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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I agree on both counts of Confidential and Ryan being robbed by crap. Thumbs Up smilie would be dandy.
  2. I realise now that I made a few errors with the box, but I'm sure you get the general idea.
  3. Here's what it'll look like with the size your currently using (1" per square?):
  4. Sweet! Back to the graphics- Like I said, I'm completely unfamiliar with Flash. What type of image do you incorporate into it? What I was hinting at earlier is that myself, or someone else, could take the exisiting graphics and clean them up a bit. I wouldn't mind volunteering for that. Here's an idea of what I mean: The one on the left is the original, the one on the right is a cleaner version (I drew it really fast so it doesn't look very good). Could this type of thing be used to swap the graphics for something a little cleaner looking?
  5. Damn them for courting the more profitable market!!!
  6. Lookin' good. I can't wait to play. Are you going to try to include the cutscenes as well?
  7. I saw Robotech first when it originally aired, and I liked the animation and the mecha a lot, but the story felt like a bad American chop-job. When I was young I read very adult stories at an early age (Hobbit and LotR, Asimov, Clark, Ludlum and Heinlein all before I was 10), so the kiddie-fare that was RT bored me. I sat there for a long time wondering how a show that looked so cool could also be so lame. Less than a year later I found out the truth about Macross, SC and MOSPEADA and took a much greater liking to them and their original stories then what happened in Robotech. Sadly, even though Macross is the most popular, SC and MOSPEADA definitely took the greater beating in order to make the square peg fit into a round hole. Secondly, it is a moral issue. I think that editing, chopping and otherwise maiming Japanese anime in order to make it more Ameri-friendly, or even worse, a completely new story, is lame.
  8. "Watchoo talkin' 'bout, Blaine23?!?" I agree that Allison Krause and Sting are not weak. But the songs from Cold Mountain are. IMHO, they were too sterile and unmoving. But like they say: Two Silver Spoons Together. You and I.
  9. Really? I thought both of the nominated songs from Cold Mountain were terribly, inexcusably weak. But that's just my opinion. Although Into The West isn't the best song ever, it was much more moving than any of the others (including that lame one from A Mighty Wind, geez I'm getting sick of those movies).
  10. LotR wasn't nominated for Best Sound Editing. So it was a clean sweep, the larget clean sweep ever (previous was 9 noms, 9 oscars) and tied Ben-Hur and Titanic for most wins. Mechamaniac- If the guy wants to look how he wants, let him be. I prefer that he was pretty much casual compared to all the make-uyp they throw on anyone else. At least he wore shoes.
  11. Macross and Southern Cross are not even remotely related (outside of the Robotech world)... I would like to see this screen cap It could still be one of those little gags that are so prevelant in anime.
  12. Helpful hint- The GBP armor realistically doesn't work with the nose of the VF. Remove the nosecone on the 1/48 BEFORE creating and mounting GBP armor.
  13. Yeah- It's a piecemeal image thrown together. Unofficial in every way.
  14. Can you clue us in as to what part is "from scratch"?
  15. Without getting too crazy, here are the Max and Millia VF's from the Battroid Attack video game.
  16. I think it all looks good. I've never really been a fan of the -1J head, but I don't mind it at all on your custom!!! Kudos.
  17. I'll have to think on this. My problem is that, design-wise, the Q-Rau is the only Macross mecha to take a step backwards in the DYRL release. I much more like the design from the original series over the DYRL design.
  18. mk16- I may be wrong, but compared to the little guy down on the ground, I think the scale is a little off, with the VF being a bit too big. Otherwise, great work. I dig the action pose.
  19. Batman Begins isn't that much better. It's like: "Batman... Here He Comes!!!" The Dark Knight would've been a kick ass name, it would also have re-enforced the seperation between this and the previous Day-glo Batman movies. Or how about: Batman Intimate?
  20. That is just too awesome. Excellent job, Nick!!!
  21. I'm telling you, though- If this guy really did this work in 4 hours like he says (and I have no reason to doubt him), he must be friggan genius!!! After looking through several of his pics it seems like he does these on the fly. If he took some time to plan them out a bit more, he could definitely get a handle the mechanics and proportion issues. crap... I need to take some lessons from him, real bad. Do you think he uses a graphics tablet?
  22. I'm not ripping him a new one. It's called CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. I think it's a really great piece of work. But I also think that his proportions are way off and his mechanical detail is lacking in a lot of areas. These "problems" are simply overshadowed by the amazing colors, composition and a penchant for creating great action shots.
  23. Mmmm... simple Google searches are just great for finding things... Revell Robotech Model Gallery I have the Revell SDF-1 in cruiser mode and the Axoid, which is a repackaged Millia VF-1J, complete with Millia decals.
  24. I think this Goodnight girl would make a great 1st grade teacher, because she speaks like she's narrating a kid's book. But besides that, her speaking voice is everything I hate about dubs. Her singing voice isn't terrible, but I've heard better.
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