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Everything posted by APU

  1. APU

    Kids and your toys

    How do you deal with kids and your collection? I have a 2 year old son and I have not had 1 single incedent with not even the smallest toy in my collection room. He knows not to touch anything in that room. I have had worlds smallest Transformers on display at his leval and the tiny Ravage has not even been tipped over....good boy. How about you guys?
  2. http://bigbadtoystore.com/toy.asp?Queryid=af121
  3. APU

    Part 2

    Im real anal about how I display my things. TRANSFORMERS G1...G2...Car Robots...PVCs, Binaltech Macross...1/48..1/60 and the MPC ect. Everything in its own catigory. My point is, I have a few other collection figures and now this is my first Macross set. Do you display all your collection figures together with Macross or the Macross set will be with your other Macross toys? It hurts me to see collections with Mcfarlane, Transformers, WWF, X-Men and all other figures all mixed.
  4. APU

    Part 2

    do you think these are being painted by profession painters or figure paint masters? your review just made me buy a set of ebay. YOU OWE ME $40 so I got the cockpit and a set for $70, I think thats ok.
  5. APU

    Part 2

  6. Thats it, thanx.
  7. I have on still sealed but I want to read all reviews about it. I didnt see one in TOYBOXDX.COM.
  8. I can honestly say I have spent 99 times more on Yamato than MPC, I just like both. It dose not help that I am a completest in EVERY form of the word.
  9. smallblueplanet.com has the 1/60 super max for $40 and the super millia for $50. and they ship out of PA. shipping starts at $4.99 and up. and since i know you like the MPC's they got the 1R for $40 too...i think? i checked out the site this morning but can't remember off the top of my head. 2 OF EA + 2 mpc...yyyeeeeaaaaayyyyaaaaaaa!!!!!!
  10. WHERE?????!!!!!!
  11. APU

    Part 2

    I just got one of these( not here yet), how big is it? Can you tell me in inches please?
  12. APU

    Part 2

    What actually makes the price so high? I bet all the retailers will jack the price up reflecting the demand wich is not fair because the item has just been released. Why cant it be $40 per box just like the last one? I hope TM and VE have good prices on these.
  13. Who do you need? I need the M&M set and the 1D. Do you have them?
  14. APU

    Part 2

    Is that cockpit worth $30 ? I hopeso because I just bought one.
  15. Who are you missing? I am trying to get 2 of each and I am 4 short.
  16. APU

    UV lighting your valks?

    Banannas huh
  17. APU

    UV lighting your valks?

    The answer is really simple. Have you inspected the plastic on the MPC? Compare it to the Yammie 1/60 and you will notice that it is of significantly lower quality, much softer than the Yammie. Not only that, it is more translucent than the yammie, which is basically opaque. Hence, the glowing head syndrome... The Rick 1J MPC is white. Without the presence of dyes and combined with the translucence and cheap plastic, the yellowing will show up much easier and earlier. Anyways, in the end ALL plastics will oxidize by virtue of the air we breathe. Yellowing is inevitable. It can be slowed but not stopped. Ok, that's not true. You could keep it in a sealed chamber flooded with inert gas and it will probably not yellow, but if you have that kind of money and devotion to a toy, I think you need to get a life. Air oxidation is usually not a big problem for quality plastics. UV is much more effective at breaking apart organic bonds. That's why we wear sunblock: so our DNA doesn't get damaged. Not only that, UV is capable of initiating free radical oxidations, a chain reaction, in compounds that have halogens. Since many plastics contain halogens, I would guess this could be a problem. Just to clarify, I do organic chemistry as well as molecular biology for a living and while I do not work with plastics, the principles involved in any organic chemical reaction is pretty much universal. you call that simple? its still strange that i went to such great lengths to take care of it and keep it away for sunlight and otehr outside forces yet it still yellowed? i always thought it was sunlight that did this but now i have to find all new method(other than inert gases..do farts count? ) for storing my toys. and yes, the plastic is WAY CHEAP! I finde it strange how you took such great lengths to take care of it and keep it in the best condition possible...But its crap right? I think you had to justafy the fact of having a MCP by still being cool and saying its crap.
  18. Was your commint even needed You guys are quick to critacize(sp) peoples work and probablly have no talent at all. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!
  19. HOMELAND SECURITY is our new security systm to help stop terrorist and all such activities. I feel sory for anybody who orders a Transformers Megatron.
  20. I know in japan he comes with the flexy Prime, mabye out here also.
  21. where can I find the Takare Kicker figure from the Japanese Energon line?
  22. APU

    Spendy month for me!

    Damn. You even insulted his clothes.
  23. APU

    Spendy month for me!

    Do you have any 1/60s? Are you displaying any of them? SUBTOPIC: my girl has bought me Dancougar, the Palisades Optimus Prime ststue,1/48th Supermax(souze), 1/48 Vf-1S, 3 x 1/60s, 1 1/48 fast pacs, Spawn fossil watch, and a whole bunch of other stuff that cant be mentioned
  24. APU

    Low Vis on ebay

    Its not scalping if the price raises gradually and then you decide to sell, it took the low vis months to raise in value. This is scalping http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...3189864033&rd=1 Taking newly released hot items and jacking the price up.
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