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Everything posted by APU

  1. APU

    Joon's Valkyries

    Yeah, you guys are real smart. I get the impresion that you 2 are casual collectors. If you notice, most of the really big collectors have the MCPs in their collection along with Yamato and Bandai. They might not be the favorite but they are a nice addition to ANY collection. I cant stand when people force feed their narrow mindedness to others. I guess nobody should like it because you dont.
  2. Mine were $675 for a MIB Transformers Fortress Maximus, over $200 for a low vis VF-1A, too much for a Mcfarlane prototype Tortured Soul, $300 for a Canadian Pepsie promotion Optimes Prime, $300+ for my Movie edition Prime, and lots more on my other Transformers.
  3. APU

    Joon's Valkyries

    This is why people dont make their own decisions. People make dumb commints like this and then a new collector will read this crap and belive it instead of making their own decision. People who never owned a MCP will say its crap because its the "cool" thing to say. They are not crap, they are just another option for collectors to choose from.
  4. Thats the brown one right?
  5. What is the most money you have spent on your toy collecting in a single purchase? I also want to know what is the most expensive Yamato?
  6. APU

    Just got my Q-Rau

    Honestly, and I don't want to be an a-hole even if I sound like one, but we don't frakking care either you got it or not... What the hell is your problem? Just because you cant afford one or cant get one dont hate on him. People like you make places like this un fun. Say YOU dont care, I personally like to here what people get. Im suprised that people dont do more "haul" topics here. I love comming here but its too hospitle like. I got bashed for posting my Low Vis haul.
  7. APU

    K&M series 2

    See you Friday.
  8. APU

    K&M series 2

    Where can I get that set?
  9. Are they statues?
  10. I never collect for investment, I just dont have a really good place to display him. I dont just want him on a shelf, I want a case for im.
  11. APU

    The clear fastpacks

    Will they come in a color box or just a bag? I cant read the text in Japnese. Also, I just ordered 1 from Valkexchange and wanted to know when will they ship?
  12. I know very little about Macross, I know Robotech but I love both. My question is why is it that collectors from the US act like Robotech never happened? Forget all the leagle stuff and explain the hate for Robotech. I dont think because you expanded your views as you learned more about Macross you should totally forget and disreguard your love as a kid for Robotech. As a 9 year old in the US we as kids knew nothing about Macross or imported toys,(some say they did but I finde it very hard to belive) we knew Robotech and loved it. I hardly ever see anybody saying that they like Robotech. Iv been colecting Transformers for 20 years, Mcfarlane toys for 10 years and toys in general for ever and the Macross fanbase is the most intalectual(sp) of any fan groupe. No b1tching about everything like Mcfarlane fans,and no b1tching about short smokestacks and wrong color eyes like Transfans. I just dont understand the US collectors hate for Robotech.
  13. Im just in love with the realism of the weapons and planes. Even though its not, you can see them as being real. Transormers are my 1st love but I cant see any of them except the 1st wave Autobot cars, the Decepticon jets & Prime being real.What about you?
  14. Only exclusives that are GIVEN away are to certain bigshots of certain groupes at conventions. Im usually up on all convention ex even if I dont collect that line because I have worked many shows. I have never heard of this one. It would also have some sort of sticker at least.
  15. So why is it in a different box?
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3177989702
  17. Thats it, thank you. What epp was that?
  18. Who was the big guy who got shot down after he at his dinner and had to rush to battle? What epp was that?
  19. Iv had him MISB since he came out, I want to know if I should open him or not.
  20. I wanted to see collections of them, not sale shots.
  21. Can we see pics please.
  22. Anybody own him?
  23. I have been looking for this set for about a year. Any info or where I can get her?
  24. His collection already inspired a few of my purchases.
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