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the white drew carey

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Everything posted by the white drew carey

  1. I don't know... at least they have the common decency to reference Macross instead of Robotech when discussing planes that turn into robots in this article: http://kotaku.com/you-wont-believe-this-is-an-indie-combat-game-512755897
  2. I find Microsoft's implosion to be funny, don't get me wrong. But if we do pick up a next gen console, it will probably be the PS4. I've just found that I like the exclusives more, and that the whole Xbox vibe both in the way MS operates and the community as a whole just puts me off. Sony did really lay MS on the mat last night, though. Like I said, funny stuff.
  3. I'm a big fan of the storytelling in 0080, as well as the attempt to bridge 0079 with some of the later series (IMHO, it wasn't until 0080 that we really began to see a realistic and up-to-date RX-78 design). As for designs, Sentinel is the crème de la crème, yet to be out-done. I really wish they had made an OAV series out of that rather than Unicorn.
  4. Join the club.
  5. Sure are hard on yourself, aren't you? Maybe you should draw a new one and post it here (hint hint)?
  6. I probably should put something together soon, although mine are never as good as the other guys... except for maybe the Petite Cola Girl.
  7. I'm really torn about this one because Jesse Eisenberg (the Poor Man's Michael Cera) was only entertaining in one film: Zombieland. Everything else I've seen him in he plays that same character and, to be honest, that person is annoying to watch except in the world of Zombieland.
  8. Having always thought the cockpit was just awfully done on these, I am glad someone finally put forth the effort to put the pilot and seat in the right place, proving that it CAN be done. This is just too awesome.
  9. I have yet to make it to one... About 6-7 years ago I was *almost* able to tie it in with a visit to a friend in California in which it would also have coincided with a Lagwagon concert and then a Gwar concert, but it didn't work...
  10. Indeed. Whenever the subject of 'drones' comes up, many of my friends are surprised when I tell them how large some of these are. It is a common misconception that a drone is a tiny piece of machinery.
  11. You mean rather than them molding it in grey camo and then painting yellow over it?
  12. What he said. I mean, I like AC as much as the next person, but... yeah.
  13. I'm not as critical of the cutouts. They're just there to look cool, but aren't as nonsensical as other things we've seen in Trek. I mean, look at the Oberth class. How the heck did crewmembers get from the primary to the secondary hull. That is much more "WTF?!?" design than this.
  14. By that same logic, then the "Hey, let's connect the two important sections of our ship by a slim, little neck!" should be your next complaint.
  15. I guess I don't see what the problem is with it being the shuttle. Maybe there is a time frame for the film that requires it be set during the shuttle era?
  16. Yeah, read the non-fiction book Enemy at the Gates, in which the story of Vasily Zaytsev is just a small portion of an amazing historical account. Still, this could be interesting. However, considering how difficult it is to go see movies with a 1-year-old, this one may have to wait until home release...
  17. Yep. He's like a wrangler, or something.
  18. I just started a job at a school for children 7-18 years old, and overheard two of the students (probably around 13-14) refer to PS2 and Xbox as "retro gaming". I had to suppress a chuckle.
  19. All I know is that Alfonso Cuarón is a brilliant director, and that is enough to get me into the seat for this film despite what seems to be a cheesy premise. If renegadeleader1 didn't like "Children of Men" (seriously?!?) then maybe this isn't going to be his cup of tea. However, AC is not a genre director, so one really shouldn't base an unseen opinion of one his films based on the experience of only a single other.
  20. Pretty nifty. We usually don't think of the Q-Rau in dynamic poses like this. Good stuff!
  21. Maybe. I've got a lot of paid work I am working on at the moment, and still have a Frontier-themed drawing and another DYRL-themed drawing gestating in my head.
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