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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. Interesting designs, bro! I love boxy designs, but I can never do them right. What are they for (if you don't mind my asking)?
  2. What? No "Refrigerator" love?!? Chronocidal hits the nail on the head in his spoiler comments above. Is it gimmicky and half-assed? Yeah. But all of Trek is. It doesn't mean it won't be entertaining. Plus, Benedict Cumberbatch is going to be such a joy to watch in this.
  3. "72"? William "The Refrigerator" Perry is serving aboard the USS Enterprise?!?
  4. A lot of mech designs favor fashion over function and utility. My inspiration here is the functionalappearing aesthetics of Appleseed's landmates (espcially early on, I think they get more fanciful as the volumes progress). In my head, I totally can see the functionality of the design on the left (it is the first iteration), especially for what the mech is designed to do. But for some reason I keep getting the feeling people will just see it as campy. ??? Obviously there is a lot more refinement to go into the whole thing, but the basic shape, as it is, has finally kind of jelled for me, except for the bottom half of the legs.
  5. OK, I'm looking particularly for opinions on the lower leg design. Right or left?
  6. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the eggplanes, as well. I prefer the chibi versions of VFs found in the Perfect Memory book. But you CGI is cool!
  7. I put the word out oto my FB friends, and also switched over to my Asplenia Studios page and 'liked' it, too, so that it can reach a broader audience than just my friends (although I'll wait a day or two before mentioning it). Just glad to help out!
  8. Hey everyone, we can add .fbx files to the list of things I can view. I DL's an extension for QuickTime that lets me view them. Otherwise, like I said, I'll take anything you throw my way and will see if I can make it work on my end. No need to try to convert files if you don't have the time to do so. Just PM me and I will send you my e-mail addy. Thanks a bunch! twdc
  9. Anyone in southeast UK going to the Abingdon Air Show on May 5th?
  10. Maybe I can? I've basically been collecting free programs on the mac to help me view this stuff- Sketchup, Sculptris, Blender, 3d Tollbox, Xee... I just downloaded a plugin that is supposed to let me view fbx files through quicktime. If anyone has any other suggestions on others, I'm all ears!
  11. Hey, wait a sec! I'm the one looking for models, not Lestat! (or, maybe he is too)
  12. Sounds plausible. I just wanted to put a little bit more of the SDF-1 in the image. However, without you, this never would've happened. You're the meaning in my life. You're the inspiration.
  13. I liked it on FB although, as an American, I take offense at the Pig. Just kidding!
  14. I have a couple of programs that can view .3ds and .obj files, so those are cool. If you can't just send me what you can and I will try to find some way of viewing them... I mean, I'll take hi-poly (am I saying that right) if someone offers. I just wanted to be absolutely clear that I am not going to go running around claiming some 3d model as my own, when someone else put so much work and time into it! What I really don't need are any nice skins or anything. just the basic form and such.
  15. I know we're not supposed to promote our other threads here, but I thought everyone who has hit this topic might be interested, and I'm pretty darn proud of it: 100% Pure Macross (links to a thread in Fan Works)
  16. Special thanks to Duke Togo for the original 100% Macross logo, the inspiration! You can read all about it at my website!
  17. Heck, one of the characters in my webcomic strip (currently on hiatus due to our recent international move) has it tattooed on his forearm...
  18. (Mods- If I put this in the wrong place, please shift it to where it belongs [i thought long and hard and wasn't sure where else to put it].) The question should be fairly easy: does anyone remember who created the 100% Pure Macross logo? A google search shows that Omni Existence uses/used it at another forum, but I can't find if he/she is the one who actually designed it. I ask because I am working on a little project (coming soon to a MacrossWorld Fan Art forum near you!) inspired by the logo, and want to be sure it is properly credited. Thx!
  19. While I wait for any submissions to trickle in, I had a flash of inspiration for a piece based on the 100% Pure Macross logo. We'll see how this pans out...
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