's some contradiction there with "Non Scale Full Action Toy" and "1/12 Scale Mospeada":
  5. I just saw the demo for the Front Mission 3 remake: At this rate, I'm thinking I'll just stick with the original. I hope the combat changes A LOT if this remake goes into production. The camera is off center, the sound effects are awful, the wanzers move with no weight or impact, the colors are washed out, etc. I know it's just a demo and it was from last September, but that demo just left an awful taste in my mouth.
  6. Capcom vs SNK 2 alone is worth the price of admission for me on this collection:
  7. I just viewed Dera's work, and they are really testing the limits of what LEGO pieces can do. Spectacular mecha work: The articulation blows me away.
  8. There is THIS game though: However, I've been quite wary of Konami ever since they went to the dark side of smart phone games, and I can only imagine the microtransaction bs they will insert in this one.
  9. The remaster really could've been something extraordinary if the content from the Saturn port of Suikoden I was included. I think it was a wasted opportunity to bring in that exclusive content.
  10. As a big Robocop fan, I thought it was a great game - highly recommended. However, with the way Robocop moves, it was also my favorite tank simulation.
  11. I don't know when it was posted, but Threezero has their Baroness up for preorder.
  12. Remember the Terminator game for the Sega-CD? Now imagine a Terminator 2 game in the same fashion:
  13. For now, it sounds like a horrible accident. RIP to him and his family.
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