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Everything posted by APU

  1. What the hell are you talking about? I did ask nice and I wasnt even asking you anyways. GODDAMN some people need to get a life out of MW.COM I cant take this place any longer.
  2. APU

    A few Low Viz questions

    How did you match the paint like that.
  3. What the hell is you guys problem? If somebody has detail photos I cant ask to see them like so many other people do all the time? As you can see, the auction does not show any detailed pics. This place is just like highschool, if you are part of the clique then you can do and say what you want, if not, ask a simple question and get jumped on...Funny
  4. Pics PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting
  6. I was still waiting for mine and was wondering if anybody got theirs yet?
  7. APU

    My collection

    I was going to ast the same thing.
  8. Gimme that crap That too, some of those,$300 WHAT!!!!!!! gimme one, ITS NOT CRAP!!!!GIMME 6.
  9. Just ordered one but the thing is it will be staying MISB just like my BPX-01, Dancouga, and Captain Herlock Arcadia. I just love the boxes just as much as the toys.
  10. here
  11. http://toyboxdx.com/set-rumble.html Where can I get it cheeper than $230? I really want one?
  12. APU

    Part 2

    he is too big
  13. APU

    A few Low Viz questions

    I think the low viz looks better without the FPs unless painted in the LVs paint job. Has anybody done that?
  14. Who would be the pilot? What is its perpouse and are we supposed to put FPs on it?
  15. APU

    Part 2

    Deff worth $30, out of ALL my Mac/Robotech toys, this is one of my favorites. I spent $30 on mine and $35 for the figure ste.
  16. Is the price marked or do have to do the math?
  17. APU


    you are smoking some serious pot man! gimme some! J.J. Hes smoking because he has an opinion not the same as yours? Funny Your views suck more than you say MPSs suck.
  18. not a customizing mistake but it was selling my MIB Transformers Jetfire for a bag of pennys.
  19. APU


    Why are people so goddamn timmid! If thats what you want to do then do it, why let some 70% negative groupe of people that get highly upset if you put a 001 sticker in the wrong place, or do a custom thats...OH MY GOD ... not in the movie!!! talk you out of what you want to do!? How can your mind be changed so eaisly? Its YOUR toy so put that light in that summbitch."Its not Robotech, its not Toynami, its not a MPC, its 1/48 perfection "
  20. If you use the middle it will not work. I use the method mentioned for a large diorama I made. Just use enough wire between each LED to space them where you want them.
  21. connect the wires to the outside post leaving the one in the middle empty
  22. APU

    Part 2

    Just got my set and the only complaint I have is Minmes Table dose not sit leval to the ground. Why are you guys so picky? Even if somthing was perfict you would still complain.
  23. I need a design made from 3 different logos, it is for my motorcycle. I am going to have it airbrushed on. The logos are the Macross kite, Decepticon symbol, the Outkast crown. I want them all together in some kind of way with tribal band type designs connecting them. I have $30 in paypal if thats enough for the work. I have the logos if you need them. It is going on a black bike so use colors that will complament that.
  24. Hey everybody, why no love for the 1/60s?
  25. He is 16 but takes good care of his things and unlike me, he is an opener. I might have to give Soze an email, the 1/48 with FP is winning so far.
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