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Cannon Fodder

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  1. no worries renegadeleader. I might have sounded a bit too annoyed honestly. I'm pretty frustrated with it is all. Its frustrating when a gift from someone else turns into a chore for me. I will pick up the discotek release when i get the money back. What do you think of the quality overall? edit: not my money but my girl's money.
  2. no they're region free. Just messaged the seller asking for a refund. Wish me luck.
  3. ok. thanks guys. Do you have any advice on how i can prove to ebay that they're bootleg? My girlfriend payed 90 dollars plus shipping for them and i kind of want to get the money back without having to worry about shipping them back to thailand. I'm honestly not sure how to tell myself, they just seem bootleg. Could it be possible that they are actually the Japanese release?
  4. i dont really know why. It was a gift from someone who doesn't usually buy this kind of stuff. Why answer my original question with another question?
  5. hey guys i got this set of harlock dvds. Does anyone have them and can compare them to the new discotek release of the show? It was pretty expensive and i want to know if i should return it (it was a gift).
  6. yeah the gloss is ok. I only used it on the details and it ended up looking pretty nice. My problem now is trying to figure out how to keep the head from falling forward when its in battroid mode. the slightest movement sends it off balance. I guess its alot more front heavy than the standard head.
  7. im so bitter i missed the glory days.
  8. yeah its a custom head. exo said they were produced 10 years ago. Its wierd cause i feel like the head is at the right height but the neck is to skinny or something. i think im gonna customize the standard head and just resculpt the entire bottom half including the neck.
  9. My new idea to clear coat it is to use that Future Floor polish stuff. Any one think that would be good for something im going to handle a lot?
  10. heres a picture of it. I already posted this in another thread in the toys section but ill post here with any more progress and pictures so i don't ruin that other thread. I still haven't put on a clear coat yet. I wanted to ask you guys, what do you think about the neck? It seems long to me but i can't tell if thats because im used to the standard head.
  11. thanks big f. Yeah ive decided i dont really want to panel line or weather/shade this because i dont really want to have to clear coat the whole toy. I really like the look of raw plastic. Just curious though, what do you think of the neck? It seems too long to me but i can't tell if thats because im used to seeing the standard head on there. Edit: further pictures/progress will be posted in the Customs forum.
  12. well heres my custom. Its not really done so the head is just kind of placed on there. still gotta top coat it and connect everything more permanently.
  13. no problems exo. I was just slightly concerned by what mechtech said. Im usually pretty cautious with this kind of stuff. But yeah the pieces are fine so im sure they will stay fine.
  14. So i would only be able to see this in the clear coat and not the paint/primer? also, does this chemical bleeding continue even if the resin pieces are old? im pretty sure these pieces are fairly old. exo might know how old they are.
  15. so i cant use the testors spray laquer on this piece?
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