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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Interesting read. Thanks a bunch! Hey, there's a Raytheon complex just down the street from where I work. Maybe I should have "words" with them?
  2. http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/02/23/helicopte...l.ap/index.html
  3. Not so. The memorandum is still in effect. Therefore, even though Tatsunoko owns the copyright to the animation, they still cannot distribute or air it in Japan- BigWest still retains the rights for domestic distribution.
  4. Yeah, but it's reasonable to assume that the guys at ILM discussed the inclusion of the Falcon with Lucas first. I'm sure that all involved at both camps were aware of the situation and gave their full blessings, hence a lawsuit was never an issue.
  5. I made a whole crapload of 'em for Mac (don't know if they can be used on PC's): gurgle
  6. Agent One- Although I do understand your reasoning for argument, I also came to, and still believe, the same conclusion as Keith, based on about the same information. Coming to a conclusion such as this isn't the wild leap of insane logic you make it out to be. Now maybe one can be held accountable for arguing it as truth instead of theory, but I'm not going to say anything on that. edit:m spling
  7. Yeah, I really dig the "test-type" color theme. Plus, that figure down in the corner ain't so shabby either...
  8. Except from Coolio, who says his label gave permission without his consent. As Weird Al says: "Hey, he hasn't returned any of the checks we sent him."
  9. I forgot to respond to this part: Nintendo, Sony and the others actually lose a tiny fraction of their business to importers. In reality, much too small to expend the resources to combat. Smaller companies, like HG, who effectively re-started their toy licensing business, has a lot to fear from importers, since for the past 15-20 years, the importers have been (and still remain, IMHO) the sole source for quality Macross merchandise- A large and direct source of competition for HG's sudden aspirations. The risk to HG is much greater than the risk is for much larger companies.
  10. Abombz!!- Technically, there are laws governing all types of importing. The term "grey area" actually refers to the literal enforcement of those laws. It's legal to import single items for personal use. It is illegal to import them for the purpose of reselling them. Here's the grey area: How enforceable is the law when someone is importing and reselling products which are otherwise not available?
  11. Luckily, I received a premiere subcription as a gift, but let it run out as well. It's a good magazine, but the price is simply too steep, even with the subscription "discount".
  12. And he always tries to get the best pictures as well. His updates are the bomb.
  13. link
  14. Big pic. Nothing fancy, just resized.
  15. I wouldn't put that past them, but they should know by now that only one of us needs to sacrifice his pride and dish out the dough for the comic, just so he can post scans of anything "wrong" afterwards. Then again, we must remember that this is the company that put out Robotech 3000 and then tried to back-peddle saying that it was only a joke.
  16. Hey, the article said cover art by Yune. Anyhow, you are aware that an artist can have several different styles, depending on his mood, subject or materials, right? Even a 5 year-old knows that. I mean, would you immediately assume these two drawings (mine) are by different artists simply based on style?
  17. I know people are allowed their opinions, but... Every time I see a new cover by Yune it furthers my opinion that the guy isn't really that good. He has constant issues with proportion, details and mechanics*. I say: Let 'em die. *I mean, c'mon!!! mechanics is the most vital feature of any art featuring mecha. I admit that I've done some crappy mechanics in my time (for example, I hate the VF-4 I did here. it's tragic), but his stuff reeks. Like poo.
  18. Keep in mind that Tom Bateman's statement is technically "unofficial", and therefore most probably hasn't been sent through the legal-wringer to assure complete accuracy. I know this is going far, but he never said who had "officially licensed" it to whom. For all we know, he could've meant that HG had officially licensed it to Toynami, based on HG's assertion of Macross ownership.
  19. Is it me or does Lancer's fingers look really screwed up? I think we should take the "wait and see" approach. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual cover doesn't have the -19 on it.
  20. I thought it looked familiar, and I was plugging my brain trying to remember where I saw that same thing. Thanks for pointing it out Ewilen... I was getting a headache from the brain-fart. ps- Does anyone notice how the "laser/shot" from what's-her-name's gun is at a different angle from the line of fire?
  21. Ummm... Scott and Lancer aren't out of proportion. The artist is clearly putting together a scene. That's like saying this picture is out proportion: Because we all know Minmay isn't that huge!!!
  22. No. That's still a very crappy cover. It lends more to my theory that the coloring is the only bit of quality work done on these covers. BTW- That is a YF/VF-19. No ifs, ands or buts. I wonder how this one will play out? Not only restricting, but actually using M+ designs could spell trouble because they are treading on the very territory that Manga/BigWest/Studio Nue have the only legally recognized ownership of, according to the U.S. government. I think HG is definitely making a big push on the issue. Let's see what happens?
  23. Thanks - it must look pretty scary but I guess its reasonably safe or they wouldn't be cleared to do it. I wonder if the pilot has a large "NO!" sticker attached to the forward stick position...? It's a very nerve-wracking thing to see in person, I'll tell you. Your stomach does somersaults as you watch him go by.
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