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Everything posted by Moosey

  1. Moosey

    Macross figures

    My favourite Sheryl figure http://myfigurecollection.net/item/26555 Usually around 4k on mandarake these days - the blue version goes for a little more. For Ranka, http://myfigurecollection.net/item/6092 Again around 4k on Mandarake This banpresto prize is one of my favourite Ranka figures too http://myfigurecollection.net/item/161952 Hope that helps
  2. Moosey

    Macross figures

    I'm with you Spanner. I have quite a lot of the small scale variety and some people view them in a similar manner I guess. There's definitely something about the size that gets me. For example http://moonlitsaki.com/2016/01/saenai-heroine-no-sodatekata-katou-megumi-aniplex-painted-prototype-information-revealed.html This thing creeps me out too! I wasn't crazy about the life size Sheryl and Ranka at the Macross event in Tokyo either. The Volks dolls however are on a different scale of creepy altogether though. Last time I was in Akihabara, the floors of the stores selling them gave me chills!! Had to press on.......quickly. Don't get me wrong, if they're your thing, that's cool. To each their own, but they're not for me.
  3. Nice buys (and bought fors ) guys. I'm smiling and they're not even mine!
  4. Love the panel lining on the VF-1 derex.
  5. I hope enough folks buy it so Arcadia will maybe hang around long enough to have another crack at the Sv-51....
  6. Moosey

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I fear it won't fold at all and will simply attach to the pod in some way with a a collapsible mount.
  7. I thought the reviewer expended a lot of effort complaining about being inundated with too many characters and subplots. I for one was delighted with amount of stuff we were introduced to in character, plot, setting terms. FAR too many anime suffer from sluggish/turgid/painful exposition and plot development. If Delta can keep the tempo the of 1st episode (most of the time at least) it will buck that god awful trend and hopefully keep us all interested.........except for the guy who wrote the review obviously
  8. I'd say it'd be slightly more comfortable for a start Spanner!
  9. It is indeed. My Bandai 19Adv has never left Fighter mode! Thanks Spanner, amazing what can be done when your inbox is empty at work
  10. Fooling around with the photo editing apps on my iPhone again so here are the results.
  11. But at least you know in your heart of hearts you did the right thing!
  12. Moosey

    Bandai DX VF-31

    ∆02 ∆03 ∆05 ∆04 ∆01 Would be my order of preference right now. That's based solely on colour schemes and nothing to do with pilots.
  13. I panel lined my Arcadia YF-19 too. It was indeed painful. Don't know about this one..... Probably will have at it some time in the future after drinking too much scotch as has been the case in the past.
  14. I did a quick edit and made it my desktop picture Spanner. Spectacular work again Saburo! My plan was to keep mine in my Private Warehouse until the VF-4G release and to ship them together. All these glorious pics are making me want to swoosh mine about though.........
  15. Sorry to hear that. Just for reference when my -19Advance appeared with a broken tail fin the options HLJ offered were: 1 - a full refund 2 - discount off next order (because it was sold out they couldn't offer a replacement) but the -0S is still in stock. Hope you get sorted either way.
  16. Vars syndrome makes you look like Guld Bowman with the limiters out and pulling enough G's to make your head explode......... So yeah, pretty nasty! My command of Japanese is (extremely) limited but I was able to get the gist of the episode (if not the finer details) having listened to Tochiro, Renato et al on the podcast. (Thanks again for that btw)
  17. It looks good with it's "legs out" alright, GERWALK could be a winner, kinda depends on what the emergence of the arms does to it's form. The "Supers" (Ghost Booster is what they look like) wing tip additions look pretty cool. Interesting that they chose to expose those so early and not show us any VF-31 add-ons apart from the battery and the RVF dome. Obviously they want to keep us in some suspense and trepidation over how many different packs we are going to have to buy. I don't want to sound like a downer, but the Draken looks way better in the anime than the Bandai prototype. At least to my eyes. It's all in the nose. Looks a little bluff and stubby in model form but sleeker in the animation.
  18. Moosey

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just beat me to Scyla, so the yellow -31 is an RVF-31 or is it an interchangeable mission pod setup?
  19. It does look great with the Supers on. I think I'd resisted for so long because you see Alto's VF-25 naked so much in the series and I do like the plan (from above) view of it in it's clean configuration. It certainly has a lot more presence now with the packs attached.
  20. Magic Saburo! Your pictures just made me open up my Alto Supers and dress him up. Great work as always.
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