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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Ummm... I specifically stated that Elijah Bailey is not in the I, Robot shorts:
  2. I just reads the synopsis on IMDB.com and it looks like this movie is a combo of many of Asimov's robot stories, with Will Smith's robophobic character, Del Spooner, taking the place of Asimov's agoraphobic character Elijah Bailey (who doesn't show up in any of the I, Robot short stories).
  3. uhmm, you should read the Azimov books/novels, then. There's enough situational, atmosphere and environment background-stuff in Azimov's books to get presented with what they're doing with this I, Robot movie. I haven't seen the trailer yet, but BSU Legato states that they show Will Smith blastin' evil robots. We all know there are no "evil robots" in Asimov's world. The Three Laws of Robotics forbid such a premise.
  4. Well, like I said, I love the FM series. I'd suggest either renting FM3 (if you can find it, and it's a PS1 game, so keep that in mind), or following the link that dejr8bud has posted to get a free demo of FM4 for the PS2.
  5. Did you peruse through all of the Wallpaper threads in this section first? Almost all of the wallpapers any of us have made are posted somewhere in the Fan Works section.
  6. Wait- I think I was right. As of 2/19/04, a press release says Nam '67 is due out in June, and that Killzone is due out 4th Quarter. p.s.- FM4.
  7. Oh. I thought Nam '67 comes out before Killzone. I guess I'm wrong. I'll just go over in the corner and cry now. Let me state again: Three words- FRONT MISSION 4 The FM series rocks, and FM3 is my favorite mecha-based game ever. I have a positive feeling that FM4 will rock as hard, if not harder.
  8. Yes. This "movie" is "inspired" by the world portrayed in the short stories collected in I, Robot. It makes me sad.
  9. Mmmm... Thanks Dangard Ace!!!
  10. No, Manga wouldn't have to get permission. Being the distributor, they can distribute to whomever they please as long as the company they distribute to can legally sell retail products. One thing for sure, agreement or not, this solidify's the fact that HG doesn't have exclusive rights to all of Macross.
  11. I don't have Flash on my computer here at work and the website doesn't work on my Mac at home*. *When I try to load up the M-zero site on either Safari or Explorer at home, it "thinks" for a while and then flashes a message saying that a script on the page is slowing down Macrosmedia Flash and asks me if I want to abort the script. If I say NO, it goes back to thinking for a while and then asks the same question again. If I say YES, it thinks for a while and then the whole page starts running at super-speed and keeps reloading itself and there's nothing I can do with it.
  12. Ummm. the Zero site doesn't work for me. It gets screwy with the Macromedia Flash.
  13. Sometimes the first thing I think when I see a picture isn't always the most appropriate.
  14. IIRC, doesn't Nam '67 use an earlier iteration of the same engine that Killzone is running? I think it looks neat-o as well.
  15. PS2. Three words: Front Mission 4. Also, the buzz about Killzone* is very positive. *Killzone is PS2's answer to Halo. Apparently they've made the PS2 do things graphically that no one ever thought it could do. It's like The Little Engine That Could, Seabiscuit or Sally Struthers.
  16. Well, when one clone gets old, they start brewing a new one. Should the new one acheive the same rank without accumulating the same experience? No. Secondly, someone mentioned IQ's and cloning. Sorry, but you cannot replicate an IQ. That will have to come from actual input and experience. So the lower soldiers probably aren't taught much. Fly Regult, Eat, Poo. Done. But then certain other soldiers from exceptional genetic stock are put into better positions and taught more, and then given a higher rank once they are battle-ready (kinf of like a Zentran/Meltran OCS). Although, this doesn't answer the question of why they didn't simply breed 100,000 Millia's instead of one. That would be nice*. *"Two Millia's for every boooooy..."
  17. Maybe it should move to San Francisco and marry any one of RC's threads.
  18. Hey, what's up with that Q-Rau's face, it's twisted to the right a bit.
  19. Well, IIRC, the Nichimo kits are not known for having accurate proportions or being in correct scale. Don't get me wrong, I think they're great. I have several myself and they look good (except for the Valks, they could never make those look right).
  20. Call me crazy, but that Q-Rau looks better than the Yamato one.
  21. Which imacross server? I was trying to get on 4 last night but it wouldn't connect.
  22. OK- We'll leave the tiles as is. They still look pretty dandy. I'll e-mail them off to you. The read helmetted pilot I did is an adaptation of the Kai Rood tile you sent to me. I can add some changes to make it more individual, what would you like me to do? I'm still working on the rest of the tiles, so I'll get those to you asap. I'll work on the cutscenes as well, if you'd like. Preferably I'd rather get all the maps, character and piece tiles done first, but I'm more than willing to get going on the cutscenes for you.
  23. You're terrible. But then again, a nice Super-Deformed VF-1S costume for Baby's first Halloween would definitely be in order.
  24. Well, your bro-in-law needs to get up to speed on things. Kids these days are privy to A LOT more information then we were growing up. You really should tell your bro-in-lawe and sister about it because it's obviously time for them to explain human anatomy. They should just tell him what the parts are and only tell him what they actually do if his questions veer that way. At least, that's what I'd do.
  25. Eh, just tell him the truth. If he's 1) Heard the word "testicles" and 2) Has kind of figured out that those two dangly spheres are testicles, you might as well just get it over with. Or tell his parents to get it over with.
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