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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I realised long ago that most people are completely oblivious to my sig simply due to the size-limitations. But as I always say: Bugger 'em. But then again, I haven't tried to change my sig in a while. So I wouldn't know whether or not the upload is broken. Why though, if I may ask, does Agent want to change the lovely self-indulging A1/Brock Lesby avatar... How could he possibly make it better?!?
  2. Don't forget those MC Hammer pants. Those things are the bomb.
  3. No they are evil!!! As is sniping!!! I think there's nothing wrong with people asking for offers. It happens in the classified ads of newspapers all of the time.
  4. I like chicken.
  5. Well, we've seen how Toynami's 'prototypes' compare to their 'production' toys. So, I think it's safe to say this is the best we'll see. A clear canopy might be an improvement, but that's if they throw.
  6. 323.4 on the bounce 208.6 on the fly. I kept going to see if I could surpass Valk Hunter D instead of tying, but to no avail.
  7. Overall it's a much better-looking toy than the VF-1 MPC. The seams hurt, as does the aforementioned seam on the 'faceplate'. How hard would it have been to make that one solid piece that is clipped or glued onto the rest of the head? Also, the whole nose/canopy area looks wrong to me. It doesn't seem out of scale, but out of shape. Does that make sense? Oh how I wish that 1) I had a lot of money, and 2) HG didn't screw up John Moscato's Legioss: Perfect Detail Version. If had the dough-dough I'd pay John to finish that, just so I'd have what is possibly the best MOSPEADA toy/model incarnation ever.
  8. Dude... HUNTER? Didn't that show go off the air over a decade ago? Didn't they already do a crappy made-for-TV movie last year?
  9. Yeah, it'd be as bad as if they made Soundwave into an iPod*!!! But I can see where it bears similarities to the VF-3grand, at least from that angle. The head looks alot like it. *although there is no doubt that would be evil.
  10. I've got a bit of cabin fever because I've been cooped up with a horrible ear infection lately. Maybe that's the cause of my hysteria!!!
  11. This can be fun...
  12. Hmmm... I've never seen that mod before. Great job, if I might say!
  13. 1) Congrats Graham! If it's a boy, I know you'll keep the name 'Jeff' in mind.... (heck, even if it's a girl!!! ) 2) The more I hear about the 1/100 VF-0 the more excited I get. Unlike others, I prefer smaller toys with amazing detail (see: GFF), the problem is that most companies who do smaller toys don't take the time to achieve a high level of detail, even though it's completely possible in nearly every small scale if you just work it out right. As opposed to other Macross toys which I couldn't justify pre-ordering, I might just do it with this. It'll be fun!!!
  14. Well, everyone is a critic. And many of us are critics of the critics themselves. I enjoy The Onion's movie reviews because they're never biased. They don't pander to certain director's simply because they enjoyed several of his/her movies from twenty years ago (Scorcese, anyone?). If there's something wrong with a movie, they'll point it out. But in the end, they'll tell you whether or not (in their opinion) a movie is worth trying out. Plus, whether they like or dislike a movie, the review is usually pretty funny. More than I can say for Gene Shallit (sp?) or the bickering duo- Ebert and Roper.
  15. I almost laughed when I saw the trailer. It looks like such crap. Sure, the base concept is sound, but when you think of it so was the concept for Robot Jox or Johnny Mnemonic. Add in the fact that the scene they keep showing in the trailers of a house exploding and throwing a character back (is it Kelso?) looks like one of the worst special effects of the new millenium. For those who care, here's The Onion's scathingly hilarious review.
  16. I kind of like smaller scales. Means more space on the shelf for other toys. I think the 1/100 VF-0 is looking good.
  17. What, someone's talking about curvy ladies and yet you've all failed to mention the bestest, hottest, sexiest one around: Monica Bellucci. Growl.
  18. IIRC- There was a rumor waaaay back when that Graham would neither confirm nor deny regard the Garland. Hopefully, we can see it over here under the moniker: Mecha from Robotech: The Movie!!!
  19. I agree with you totally. What I was trying to mention is that marketability be damned once Toynami entered the picture. HG didn't have to shop the idea around anymore once there was a potential-licensee who was yearning to create a product already.
  20. It does suck about the rover. But Humanity has to play catch-up with it's own destiny. It was the public's waning interest, even disinterest, in the Apollo program which sucked a lot of the energy out of the space program. What the world, not just the United States, needs is a strong space program. Every time something new happens, no matter who does it, the world gets excited. That excitement needs to be harnessed with the realistic promise of lofty goals, not just words to placate the masses or, as some might say, get re-elected. Instead of the forthcoming "space cold war" against China that's being hinted at, all countries with their eyes set on space should join together and achieve these goals layed before us. The Int'l Space Station was a good start, but it's obvious the U.S. and Russia planned and wanted to have the lead role. The space-race of the cold war was as much, if not more so, a tool of nationalistic pride rather than true exploration. It's time to shed that weak premise and do exactly what a majority of people want to do. Conquer the "unconquerable". Nationalistic pride is not conducive to acheiving these goals. A true space-race only has one opponent: Humanity vs. Itself. OK... I've been long-winded. Time to let this thread get back on track.
  21. Don't forget: The Punisher with Dolph Lundgren.
  22. I'm glad you enjoyed your incredible lesson. Oh, wait... you're being sarcastic. Silly me, I almost didn't catch your clever wit.
  23. Just watched the video. The beginning's hilarious! Somebody better tell HG that NASA's bustin' in on their copyrights with the Glaug-thingamabob-Teacher-Bot!!! Oh wait... HG doesn't go after big fish!
  24. "Guess what, Honey?" "AAAHHHHHHRRRRHHHHHGGGG!!!"
  25. Tim Robbin's frozen corpse finally broke orbit and crashed down on it. My sucker fish, Pretty Bird, died yesterday as well. Coincidence?
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