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Everything posted by APU

  1. I really cant stand when they say that Michael Jackson has all those toys to lure in kids.....Please, if I had his money you would see the worlds largest toy collection..seriously!!!!!
  2. You still have given a VALID reason...Because of a guys ego? I am simply talking about the cartoon, THATS IT. No politics or business involved, just the cartoon.
  3. I just read it and I just cant see why people dont like it. I really think most meople say that just to fit in. I have said many times that if you grew up in the 80s YOU LOVED ROBOTECH and had NO idea of all that went into it. There were no Yamato, there was just the HG products and you loved them too. Now that import toys are so hot, we do want them but I say in complete confidance that you are LYING when you say you hate Robotech now and as a kid. You CAN like Macross more now that you do know that it is a completly diff shows and uncut but if you are American in their 20s, you like Robotech and are just trying to fit in by showing your "HATE" for it especially those who feel the need to hate it every chance the name is mentioned.
  4. Nurse GIJoe, sealed Transformers...Predaking, White Headmasters, Diaclone Optimus Prime, Powdered Convoy, sealed Maximus can all get thousands.
  5. I got 6 out of 10...WOOOHOOO. You forgot the BW prototype Unicron from the 90s, the real Unicron not that mini Armada one.
  6. What is the diff in trading figures and gashapons?
  7. can you please show me some of yours? I realy like these. I like the female ones a lot. Can you tell me what are some good ones to get.
  8. I have been looking for these for about 6 months or more. Not even on ebay. I didnt even know the name untill I saw them on his site.
  9. Just got some stuff from him, some gashapons. When I get them it will determan if they are a new addiction.
  10. Isnt he a member here?
  11. How dare you steel my thunder with your arcade Great stuff, I love to see that kind of stuff.
  12. Just added 5 more and removed 1 DANGEROUS lamp. I love coollecting but it seems like Im always missing somthing.
  13. pics?
  14. Oh ok, I did say think ..So its to guide the missiles.
  15. Allmost all 1/48ths with a low vis for only a cuple hundred?
  16. I dont think its radar, I think its a gyroscope(sp) like in real planes, to keep it stable.
  17. APU

    Newbie Questions!

    I have no idea where the fragile thing comes from. Yes ither is some QC issues but ALL my MPC are great, they are even stronger than the Yamatos is some cases. Yes, the $70 price for a MPC is way to high, bit I All mine for under $50, I got the red $ blue set with fastpacks for $100. Speeking of the FPs, the Toynami FPs are way bore detailed than the Yamatos.
  18. I have one and the USS FLAGG is WAAAAAYYYYY to big for these.
  19. APU

    Newbie Questions!

    I don't have an MPC and I've only seen them in the box or on the Internet but I'm sure the general consensus would be that the Toynami MPC is far, far below the quality, detail, and accuracy of a Yamato 1/48. Nearly everyone would also rate the Yamato 1/60 as better than an MPC in terms of detail and accuracy (some think its more accurate than the 1/48, if not as detailed). The 1/60's have been criticized for lack of perfect transformation and floppiness/fragility, but neither has been an issue for me with my 1/60 Hikaru 1J. If you settle on the 1/55 scale, bear in mind that the Bandai reissues of the original Takatoku design cost about as much as the Toynamis and are far better engineered for durability. Proportions may be slightly better than the Toynamis in some areas, slighly worse in others. Toynamis are probably a bit more posable if quality control issues don't interfere. That is the problem, you dont have it... Dont put ideas into peoples mind based on "general opinion". Let him decide on non bias reviews from collectors (not Yamato purest) who collects a variety of Macross/Robotech toys.
  20. WARNING: Do not buy these with the intent to have loads of fun with them. They are the coolest but REALLY week where they come together. I had to glue on all my packs and a few other pieces because the fall off so easily.
  21. My 2 favorites. I want another set to open and display in fighter mode
  22. The complaining around here can be sickning. You do all this complaining and you know you will all buy it
  23. The Dancougar is transformable and the pain does not chip.
  24. If you meen me then Im right here, and how can you prove me wrong with your opinion. Opinions meen nothing to me unless I ask and if its a ignorant person getting upset over a toy then your opinion is a joke to me. I like both MPC and Yamato. I hardly ever heer anybody say that that the Yamatos are just as unstable. Who wants to take their toys apart to transform it? Who wants to squeez a little piece of plastic in the nosecone in fighter mode? The wheels dont lock and the missiles barley stay on with those little ass pegs. We all know that MPC has its problems but if you want to bash a toy for its flaws(Masterpiece) then make sure what you praise (Yamato) is flawless.
  25. Toybiz, Mattel and Hasbro have continous production but smaller companied only do short runs.
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