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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. The mods are under no obligation to inform you if they move something. Plus, this is not a Macross game, it is an RT game. It has been pretty clear for years that if it isn't Macross, it goes in Anime and Science Fiction. Sheesh...
  2. Gerli sent me an ARMD in .max and Blender won't read it. Guess I need to clarify that I am using the Mac versions of all of these programs...
  3. I think that the figures for the VFs, especially in Guardian and Battloid mode, don't look too good. I know that someone designed a Gnerl (don't know the RT name) and is selling it on Shapeways... wouldn't be surprised if HG bought one and then stole design just like they did with for the Super-Poseables. This brings up an interesting thought project, though. If Kickstarter existed back when HG started their whole C&D campaign, I wonder if Macross fandom around the world could've funded enough money to retain a lawyer and expose exactly what they do or do not own?
  4. Apparently I don't have anything that can read .MAX (unless you can convert them to .obj or .3ds or something) So far I have the following programs for opening/viewing these files: Sketchup (haha) Blender Sculptris 3Dtoolbox I'm not sure exactly what file types I can or cannot import using these programs, but I will give anything a shake if you want to throw it my way. Thanks!
  5. Who? Me or Chthonic?
  6. Some dubs that are 'adapted' instead of translated literally, when done right, can be really good. I'm thinking Patlabor the Movie, and Wings of Honneamise. Even the old Streamline Akira dub isn't that bad, and I have fond memories of it (enough so that the Pioneer dub seems somehow wrong to me). I think subs are just much more preferable because a bad dub can ruin the experience.
  7. In my search for 3D models to use as references, I have spent time perusing this thread, and not just looking at the pretty pictures. It is actually really cool to watch the history of this thing play out. That head is too damn cool. Too bad my wife won't let me spend $100 on something like that... yet.
  8. I'm still not buying into the mecha designs, but I am hopeful that GdT will tell a fun and engrossing story. My wife may veto this one just because she wants Hellboy 3 so badly, but maybe we can find a babysitter when it comes out.
  9. Hello all! Just a quick update: Thus far I have received a VF-25 model, which is good b/c I have a MacF project stewing in the back of my head. But I have also received a low-res SDF-1 in Storm Attacker mode, which is great because my current inspiration is a DYRL?-themed pen and marker drawing. So, please, please, please, please... if any has anything they can contribute, please let me know. At this point I am specifically looking for Strike and Super VF-1 models, low-res with no skins (or do you call them textures? I don't know) are fine. Just something that I can move around in space to give me the right perspective and angles. p.s.- If you are willing, just throw whatever you can at me. No need to send only Sketchup, Blender, or Sculptress-compatible files. I will figure out how to view them based on file type. thx
  10. Yeah, just Macross stuff.
  11. Hey MW team- I've got a request for all of you 3D modellers out there: I was curious if I could partake of your 3D models to use as references? I will not fiddle with them, claim them as my own, or do anything with them except to pose them as source material for my hand-drawn artwork. To be honest I (still) know nothing about 3D modelling. I current have Google Sketchup, Sculptris, and Blender to view 3D models. So I guess I would need versions that work with those programs? Hahaha! Please let me know if you would be interested in sharing your models with me. No textures or anything, just the basic model itself. Thanks! twdc
  12. A world based on slightly anthropomorphized vehicles, and THAT is where your disbelief kicks in?
  13. It seems that the infamous 100% Pure Macross logo does not meet the standards set my back to be put on a personalized debit card. Don't know why... I'm thinking of trying the Hatchling Valk image next.
  14. Some computer shop in Lyon, France. Not in the weirdest place, but adorable nonetheless (right guys?!? RIGHT?!?).
  15. I thought it would've been better if Anakin fell to the dark side by the end of Ep II, and then Ep III is the war between the Jedi and the newly minted Empire, with the added excitement of Obi-wan trying to spirit away Padme (who doesn't die at childbirth), baby Luke and baby Leia. In it we would also see Anakin's jealousy made legit as Padme and Obi-Wan fall for each other. This would also help to bolster the dedication Obi-Wan shows towards guarding Luke on Tattooine. Just my thought.
  16. Those bodies are just the wrong shape for the Lovely Angels.
  17. Is this a pseudo-prequel to 80s film The Monster Squad?
  18. Good job, kanedaestes! I have to admit that, while I am still on the fence about the V.Ka., seeing your photos of the kit in action makes it look pretty good!
  19. And my mistake, it isn't the Striker Eureka, but looks to be the Crimson Typhoon, albeit in mirror-image (the spec sheet shows the double arm on the left side, while the trailer shows it on the right side).
  20. Good point Taks, but in the case of ST (I could give a rat's ass about Doctor Who [sorry guys]), most 'technical specs', especially from the original series, are retcons. It wasn't until the popularity of TNG that these ships began being designed with more 'precise' technical specifications in mind. My guess is that goes the same for that Doctor Who book you posted. But in the case of Pacific Rim, they've come into the game showing their cards, and had a clear purpose in mind when they came up with it all which was "Wow, we think these details are awesome!" I'm sorry if my nitpick of a movie that hasn't been released yet is bothering you but, as I've stated repeatedly in this thread, I expect A LOT from GDT. The more and more I'm seeing of this movie, it looks like he let Hollywood hit him over the head with the "We know what looks and sounds cool!" stick. I mean, they can build giant mecha in this story, why not some advanced lifting vehicles for them, as well?
  21. But that is just my point: why make up and then publish all of these 'pseudo-specs' if you're going to be completely unrealistic anyway?
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