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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Why is your baby inside a TV? And a black and white TV at that?
  2. Roycommi- I DL'ed the latest .zip file when I was home for lunch and I now understand what's going on. Here's my concern: In order to make the map blend seamlessly, we cannot use the same tiles more than once. Example: Let's say that Tile #5 is on the board in 4 different spots. That means we'll have to have 4 different versions of tile 5, each created to blend in with the tiles surrounding it. If this is the case, instead of having about 44 tiles for the map, we'd actually have 267 individual tiles. (math: Map 1 is 21 tiles across x 16 tiles down=336. The Border tiles are the only ones that can be re-used since they are not made to blend into the surrounding tiles. Therefore, they only count as one. That brings our tile count down to 267, the remaining 19 x 14 = 266 individual map tiles and one border tile). My question is- Would loading 267 individual tiles slow the game down too much?
  3. Hi, No I am sorry I was confusing. The array goes from 1 to 45, corrsponding to the number of different tiles there are in this level. for instance 1 is the boarder tiles, if you look at the array you can see it covers the entire outside of the map. The tile map generator I used allows you to paste all of the tiles onto one pallete, and basically paint the map you wish to have, then it will generate an array for you. The map tiles that I grabbed and sent to you are grabs from the screen caps of the level I took. They are sorted by terrain type, and difficulty modifier. Basically two seperate numbering schemes. When I get back to my work computer I will post the pallette I used and then you can see where all the numbers in the array are from. Cool. I'll be waiting.
  4. OK, now that I'm home and looking at what I have, I'm not sure I understand the array for Map 1 as you've listed above. In the set of map tiles you gave me there are no tiles in the single digits except for 001, which is the boarder tile. The nearest tiles after that start with 010. Are there some missing in the set you sent me?
  5. Roycommi- We will still be using the tiles, so the map won't be one complete static image. My intention is to find out which tiles go where in each map. Knowing that, I can adjust each tile so that it will blend seemlessly into the tiles next to it. So they will all still be individual. But won't look individual on the map as a whole. Given, this will mean that the tiles will now be numbered according to which Map they belong to, and their coordinates as well (Example map1-x3,y23.bmp, map12-x34,y23.bmp) . Also, the same tile basic tile on one map will be slightly different on another map due to it's blending with the surrounding tiles. This will require specialised versions of each tile based on it's position on the map. But it will work. And it will look gooooood!!! I will do an example based on the information you've given me and post it when it's ready.
  6. AgentONE- Those PSA's are directly targetted to the man in the theater who's holding up his digital camera in order to film and pirate the movie. After seeing the ad, he hangs his head in shame and turns of his camera. Because he now knows he was about to steal not only from Ben Affleck and Pauly Shore, but from Manny, stuntman #2 in The Banger Sisters, and Brenda, Makeup Assistant for Holes.
  7. In Perfect Memory they show an SD Max VF-1J extending it's arms to catch the landing cable.
  8. As if they'd listen.
  9. Now that I look at it more, I think I need to fix the red arrow on the VF-1S's temple. But that shouldn't be too hard.
  10. The YF-1R is based on what is believed to be an animation mistake. It is a VF1A with a laser on both sides of the head as well, ala' VF-1J or -1D. RT chose to utilize that mistake as an actual vehicle in their game, Battlecry, although they changed many features of the head, including adding a chin, slats on the side, and making the eyepiece hexagonal. Also, there is an 'R' series in Macross non-canon (from the PC-Engine game Macross 2036). These are "refined" VF-1's, known as VF-1AR, VF-1JR and VF-1SR.
  11. BTW- Is there a link to the original article that this hoopla is about?
  12. Well, IIRC, Blasto-Toys was the only retailer to actually retain the services of a lawyer against HG. So I'm assuming the lawyer would've known the options going in, but since many of the events regarding Spidey and his lawyer are not disclosed, we can only speculate. What we do know is that Spidey's lawyer contacted HG and their lawyers requesting proof of their claims, which HG refused to devulge. And that's where we stand. Sometimes I wish I would win the lottery, just so I can get a license from BigWest and force the issue here in the States. With a couple million in my pocket, I'm sure I could make a case last long enough to straighten out the whole debacle.
  13. Hmmm... Not that I can think of offhand. Macross Fan Creations is, AFAIK, the only English website set up specifically to showcase Macross fan art. You can probably search around the web. Robotech.com has a fan art section where there are quite a few Macross-inspired images. You might want to take a gander over there.
  14. Here's my first stab at the VF-1S seen in the status window.
  15. Worked on the pilot tiles. Let me know what you think.
  16. But how would[/]i one display that below their canopy? Seriously, it's really up to you. Is it PC to include kill marks that are easily identified with the Zentran and Meltran who are now allied with the human race? Something to think about.
  17. Stay Puft Marshmallow Men.
  18. Roycommi- I was thinking, instead of sending you the map tiles, you could let me know how they are supposed to be placed on the map itself. That way I can drop them into place and clean up the seams, and then number the in some type of grid fashion (using X and Y coordinates). That way, we'll have a nice happy map that'll look marvelous. Let me know what you think.
  19. Update: On the first post of the first page I've added a new link to a great VF-0 blank. The detail is wonderful!!! Knock yourselves out!!!
  20. I'm also going to link to this picture in the Un-Official Lineart thread. The amount of detail on that image is grand!!!
  21. I think it looks pretty good. For future reference, Photograph your models on a white or solid color sheet or piece of paper, and try to get the room a lit up as possible, so that there is a load of indirect light on the model.
  22. That's some very clean work!!! It looks pretty damn amazing. Keep us updated!!! p.s.- Are you going to have a rotating turret, or will it be set in place?
  23. Heck- If it's a Japan-only thing, let's get Minkey-N on the case!!!
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