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Everything posted by APU

  1. Good point. But this poll is so personally based. . . and almost half the choices aren't even Macross! In my humble opinion, a poll should be informative to the board members. I could be wrong. I posted my first poll today after a year or so. . . it is pretty rare that a valid reason to post a poll comes along. Anyways, no skin off my back. But I'd hate for the Max and Milia polls to be deleted because there are too many polls. . . just so this guy's brother can have a vote on what he should buy. H just relax The MODS can deleat it if they want, what is your complaining going to do?
  2. quality.
  3. Its clearly not a newby question
  4. Please add your own suggestions also.
  5. APU

    Better hurry

    About how many inches is the one in tne topic?
  6. APU

    Better hurry

    I bet nobody will admit to buying it . Are the legs on the silver one reversable?
  7. APU

    Better hurry

    how can you tell the size?
  8. APU

    Better hurry

    Why do you guys have to be so serious about everything? I thought I was on a toy board but you can be so negative some times. I wasnt advertising the auction, I just wrote hurry because it was a topic about this SDF-1on this board and I wanted you guys to see that there is more out there if you wanted it and spark discussion about the toy, not the auction. Some tact? Ill leave that alone.
  9. APU

    Better hurry

    Matrix. I was thinking of a board name, looked up and the Mcfarlane APU was right there so I said....OK
  10. APU

    Better hurry

    We are talking about the TOY, not the auction. If the MODS want to move it, they will.
  11. APU

    Better hurry

    I will give a review when it comes. I think its kinda big because I use the corner of the bed it is on as a size judgment but the photo of it out the box looks small....hell, I dont know.
  12. APU

    Better hurry

    I knew it was BL because I already have the Matchbox one.
  13. Like for cars. I would like to design my own and have it printed, how could I do that?
  14. APU

    Better hurry

    I guess thats a good price because I think they are pretty big. All the ones on ebay lately are from the same dealer. I got 1 last night when I saw one going for $200+
  15. APU

    Better hurry

  16. You have a lot of the EXACT same things as me, including the smallest Transformere displayed in that small case. Great collection.
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting What could I do to turn this into a Macross bike?
  18. Hey guys I dont meen to come off so serious because its not that big of a deal. I collect toys I really dont play with them so mabye Im not as hard on my MPC to know. Macross/Robotech, I like them both and we ALL can buy them whereever we want so I dont see the big deal in HG protecting their business like any other company would do. Sorry for making a big deal but I just tont understand why you guys get so upset. You guys forget that there are thousands of ROBOTECH fans and they deserve to buy non imports if they want. People over at RT.com know about Yamato and they still prefer HG MPC, everybody has a choice and not everybody into RT/MC has to like the Yamatos.
  19. You got me mixed up, I love the MPC and everybody here knows it. Im saying that a LOT of people bash Robotech and HG just to fit in. What I was referring to is the people who say "I hate Harmany Gold" to fit in but actually buy the products. Im also talking about those who never even had a MPC and bash it, I think the MPC is better than the Yamato 1/60 in every way. I have 2 of each MPC and have no QC problems with any. Im not saying that everybody should love it because I do, just dont blindly hate a toy or a toy Co to be part of the gang. Its toys to us, its business to them so how can you be mad at a company? Its like if I sold lemmonade, I would not want the kid from the next block on my street selling limeade, its business, its money its leagal. It only makes you guys mad because its a product you love.
  20. Its funny because some of you will remove the MPC Alphas from the shelf when you take your collection pics for the board. Your getting them just like me
  21. I was just explaining what a bootleg was, I wasnt upset at anything. II was also saying its nice to heer somebody explain somthing without using the word crap.
  22. Wow an adult who actually thinks like one.
  23. Who actually buys imports from conventions, the prices are usually WAAAYYYY too much, especially the Shrine.
  24. Small Blue Planet sent me 2 and I want one to have that dirty look, how do I do that? Has anybody done that?
  25. harmony gold claims to own all American rights to all things Macross (apparently they think this includes macross plus, II, 7, DYRL?, VF-X... you name it. If it is Macross, then according to harmony gold it is not allowed to be brought into america by any means... I think the last time i heard of them doing this, they refered to yamatos and bandais as bootleg robotech toys and demended that they be "returned" to harmony gold. um... isn't robotech actually bootleg? Um no a bootleg is somthing made of a existing product without permission. Like those swapmeet Spiderman that says "Spaderman" or "fighting Rangers" for Powerrangers.
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